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  2. All well and good but they wouldn’t know their history. WC on the other hand - oh oh oh OH.
  3. PP raised a frisson of excitement back in the day, it was the soul goddess, 'PP Arnold'. She collaborated with Steve Marriott on the Small Faces classic, 'Tin Soldier' and did the definitive cover of Cat Stevens, 'the First Cut is the Deepest'. (I am sure Gonzo will load the appropriate YouTube videos). Of course, these days in Scottish football, PP is short for, 'Peter's Placeman'. Today, they are all Peter Placemen, the snouts know who controls the gravy flow. The President of the SFA, Mike Mulraney has taken to the Scottish football press to inform us all that his fellow SFA Directors are not Blazers and, anyone labelling them so, "are ignorant". Further, they are all deserving of a doubling of salary and Peter approved the passing of yesterday's AGM motion allowing the increases. PP looks out for PPs and anothe PPP, Wullie Collum receives special praise. Mike utilises PLZ(Peter Martin's daily Sellik Podcast) to tell us, "from Australia to the Americas we looked at a number of candidates, the outstanding candidate in the world wide search was Wullie". PP approved. Whatever became of the Laptop Loyal?
  4. rumour rumour rumour given that the transfer window doesn't open until the 14th then we can buy and sell so just sick back and enjoy the Euros the tennis the golf and the olympics and some wee visits to the horse racing .
  5. All the transfer rumours sources are hit and miss. Most just pick up info from other rumour sources. A transfer can fall apart at the last minute or alternatively come from nowhere. That's why I tend to not get too interested until the player is officially confirmed by the club.
  6. Today
  7. I don't recall ever seeing a story from him that I hadn't seen elsewhere first, but can't recall the specifics of the Sakala one. As you say, very hit or miss.
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