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  1. Past hour
  2. Went to see Scotland in his days,never forget being there for his goal V Italy,but now couldn,t care less about the green team and it's followers. BTW that Italy game was only game of football that my father went to with me.
  3. According to Alan Pattullo of the Scotsman. (I think he’s Aberdeen but doesn’t mind the celtic) Here’s his top ten from 1974 to date. 10 Bremner 09 Gough (pleasant surprise) 08 Leighton (Whit! Goram’s 31, Harvey (Leeds) is. 32 and Gordon is 39) 07 Jordan 06 Strachan 05 McQueen 04 Robertson, Liverpool (Jings) 03 McGrain (No quarrel with DMcG but shift him down a place, get rid of Robertson and bring Jardine up from a ridiculous 11. 02 Souness 01 Dalgleish. Nicholas is 49. Hansen is 47. celtic McGregor is 40. celtic Boyd is 30. (crivvens) Jimmy Johnstone is 26. (top ten, surely) McTominay is 25. (speechless) Cooper is 19.(what can you say?) Tierney is 18. (some mistake, surely) Bazza is 16. Fletcher is 15. (jings crivvens) McCoist is 13. Law is 12. (top three beyond doubt) John Greig is not listed
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