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  1. With just ten days until Rangers kick off their competitive season at Tynecastle next weekend, it's fair to say it's been less than a positive summer for our supporters with two main lowlights dominating the discussion in recent weeks. For many, the main point of contention will be the issues related to stadium improvements at Ibrox. Work to construct an additional cantilever section of seating similar to that of the Govan Stand in 2006 was brought to an abrupt halt apparently due to a shortage of steel from Asia - though there are suggestions that's not the only reason. This means with a fortnight left until our first 'home' game of 2024/25, we know that match will be played at Hampden but that’s it. From average Joes in the Copland to high profile commercial club partners, none of us know our seat or the logistics associated with getting there. Worse, we’ve no idea how long this will be for. To call this a shambles is an understatement. Now, the intentions associated with the works are good ones. From providing better facilities for our disabled fans, to ensuring we’re fulfilling UEFA rules for European matches, such improvements are often non-negotiable and necessary. However, with a tight schedule for the project any issue was always going to be problematic and some things can happen which are unforeseen, no matter how well you plan. However, to not account for such simple eventualities as material supply really is embarrassing for all associated with the works. Material orders should have been made with back-ups in mind and Rangers could easily have ensured they had alternative stadium agreements already in place in the event there were delays. It seems this didn’t happen and someone – not just the individual apparently fired – should be clear and up front why the process was so flawed. Either way, our summer wasn’t off to a good start when initial rumours turned to formal delay announcements last month. No matter, even with the red face we all have to complement our new Rangers strips (the emails asking us to buy these weren’t delayed), surely the more important stuff of improving the squad would take our minds off having to sit at Hampden instead of Ibrox? An unsuccessful season last term – albeit with a reasonable European run and winning the League Cup despite having to change our manager early doors – and a raft of players coming to the end of their contract meant wholesale amendments to the squad were required. Again, this was no easy task. With seven players either leaving on a free or their loan deals ending, that was the minimum number of additions needed over the summer. To that end, we have seen eight players come in but that doesn’t tell the whole story. Two of these were players returning from loan: Sam Lammers and Ianis Hagi whose Rangers careers appear to be all but over with neither likely to feature for the first team again. Similarly, Oscar Cortes was already here on loan last season. That leaves five new players (Kelly, Jefte, Nsiala, Barron and Igamane), none of whom could be considered first picks, to supplement a bloated squad that was always going to need further urgent, quality upgrades. In fact, Jack Butland aside, it’s difficult to make the case for any player as being essential for the future and even the big Englishman might be dispensable to help pay for reinforcements. Indeed, a variety of players have been linked with moves away. From captain James Tavernier (who hasn’t featured in any pre-season game so far) to his declining deputy Connor Goldson and mercurial midfielder Todd Cantwell, suggestions of their exit appear strong with the hope reasonable compensation will be agreed for their services, allowing us to replace them with better. Yet, at the time of writing, none and have actually moved on and no-one else has arrived. Add in the failure to find buyers for more fringe players such as Davies, Dowell, Matondo, Wright and Lawrence – all who have been shown to be unreliable in terms of fitness and/or quality – then fans are rightly confused ahead of our two final friendlies this week and a closing deadline for the vital CL qualifier in early August. All this means criticism of the club has been quickly building in recent weeks as fans start to lose patience. Stadium problems are one thing but a demonstrable lack of direction and leadership is quite another. The club have released empty emails on the Hampden move but when it comes to matters on the pitch, our communication is even worse. We’ve seen conflicting statements to (and by) the manager about strengthening the team and its uncertain just how long Phillipe Clement will put up with what appears to be a lack of support for his ambitions. What was the Belgian told last year before he took the job? What has changed since? Why are squad changes taking so long? Who is responsible for the day-to-day decision-making at the club and is this delaying all these essential processes? Why has this unacceptable situation been allowed to develop? Only one person can answer these questions and that’s the chairman/temporary CEO John Bennett. Conspicuous by his absence in terms of fan communication, the scrutiny and pressure upon him is now intense. Ultimately, the buck stops with him and all the negative issues of recent years are arguably his responsibility. It doesn’t matter if it’s the farce of Old Firm ‘friendlies’ abroad or the more critical lack of joined up thinking when it comes to managers, sporting directors and the football department, it’s very difficult not to think Bennett and his fellow board members are out of their depth. The chairman has promised a more in-depth statement by the end of this month. However, I think we must make it abundantly clear before this happens, his interview cannot consist of generic soundbites, excuses and moonbeams but be accompanied with clear actions. What we need to see is players moved out now with better replacements brought in immediately. Equally, we need a new Chief Executive with genuine experience and board members with gravitas that can work from Ibrox on a day-to-day basis; not part-time from afar. And, if this can’t happen quickly enough, then be honest, be transparent and be clear too. Is this season to be one of longer-term transition? Should our expectations be more cautious as a result? Will the appointment of suitably qualified directors take more time? When will we return to Ibrox? Is the manager on board with all the above? In conclusion, I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say John Bennett is in the last chance saloon with many Rangers fans. Yes, his financial support of the club has been essential in recent years and that backing cannot be under-estimated. Likewise, we just can’t snap our fingers or stamp our feet and have a range of rich benefactors ready to invest into or buy the club. But neither can that mean poor performance is excused and there is too much evidence of serious mistakes across the club in recent seasons that tell us leadership is lacking. The clock is ticking then: not just for the completion of the Copland Road and not just for changes to the squad but for changes to the very fabric of how the club is run for this season and beyond. With the club’s competitive foundation of success in increasingly clear question, we cannot be found wanting.
