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  1. Past hour
  2. I actually have a retro '74 World Cup blue DDR shirt. How would that go down in East Berlin? 😃
  3. Today
  4. Seems like he plays mainly as a centre forward, but can play all the way across the front line
  5. Exactly: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Vb0VAc-oRmE
  6. Go on the Netherlands Kicking myself that I didn't take that as my Joker 😀
  7. Another good game I would like to have seen the poles get a draw
  8. Aye she’s got a voice that could scratch glass
  9. Two minutes on the clock Poland v Netherlands and I’ve muted the sound. The commentatoress is dreadful.
  10. Some descendant of Puskas, perhaps.
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