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  2. That maybe true but in my view too often Rangers are seen as an easy target by the usual suspects who seek to damage the club & its reputation. Too often there seems to be little or no response from within the club & it must never be left to the manager or players to fill that role. Charles Green’s tenure now lies in the gutter but I’d argue he was the type of figure we need prepared to go after our enemies. In the 5 OF games this season we’ve witnessed horrendous refereeing which cost us and there was little or no response from the club.
  3. I don't know, Uilleam, I think the names of Waddell, Holmes and Murray are hard to forget and are closely associated with the managers they appointed, or removed. However, I'll concede it seems unlikely we'll be speaking about Bisgrove's time at Rangers 30 years from now. I agree that for most of us who is in the boardroom or executive level is of far less interest than who is starting at left back or picking the team. However, particularly with our recent history, debating and keeping a watchful eye on who is making decisions in Edmiston Drive is beholden on all of us. I would agree entirely that having success in one field is no guarantee that success will inevitably follow in a different one. Football in particular is strewn with the carcasses of men (almost always men) who were successful in business and then failed spectacularly in the business of football. I read yesterday's press release from Everton about the probable collapse of the sale of the club, I'm reminded that Moshri had a stellar senior management record and Bill Kenwright was an impresario of rare success. Yet both presided over a long period of decline despite a huge latent support and access to Sky's millions for decades.
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  27. BD had better chances than we enjoyed against the fhilth. They failed to convert, but were, perhaps, unlucky, on occasion, hitting the post, and finding Courtois in decent nick. We barely troubled the opposition goalkeeper, and if you don't do that, you are unlikely to trouble the scorers. One surely has to admire Don Carlo, perhaps the world's only unflappable Italian. (And what a record, as player and as coach.)
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