    10 points
  2. "It's all for six hundred seats". Above is Susie McCabe's concluding statement on the current Copland Road stand development, this after a five minute rant where she explained the purpose and responsibilities of a Project Manager. I attended the Club AGM in early December'22 and compiled a report for Gersnet, I have replicated the fourth paragraph. Andrew Dickson presented Rangers prescribed plans for Disability by itemising the following : 1. the historical demand. 2. the desire to create the best provision in the UK, an exampler to the Disabled supporter. 3. the development deemed necessary for the wheelchair bound supporter. 4. a project team consisting of architects, engineers and, the Disabled supporters grouping had been assembled to oversee the development. 5. some existing season ticket holders will be displaced to accommodate the newly created wheelchair spaces. 6. over 1,000 seats will be cleared to create 162 anchorages plus attendants. 7. 1,800 new seats will be realised by extending the lips of the upper tiers of three stands. 8. the Ibrox capacity will increase by 727. 9. the necessary disabled toilets, kiosks and, lifts will be installed. 10. resolution 8 is required to raise the capital to fund the project. This information is publicly available, the AGM was minuted. The public broadcaster has NOT bothered it's arse to view it because if it is accurate, it would have to be objective. These last three weekends, we have endured three separate discussions on the Copland stand reconstruction and, not one has even touched on the reasoning behind the works. First up was a forty minuted diatribe between Liam McLeod and Tom English, next was the Diversity Twins of RAB and Tam riffing for a couple of hours on Lego and wherever I lay my hard hat, that's my home. Finally, Susie the epitome of Yahoo chic pulled on her cloak of expertise. It is an approach from ra PQ CSC we as Rangers supporters are most familiar with; Angela Haggerty is a, 'Financial Expert', Mark Daily is a, 'Legal Consultant' and Susie has, 'Project Management experience'. In fact we know Susie is a time served Spark and worked as an Estimator in various construction site offices because she insists on telling us so, constantly. Oh and at the Euros she informed, "ah wis sharing a table wae Martin and Wullie". I have no doubt Haughey and Compston contributed their expertise too. A litany of BBC Scotland projected expertise? Susie got one thing correct, her faux concern for the Rangers season ticket holders who were sold their briefs in the expectation they would be seated at Ibrox. As Rangers supporters, we are well used to such confidence trickery. We pay our BBC License Fee and receive a much reduced service in contrast to the supporters of other Scots clubs, we cannot even expect accuracy. If you Google Susie, you will find historical social media outputs where she has referred to the disabled in derisory terms and lots of references to Rangers and Rangers supporters utilising the 'H' term. I blame the PQ's Producers for allowing Susie in her heightened excitement to rush to sink the boot in. It is illuminating listening to a self proclaimed Lesbian exhibit her desire for premature ejaculation. I am on record as stating the Rangers Board have made a rip roaring arse of this project, not one iota of work should have been allowed to start without all necessary materials in situation. They deserve all and every opprobrium but, Susie's easy swing of the boot does what society does more often than not ie ignores the disabled.
    9 points
  3. 9 points
  4. To be fair, to see players sold - even at a small loss - rather than allowing them to run their contracts down is a step in the right direction.
