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  2. Whenever I hear a song in German I either think of David Hasselhoff or Adolf Hitler. That one has more of an 80s Hasselhoff vibe about it.
  3. Today
  4. The are nicknamed and name themselves "Die Eisernen" i.e. "The Iron(men)", hence you will see Eisern / Eisernen quite often. Eisern Union means "Iron Union" (similar to Iron Maiden) Machine translation ... We from the East always go forward Shoulder to shoulder for Eisern Union The times are hard and the team is hard That's why we win with Eisern Union Eisern Union Eisern Union again and again Always further forward, Always further with Eisern Union Who always plays at full throttle? Eisern Union, Eisern Union Who likes to score an extra goal? Eisern Union, Eisern Union Who lets the ball and the opponent run? Eisern Union, Eisern Union Who won't let the West buy them? Eisern Union, Eisern Union Victory in sight, looking far ahead Let's move through the nation together East and West - Our Berlin Together for Eisern Union Where does it smell like burnt grass? Eisern Union, Eisern Union Where we sound the attack Eisern Union, Eisern Union There can only be one Eisern Union, Eisern Union We will live forever Eisern Union, Eisern Union Eisern Union Always Eisern Union Always further to the front Always further with Eisern Union
  5. Quite a catchy number that, Scotland should adopt it and use it as a national anthem to replace FOS.
  6. You'll find many many me's and Idisis there ... 😎
  7. I just meant you and Idisi.
  8. Named after the hill, Spion Kop, in South Africa (due to soldiers having returned from the Boer War). Other clubs with 'Kop' stands are Blackpool, Sheffield United, Sheffield Wednesday, Preston North End and Birmingham City, which ties in nicely with our friendly at St Andrews, the Wednesday before we visit Berlin.
  9. Speak for yourself mate, speak for yourself. BTW, this is one of the ultimate East German clubs, and they want to have f@ck all to do with pseudo-anarcho creeps like St. Pauli. Other teams have a "Ultra" stand with the hardcore fans, sort of "Kop" at Anfield. Since the ground is not that big, the whole Alte Försterei is effectively a "Kop" ... the real "Ultras" are housed in the "Waldseite" stand, which can be seen on the right side in this video. The hymn of Union starts at roughly 2,10 mins in ...
  10. Well so far so good I know it’s early days but so far I’ve enjoyed the games I’ve watched one thing that caught my eye was a rather portly chap playing for Hungry.
  11. Can't say the Slovenia v Denmark match is one to get excited about but hopefully the Netherlands and Serbia get wins under their belt. 🙂
  12. The great Lev Yashin holding the Euro trophy
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