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  1. That's an unbelievably bad attitude for any player to have, especially one that wants to break into the first 11 of a club like Rangers. Little comments like that give a real insight into a player's psyche and aft that, I'd be telling him to find another club. The thing is that his attitude in games seems to tie in with this statement because he just isn't working hard enough for me. i suspect you guys are right and he realises it and suspects he will be away soon. I hope so.
    3 points
  2. He would/could ease the pressure on Morelos considerably
    2 points
  3. Now that you mention it, I do recall some of those extra-curricular activities making their way onto Twitter... Ah well... it's looks like he's now our t*t!
    2 points
  4. Nobody actually gave a fuck in Scotland what was sung at matches!, until the BHEASTS started being faux offended, squealing and grassing up!
    2 points
  5. The Tims hate TBB. It's the volume, passion and sheer power of the song that they hate - Fullerton is a sideshow.
    2 points
  6. Cummings is surely being sought to provide competition to Morelos and options for Murty. With Miller injured and possibly finished we've only got Herrera and Hardie as recognised forwards at the club. No one has seen enough to know if Herrera is good enough and judging by his lack of appearances Murty doesn't think Hardie is capable. That's not good enough for a club like ours. Cumming is similar is size and style to Morelos and can be interchangeable should Morelos get injured, suspended or lose form. Plus I suspect there will be interest in Morelos from clubs with more money than us in the not too distant future. Martin can come in an do a 'Davie Weir', we need a couple more experienced professionals at the club.
    2 points
  7. It is not strange or difficult to understand at all. Since Holyrood was set up & when you look at those now in charge it is self-explanatory. They hate us & favour them because they'll get more votes from them. And to get those votes they produce anti-Rangers legislation.
    2 points
  8. I've noticed it's mainly yahoos who comment on our ...ahem... dodgy streams. I would never pollute my house with their matches (unless we're playing them, obviously). Weirdos.
    2 points
  9. Reasons to be Cheerful – Signing latest, Stadium News & Contract latest https://fourladshadadream.wordpress.com/2018/01/14/reasons-to-be-cheerful-signing-latest-stadium-news-contract-latest/
    1 point
  10. ...and I'll stay to fight for my Rangers future FABIO Cardoso has suffered his fair share of blows already in Scottish football. Now, he has another battle on his hands at Rangers. Life at Ibrox has been far from straightforward for the Portuguese as he has been eliminated from the Europa League by Progres Niederkorn, suffered a broken nose in the Betfred Cup semi-final defeat to Motherwell and seen compatriot and manager Pedro Caixinha sacked. Since then, the 23-year-old has made just one competitive appearance as his ability and his future have been called into question. The obvious option would be the easy one for Cardoso. After just half a season in Scotland, he could return home and look to banish this chapter of his fledgling career to the back of his mind. That route has never been considered, though, and he remains as determined as ever to make the grade at Rangers. If he does, he will have done it the hard way. “It's frustrating not to be in the team but it's football,” Cardoso said. “I have to respect the decision of the manager. I can't say anything negative. In the last game [against Celtic], Danny [Wilson] and David [Bates] played very well. I have to respect that. If the manager took me out with no reason, I wouldn't be happy. So I understand it and respect my team-mates. “We're in this together. Things change and I have to be ready when I get my chance. I'm willing to fight for my place in this team. We all have to fight. If we all do that and try our best, the whole team will improve. That's what we want. “I'm still a young player, I'm learning the game so I have to be patient. I don't want to give up. I could give up and try to find another team. But playing for Rangers is going to help me a lot in my career. “I'm learning a lot here, even when I'm not playing. This is the right place for me to develop as a footballer, as a person and to be successful. “If the manager wants me here, I want to stay. I'm ready to give my best every day in training and when I get my chance in the team.” Cardoso has only been called upon once by manager Graeme Murty since he replaced Caixinha as manager - in the win over Aberdeen at Pittodrie - and finds himself down the Ibrox pecking order. The defender has plenty of critics amongst the Ibrox fans but he wants to win them over rather than prove they were right to doubt him. “I'll make mistakes but I'll learn and we're improving as a team,” Cardoso said. “We're more solid now. “I'm enjoying working with the new manager. He tells you things face to face, he never hides or plays games. I like the way he trains us. He understands UK football because he played in it. “We're getting better and every day we're playing more like the manager wants us to play. It's going to be a big second half of the season for me because I want to get back in the team. I want to help the team to win games. We'll do all we can to win every game and put pressure on the team in first position.” Cardoso may split opinions amongst Rangers supporters