    8 points
  5. Probably left behind with a hammer and nails to get the Copland sorted.
    8 points
  6. The Kabadayi one is a prime example of the nonsense spouted by the mhedia. Without a shred of evidence that we were really interested in buying this guy, no confirmation from selling club of a bid, nothing from our side either, just all made up and speculation, then when they are all proven wrong and the player joins a different club, they lead with "Rangers miss out on..." instead of we were wrong.
    8 points
  7. Its literally the definition of insanity to keep doing the same things and expect a different outcome . Like it or lump it we need to give Clement and Koppen time to sort out this boards mess , they should have backed Gerrard they didnt , they should have backed Van Bronckhurst with the players he wanted they didnt , they then allowed Beale to go Rogue , we are now coming to see the end of this , we need to back him , we need another central mid , and a striker as well as a proper center half .
    7 points
  8. Cantwell has some degree of footballing talent but isn’t able to deploy it consistently or for that matter, effectively. Not at all sorry to see him go. (Nothing to do with his daft beard and stupid haircut, honest)
    7 points
  9. I'd hand Lammers the number nine shirt at Murryfield on Saturday and say to him go on son make a name for yourself
    5 points
  10. Have been away on holiday so always good to come home to positive news. Can't wait to attend Hampden next month and get some great views from a mile behind the goal...
    5 points
  11. Excerpt from article in The Daily Record: Philippe Clement admits he’ll have to offload some of his first-team stars before he can press ahead with his Rangers rebuild, writes Andy Newport in Venlo. The Belgian boss has so far brought in five new faces this summer. But he knows a lot more are needed if his side are to mount a credible title bid and fulfil their Champions League ambitions. Further additions, however, are dependent on the club raising funds through sales. “That’s the reality,” he confessed. “That’s the reality that the board told me a few months ago. I know this, the recruitment team knows this also. This is the reality of the club. I had other expectations when I came in in October, I have to say. But I know the reality now. I am very motivated to build the club and help in that.” ---------------- That sounds ominous to me. He is more or less calling the board out for misleading him. Omnishambles + Ominous = ??
    5 points
  12. He's hardly likely to tell the interviewer he can't wait to get rid of them. I'd imagine he'd love to completely transform the squad during this window and the 'Rome' comments are merely to placate and lower the expectations of the support. Managers and players have to lie to the press, it's all part of the job.
    5 points
  13. I am hoping he will be a Scott Arfield type signing?
    5 points
  14. All the best, Sam Adrianus Martinus Lammers! I'll always remember when he... That day he... Did that... When he... Good luck!
    4 points
  15. Pretty sure he only has 12 months left on his contract
    4 points
  16. When hearing the name 'Hannibal' it's interesting to see whose first thought is elephants and Alps and who thinks of cannibalism and Jodie Foster. A true cultural divide! Recent loanees have done ok, Tillman and Sima were successes I'd say. There's some incentive for this lad with his contract nearly up and it being unlikely he's going to make it at Man Utd. I saw him against us on Saturday. He caught the eye however I'm not sure if that's because of his unusual name and impressive hair or because of his ability. We need some bodies in, this doesn't seem like the worst business we could do.
    4 points
  17. Can't wait for headlines like, 'Hannibal Silences the Lambs at Pittodrie' !! Get him signed.
    4 points
  18. We can't keep sacking managers every year. I wouldn't blame Clement for considering his position, as things stand. I suppose the next few weeks will have a huge bearing on how things go.
    4 points
  19. I am not sure who holds the ace in the hole here. I suspect that it is Clement: if only because it will be easier for him, if he leaves, to explain himself to a prospective future employer than it will be for the board to explain itself to a prospective future employee.
    4 points
  20. I only ever join in with the bigoted stuff. 😀
    4 points
  21. Yes it's a friendly, yes there's no continuity to the team selection and yes, we shouldn't over-react but that really was atrocious throughout that first half from Rangers. I wrote at length about the board on our main site today. If this continues, the manager will be next. I appreciate Clement has lost players and hasn't yet replaced them properly. But that doesn't explain the awful attitude of those playing tonight, their apparent lack of tactical understanding/plan and our complete inability to do the basics anywhere correct. This can be summed up in one easy post. We had several weeks of the Euros to grab ideas and find new systems during our pre-season. We're still using the same tired 4-2-3-1 and our best tactic is to go with the Southgate attacking throw-in back to the goalkeeper and launch long.
