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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/02/18 in Posts

  1. Be fair: if a Tim doesn't know a good cross when he sees one, who does?
    4 points
  2. Thought he had a really good game today. Reminded me of Stuart McCall box to box and can tackle. Also he’s not afraid to speak out, saw him give verbals to both Martin and Morelos. Think we have won a watch here.
    4 points
  3. He could hit the very top.
    3 points
  4. "I wasn't worried that I'd have to leave when Pedro left. My heart is with Rangers, not the coach" -Daniel Candeias
    2 points
  5. Didn’t come as any surprise no matter how much I hoped they would.
    2 points
  6. The SFA need to throw the book at Lennon. He is attempting to exert influence on referees which is unacceptable. He is also undermining hem. He cannot be allowed to get away with this like he did while he was yahoos manager. And what does Petrie make of yesterday given his SFA role ? Does he think Lennon's conduct was acceptable ? Or was it over-exuberance to use a previous quotation of his ?
    2 points
  7. I think Ryan Jack might find difficult to get into the Rangers starting XI next season
    2 points
  8. ... the text commentary of the BBC mentioned at the final whistle that this is Brenda's 10th straight win over the Sheep in a row. I have more confidence that the Dark Blues take something from the Scumhut on Wednesday than Aberdeen will this or next season. Alas, the Legoeater was battered from pillar to post like he used to do it ...
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. I'm getting a bit tingly thinking about it.
    2 points
  11. IF we win our next two league games a chink of light appears.
    2 points
  12. Is it only Rangers fans that slaughter their own players? the guy has been outstanding for us then has a bit of an off game! jeez it's almost as if some fans are just waiting for a player to have an off day so they can have a go at them! I don't know!
    2 points
  13. Tav couldnt handle the spl according to many. Proved them wrong hasn't he?
    2 points
  14. I could be a great crosser just give me a decent marker(pen).
    1 point
  15. The tims are afraid of him. That may be different now though that they have the best crosser of a ball in history.
    1 point
  16. Under McLeish he should never have been allowed to walk back into the team when he came back from the Olympics though.
    1 point
  17. There is always special trains put on for football games s I can't imagine it will be any different.
    1 point
  18. Bobby Petta got called up to the Dutch national team for his performances with Celtic and won the title with them when o'Neil came in. He also scored to beat Ajax in the champions league. It was later that he became crap but he did have two really good seasons. He got arrested with Lennon Mjalby and Valgaeren for stealing a record photographers camera's. Lennon was released and the others had a long lie in in the clink. He still lives in Glasgow and is a personal trainer and is still playing for Rossvale I believe.
    1 point
  19. Their game plan didn't work. Aberdeen They gave the tims a few close calls before Celtic scored the second.
    1 point
  20. Advocaat pulled off Ricksen who was having a nightmare against the Celtic winger who got caught having a pee up a lane in Glasgow. I can't remember his name. It was at parkhead.
    1 point
  21. I totally agree with you. With McCrorie Docherty dare I say Rossiter. I think Jack will be in front of Holt though. I think Holt is in bigger trouble and may even be punted on.
    1 point
  22. Read very much like one-way traffic in today's SWPL Cup game against Motherwell Ladies, with Chantelle Brown scoring the decisive goal in 82 mins. Chelsea Watson was then sent-off for a late tactical foul in 88 mins, but the RFC Women held on and advanced to the next round. https://twitter.com/RangersWFC
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Pity Aberdeen couldn’t even take a point from them at home today and with Celtic down to 10 men in the last 20 mins. We need to keep winning, beat them ourselves twice and hope teams like Kilmarnock, Hibs and Hearts can take more points off them. Aberdeen though......pfff
    1 point
  25. Guess how many league goals we have scored to date...........
    1 point
  26. The team is playing well and on a collective level they are happy with each other. That’s all that matters really. Psychologically you could have hazard or Iniesta playing there but if half the team didn’t like him the balance would be off. Onwards to Perth
    1 point
  27. I'd have thought that either Morelos or Cummings could drop back into the Windass position without too much difficulty.
    1 point
  28. We need to forget them and get our act together in terms of consistency of result. IF we go on a winning run that would obviously include a phsycologicaly important win on March 11th, the pressure will be felt and we'd see what happened. But it's about US and putting wins together. .
    1 point
  29. Celtc would have to have a bit of a nightmare for us to have any chance. Bear in mind, they love coming to Ibrox nowadays. One of the easiest games of the season for them, which is truly sickening. Hopefully the likes of Docherty and Murphy instill some proper Rangers mentality into their teammates prior to the match in a couple of weeks.
    1 point
  30. Their game with the sheep today will tell us if there is a title challenge. Wish they could both lose today.
    1 point
  31. Regardless of the maths, I don't see it either.
    1 point
  32. Is murtys record better than pedros? After 20 games in charge he was a win behind pedro. We havent won evey game since then but he may well be ahead now. One things for sure we look in better shape now.
    1 point
  33. At the top end it's all about pushing and enhancing brand value. It's not only the teams, some of the main players have a machinary around them that does the same.
    1 point
  34. When I pick my lad up from school, the only football items I see are Barcelona rucksacks. He told me yesterday he likes Barcelona and I told him he'll never get their top or any other merchandise off me - they have quite enough money. They often play fantastic football (Coutinho's goal last night was something else) but they're more like McDonalds or Nike than a football club, in my view.
    1 point
  35. I can't stand the sanctimonious guff that surrounds Barcelona. It's a football team. Mere mention of the name turns a number of people, even on Rangers ' sites, even in Rangers' pubs and clubs, even, perhaps, at Ibrox, into versions of Chick Young. A pub full of "Barcelona fans" in Edinburgh, of whom damned few, if any, would have been Spanish or (I have to say, before some wiseacre corrects me), Catalan, must have given you the dry boak. It would have done so for me. For the sake of balance, Messi can play a bit.
    1 point
  36. Wasn't able to see the game but we obviously got an important job done. Now we have to go up to Perth and win again. Well done to Murty and the lads.
    1 point
  37. The bottom line is today was a huge game, a must win game, we did that comfortably and should have scored more goals, we had a clean sheet as well, we won as a team, I was as frustrated as every Rangers fans with Windass squandering chances, however he got himself into these positions and he is the best player we have at playing that position, onwards and upwards, we are progressing so let's get on board with the team.
    1 point
  38. Docherty was outstanding today, what a signing this lad is, he will go on to be a great player for Rangers
    1 point
  39. In the same way as the anti-Windass loyal have been subdued after his two hat tricks recently ??? some people just can’t help themselves.
    1 point
  40. I should have said at home GS. He retreats into his shell at Ibrox. Away from home or with less pressure or opposition he seems fine.
    1 point
  41. We should have signed Ratzinger when he became a free agent. We could have done with a good right winger at the time.
    1 point
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