but the feelings he has towards them are overwhelmingly positive. After spells with Pacos Ferreira and Vitoria Setubal in his homeland, life at Ibrox has been a step into the unknown. It is one Cardoso is pleased he made, though. “I love life in Scotland, I enjoy it,” he said. “It's impossible not to enjoy playing for Glasgow Rangers. I've never played for a big club in big stadiums like here. I've never felt support from fans like I do here, it's amazing. The support we get is unbelievable. They're so passionate and that's why feel we have to do more for them and the club. It's a massive club with huge history. It's an honour for me to be part of it. “In Portugal for Vitoria Setubal, I went to play against Porto and Benfica, clubs like that. Sure, they have a lot of supporters but here our fans are different. Even when we play away, I feel like we're at home.” http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/news/15826842.Fabio_Cardoso__I_love_life_in_Scotland_and_I_ll_stay_to_fight_for_my_Rangers_future/
    1 point
  11. There are several very good reasons why singing TBB at games is a desirable thing. Firstly and most importantly, it is quite simply the most powerful and inspiring chant in football, for the benefit of both the support and the team. Secondly, it really pisses off our rivals of all colours who have striven for years to deprive us of our war cry. Thirdly, it irritates the hell out of the pontificating hand wringers who for some reason have decided to set up their sanctimonious shop among us. Fourthly, it gets under the skin of ScotNats who depend more and more on the votes of their Irish republican friends. For years I've listened to a certain brand of Rangers fan evangelising against TBB, doing the work of our enemies and wallowing in homemade moralising tripe. I'm sure many will remember at the time the dreadful lies spread about this by prominent fans' "representatives", keen to trade integrity for accommodation by Murray as he tried desperately to sanitise a support he neither understood nor gave a shit about. There's more to TBB than fenian blood. It has become emblematic of a divided and fractious support who grow increasingly confused about the club's heritage.
    1 point
  12. Good to see we're getting players in but I do expect(or hope) a few will depart as well
    1 point
  13. How is being pro-British anything to do with the actions of MPs?
    1 point
  14. Compare that to moh attitude. Night and day. I cant see hes worse than those playing for us. I really think if he was scottish he would be playing before bates and probably wilson. But its not like hes so good it worries me if hes being forced out
    1 point
  15. pretty childish dig GS, who said we had to back any player? I did say I was not a fan of his if you read my post. I think I said calling our own player a useless wank was uncalled for and pretty childish so seems there's a theme here from you
    1 point
  16. no it means foreigners couldn't give a fuck
    1 point
  17. You'll get little argument from me on that front because I think Halliday would do (has done before) a decent job there if necessary. It was more to highlight how poor Hodson is as cover.
    1 point
  18. Does anyone actually think these songs and messages to the Pontiff at the end of many of the ditties actually enhance the reputation of our club, our city ,our country? If these songs and chants are not offensive would you encourage parents to introduce these phrases and sayings as they are teaching their babies to speak? Does anyone actually think that any of these people from the foreign countries we visit where we stand in their town centers singing about being ‘up to our knees’ and ending with a good Fuck the Pope makes people think ‘Wow that’s impressive I want my children and grandchildren to be associated with that. I want Rangers to be their Scottish team,and I want our local team belting out bigotry like that. We must all go to Scotland for our holidays these people make it sound so welcoming,so open, so tolerant ,so 17th Century. It is an embarrassment ,it as outdated as sending children down the mines,it was once acceptable ,as was drink driving,the world has moved on it is time some in our support did likewise. These songs harm the club you profess to love so much they add nothing to the club but negative opinions and publicity. We have enough people looking to attack us at every turn ,stop giving them easy hits.
    1 point
  19. but it's not about Billy Fullarton........that's tim lies. The origin is Buffalo Bill's wild west show which camped out in Dennistoun just a walk away from Brig'ton down Bellgrove street. William Codey is known to have watch the 'gers when the rodeo visited Glasgow. When the time came to move on some native Americans had already sampled the delights of Brig'tons wee herries and stayed put. They were known as "Billy's Boys". That's the origin which I swear is true
    1 point
  20. Perhaps Windass did play off Morelos slightly, but to me it was still two up-top. Both switched in the role they played: one would play centrally, with one drifting a tad. It was fluid, I'll grant you, but I think it was a twin strike-force. To be honest, I don't think anyone plays with a old-fashioned twin strike force anymore. Even the great AC Milan side had Shevshenko and Inzaghi playing off one-another in their 4-3-1-2. Perhaps it's just semantics? It would be even more of a twin strike force with Cummings; Windass does have a natural tendency to drift.