    4 points
  22. Something isn't right. Everywhere you look there are problems but the team just isn't functioning as a unit. Unless drastic changes are made, this season is going to be a nightmare.
    4 points
  23. 100% spot on Frankie - brilliant article.
    4 points
  24. 4 points
  25. For the past few decades, our M.O. for trying to fight fires have been moonbeams floated or signing a well known name, who was probably past it or had dodgy knees. No strategy, just spending money that we often couldn't afford. We either, as a club, announce and support a strategy that Clement will be given time to implement...... or it will be more of the same. It needs leadership, cojones and communication (and patience). We have heard what Clement said. Now Bennett needs to clearly support it and show that, going forward, everyone is on the same page.
    4 points
  26. For what it's worth I don't like Guardiola's influence on football at all. Watching the defence play it up and down the line 3 times to play it back to the keeper is mind numbing.
    4 points
  27. I will say this in regards to Shankland if the club has any intention of moving for him not to wait until he can sign for another club some fans might remember how we watched Willie Wallace for what seemed to be an eternity then when we went to play an away European tie big brawbaws across the city nipped in and got him for £28,000 a steal about a year later we wasted nearly double that amount buying Alex Smith so if there’s any interest beware of getting caught in the traps by some English outfit.
    4 points
  28. The Scotsman running a story saying that we've got a windfall from Glen Kamara's move to Rennes coming and that we could use it to move for Tommy Conway after we had made a breakthrough in our pursuit.
    4 points
  29. Could it be that maybe some players joined because Gerrard was such a big name?
    4 points
  30. The Winner of the Gersnet EURO 2024 Prediction League: @der Berliner
    4 points
  31. If the mood on here is indicative of that of fans generally, then we are 2 bad results away from meltdown. I understand the frustrations of Girdergate, lack of signings, etc but I was hoping that the hope and anticipation of a new season would be kicking in, optimistic fool that I am.
    4 points
  32. You know you're in too deep when you start getting the jitters for a pre season game in the Netherlands.
    4 points
  33. Highly unsatisfactory. From the Minute: “The club finished by stating that the project was a piece that was ever moving but the club are on top of that.” What waffle. They should have said there was a problem with materials supply outwith their control which might resolve itself but in the meantime contingency plans were in hand. Simples.
    4 points
  34. I'm positive about our current playing staff, it's early yet but we've signed a lot of potential, just need a few more experienced players and we'll be in a decent position. I'm sure we'll see some of the dead wood moved on, nothing much happens with this til late on in the window every year. We also have a manager who has earned the right to build a squad and a playing style, that I'm sure will bring success. We need to trust in someone, and get into a position where we're strengthening every year by adding 2 or 3, not having a clearout every time. In terms of the stadium delays, it's not great, but show me any big infrastructure project that's on time. It doesn't happen, and it's nothing to do with low quality steel, the supply chain for materials is an absolute nightmare these days, there's a huge shortage of good project Engineers and Managers too. The situations lies firmly at the feet of previous boards, who let the stadium maintenance drift. I'm an optimist, partly by choice, as it's a nicer world to live in. Yes it means I get disappointed a lot more than a pessimist, but I bounce back quickly. Mon the Rangers.
    4 points
  35. This really is a poor tournament from an entertainment perspective. Hoping for a Spain v Netherlands final. There might be a goal scored. If it's France v England, get you house on a goalless and soulless draw.
    4 points
  36. I seen the article proclaiming the departure of the latest incumbant and my first thought was there will be a new 26th post in the PQ thread coming soon!! Like you and no doubt most who observe this thread, I have absolutely no doubt that the incoming replacement will almost certainly be of Irish descent, with Timmy leanings. No other candidates will be considered worthy, and Rangers supporters will see no change in coverage or balance.
    4 points
  37. Steve is Joe the Toff. BBC Scotland's Heid Bummer, Steve Carson has announced he is stepping down and is off to pastures new in Dublin. The Irishman has spent 11 years at Pacific Quay, the last four as Director. He prefers the role of RTE's Director of Video which I am sure will please his wife, Miriam O'Callaghan who shuttles between the BBC(London) and RTE(Dublin). Steve highlights the professionalism of the PQ team and reminds us he commissioned the productions of Guilt and Rebus. Steve mentions the launch of BBC Scotland's satellite channel but omits the cancelation of it's flagship show, 'the Nine' because no one was viewing. Anyways, Steve is off to Dublin in a dream, in a dream and, BBC Scotland announced, "the search for Steve's successor starts immediately". The front runners are good friends of the show : Kevin McKenna, Chris McLaughlin, Angela Haggerty, Gerry Braiden, .................... When Peter decides, he will tell ra Sellik State of Mind and, Paul John Dykes will tell Claire Kelly. we, the License Fee payers will find out the successor when RAB Cosgrove utters, 'I know him/her well and I like him/her a lot'.
    4 points
  38. When you've got a match at 14:00, but a bakery shift at 17:00:
    4 points
  39. Or maybe, "I don't know anything about the club and the Scottish league is a joke but Rangers offered me the most money!".
    4 points
  40. Would you prefer if they said," I wasn't really sure about coming here but my agent thought it would be good."
    4 points
  41. Leaders of the Gang. Come on, come on - do you wanna be in my gang, I'm the Leader, the leader of the gang I am. An exercise in taking a steaming turd and rolling it in Glitter. Let me explain. That was the Euros that was particularly for the Scottish national team. There appears to have been a deliberate coordinated move to provide leadership to the collection of Brigadoon refugees we all know and love as, 'the Tartan Army'. Senior PQ Producers and Gang Hut Leaders-Aff, Claire Kelly and Eamon Donoghue started with Chris McLaughlin on his four day recce to Germany, telling the foot soldiers what to expect in Munich, Cologne and, Stuttgart. To ensure the tartan terrors remained Sellik minded, each of the ten nights PQ broadcast, 'Late Night at the Euros with Martin Compston'. Singalong with Martin had Susie McCabe on as a guest twice, it is ra Sellik Way. The reason I say coordinated is because of the article penned by Herald Journo and current favoured recipient of Peter Relief, Graeme McGarry. Now, the latest incumbent of convenient useful idiocy is a claret and amber diehard but, is often chosen to initially present tricky Sellik minded thoughts. The article was entitled, 'Is Politics turning Rangers fans off the National Team'? This appeared a few days before the Germany game, it noted the declining presence of Rangers supporters within the Tartan Army. Reasons given were the SNP politicisation of the TA and the booing of three-four Rangers players representing their country in the last dozen years. Of course, simplistic nonsense but, it is true in that the Rangers support has become more disinterested in the fortunes of the national team. We can all add our tuppence worth and the two mentioned are part of the problem; however, reference politicisation there was a poll published in Nutmeg I think in the immediate aftermath of the 2014 independence referendum. It surveyed all 42 Scots football clubs and found the club with the single biggest Yes vote among it's support at 41% was Rangers. I was not surprised because providing leadership to the Rangers support is more difficult than herding cats. Rangers supporters think for themselves. The article was lazy but Sellik nature hates a vacuum and there was a rush to provide the necessary. BBC Five Live provided Connie McLaughlin, Pat Nevin, Chris Iwelumo and, Shebahn Aherne. The Herald gave us Gabriel McKay and PLZ Soccer nominated Hugh MacDonald. The Record has remained consistent with it's much warranted comedic credentials by presenting Michael Gannon as Commander of the Home Battalion of the Tartan Army, ............ The collective balaclava has been discarded and an ill fitting cock feathered adorned Tam-O-Shanter has been squeezed on to ra Yahoo beelin' heids, we will be hearing more renditions of, 'Lizzies in a box'. The responsibility of reporting on the team became more difficult when ra core of the team ie Andy Robertson, Kieran Tierney, Scott McTominey, Callum McGregor, James Forrest, Tony Ralston, John McGinn, ............ suffered injury, lost form, disappeared and, played wayward passes. Truth hurts and the roaring arse of a Yahoo Daftie, James Dornan MSP comes out swinging. He blames BBC Scotland for uber criticism of Sellik players particularly singling out Neil McCann. Apparently Neil was raging every time Tony Ralston touched the ball. The one Dornan utterance we can all agree on is, "Liam McLeod is an absolute disgrace". I urge the national broadcaster to give Martin Compston the microphone for a much longer time, Singalong with Martin has legs. Come, come on ........
    4 points
  42. He comes across as very mature, well spoken and down to earth. Future captain material whether that be at Rangers or elsewhere. Good luck to Connor, I hope he's very successful with us.
    4 points
  43. I think it looks even worse. The players look defeated before a ball is even kicked.
    4 points
  44. B-teams in the league structure, like Spain, Germany, Belgium, Portugal, Netherlands.
    4 points
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