    1 point
  21. No songs are banned under Scottish legislation. Certain words, phrases, intent, can lead to prosecutions under the SNP's anti-football fan act (I know its not called that but that is effectively what it is). The police and leading legal people behind the act consistently refused to be drawn into making up a list, simply because they knew that as soon as you had a list a new song would be sung, very similar to the banned ones, that were not on the list, and make a mockery of the banned list. I got that straight from them in meetings I had with them when this was being brought in, so its not hearsay or my opinion.
    1 point
  22. Michael Grant, Scottish football correspondent for The Times Bill Leckie, author and award-winning columnist Archie MacGregor, When Saturday Comes, co-founder The Absolute Game Graeme MacPherson, The Herald and Sunday Herald. John Maxwell, Co-editor of Tell Him He's Pele Hugh McDonald, The Herald and The National Alastair McKay, Evening Standard, Uncut Kevin McKenna, The Observer Alan Pattullo, The Scotsman Graham Ruthven, The Guardian, Eurosport, STV, VICE, The Scotsman and the New York Times. Rob Smyth, The Guardian and author of Danish Dynamite Graham Spiers, The Times / BBC Scotland. Michael Tierney, multi-award winning journalist and writer, author of 'The First Game With My Father 'Thom Watt, STV, T Scotsman, The Guardian Jonathan Wilson, author and editor of The Blizzard Richard Winton, BBC Sport onlinePlus many more. those supporting Nutmeg
    1 point
  23. Cardoso's problem is that it looks like Murty doesn't rate him
    1 point
  24. Now it becomes clearer why that lot get away with singing their bile. These recommendations (that’s all they appear to be) are only applied to us. However, it’s certain words within this particular song they will highlight. As it appears those who advocate legislation (the current administration for example) have decided it’s only words that offend catholics that are deemed sectarian. The non criminalisation of the derogatory and racist term H@n being an example used for Protestants.
    1 point
  25. banned in Uefa games. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/r/rangers/5064472.stm
    1 point
  26. Rangers 4 x 2 Corinthians - Gols & Melhores Momentos (COMPLETO) - Flórida Cup 2018 - 237,140 views, it's all about the Rangers
    1 point
  27. Touche. I will trust Murty in this regard. I'm underwhelmed, but I do think he should be solid enough for this league, considering the level at which he's played (PL for several years, and the CH, which is not easy).
    1 point
  28. I find this is an appropriate response for most underwhelming signings:
    1 point
  29. An apt alliterative abstract.
    1 point
  30. I suppose that makes us unofficial world champions.
    1 point
  31. Nah, Dalcio is arguably too lightweight for Scottish football (and still behind too many players) but he did well today.
    1 point
  32. I was hunting Youtube after umpteen crashes and got onto one where the teams were just coming out the tunnel despite having already watched around 35 minutes. I saw Wallace leading us out. Then realised it was one of those daft computer football things.
    1 point
  33. As do I, however it is BANNED!, no point in denying it, maybe you should concentrate your energy on getting the ban lifted?, the more Rangers fans sing it gives the rags something to write about, it's not the rags fault now is it?
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. If that's the case it's a 'no-brainer' that this deal should not happen? It's basically owners picking the team. If the football department don't fancy him, then that should be the end of it.
    1 point
  36. “I maybe have a point to prove to some people, but I don’t think that in this league there’s any point there to prove for me." Sorry Michael, you are only as good as your last game. And establishing yourself as a decent performer in a poor league, is not the same as establishing yourself as a decent performer for us. I know that these interviews are an exercise in generic platitudes, so I really hope that you didn't actually think you had made it. When Kevin Thomson said to Walter when asked how he felt his first few months ago, when he said 'aye alright' (or similar) - he was quickly told in no uncertain terms that 'awright was not fucking good enough'. Unless O'Halleron is able to adapt his game and his mindset quickly, he will fade back to being a decent SPFL performer with someone else. And reading between the lines, I think he knows that is likely to be the case.
    1 point
  37. A Yahoo named Paul Larkin, Widely regarded as barkin', Like every Mhank, He commutes by tank, Regrets lack of opportunities for Parkin'. A tribute to Paul's heritage of family ties to the auld sod in Limerick.
    1 point
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