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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/02/18 in Posts

  1. For those outwith the UK.
    3 points
  2. Firstly, I had two guests at Bar'72 on Saturday, and thus heard next to nothing of BBC Scotland's coverage. I have a question to any Gersnetter that did tune in, did Richard Gordon interview Craig Levein post-match? As stated at the top of this thread, BBC Radio Scotland improved their coverage of games at Ibrox by telephoning the opposition managers for post match reaction. We heard the triumphalism in the voices of Tommy Wright, Martin Canning, and Neil Lennon. Owen Coyle utilised the opportunity to spout grievance. We did not hear Derek McInnes, was he contacted? If Levein was NOT interviewed, then there appears to be a correlation between opposition defeat and lack of interest at PQ. Did Craig trap? Secondly, I heard most of yesterday's coverage of events at the Hill'o'Dung. I heard Richard Gordon state twice, "we will have full live coverage of all four Scottish Cup quarter-finals next weekend, from Saturday's lunchtime until Sunday afternoon". Now, full live coverage suggests they intend to provide commentary from Ibrox? He said it twice, half-an-hour apart. Oh, and Dundee United are now forth in the Championship, and still no sign of Jum Spence. Finally, the PQ line on Neil Lennon appears to be, "Neil is a passionate man". Sportscene failed to show Lennon getting most profane in the face of referee, Kevin Clancy. Further, Chick Young claimed Lennon sarcastically clapped his hands in the face of the referee too, not shown either. I heard Richard Gordon, Pat Bonner, Chris McLaughlin, and Stephen Thomson all use the line, 'Neil is a passionate guy'. Tell that to the two women he has threatened in well documented cases.
    3 points
  3. While it is still possible I highly doubt it will happen, but you never know? as big Marv said keep believing!. We have strengthened the team/squad big time and if we hadn't dropped as many points at Ibrox we would definitely be challenging. Next season you would expect us to get off to a much better start and then there will be a real challenge from us.
    2 points
  4. Good riddence That 55 number making another appearence
    2 points
  5. I think it's approaching a good time for both Aberdeen and McInnes to seek a change but they seem to have both semi-locked themselves into the status-quo. Perhaps, we've managed to double-bluff them into this path Aberdeen are one of only three sides in the top division not to take league points from celtic since Rodgers arrived (Dundee & Hamilton are the others), so the result yesterday was no surprise. With that in mind, despite all the build-up, it's not really yesterdays type of game where celtic seem to be vulnerable. The game that really matters is on March 11th, but only if we win up in Perth tomorrow.
    2 points
  6. I'd like to see Cummings tested there against a bottom 6 side. His long shots would add a new threat from outside the box. However Dorrans seems an ideal player to have there when he's back? I guess Dorrans and Docherty could be interchangeable betweem centre mid and attacking centre mid. Dorrans at home and Docherty away maybe when his legs are more useful on the break. On a different topic, I'm surprised at the number of strikers Murty has on his bench. Miller, Cummings and Herrera. We only have 6 outfield subs, that's half the bench covering one position in our formantion. The other three were Alves, Halliday and Holt. 3 more central players. For me MOH would offer a different option off the bench. Pace for the closing stages of a game away from home when you're maybe playing on the counter. And even Kranjcar can feel a bit hard done by (though I'm not a big fan). He would also cover a different position and is a different type of player. And I think we should have a policy of having at least one youth player on our bench if possible. Murty is stuck with Herrera and Miller and that's not his fault, but they just seem to get on the bench automatically even though they are not very good options to have imo.
    2 points
  7. All the more galling at how we have missed opportunities to put them under pressure with silly defeats at home. They clearly got the new manager bounce when Rodgers came in - but they are, mostly, the same dross that we beat in the SC semi-final a couple of years ago - and we have, IMHO, considerably improved since that time.
    2 points
  8. 1 point
  9. Every one will be taking their union jack frost.
    1 point
  10. According the BBC weather forecast it’s unlikely there will be more than light snow by tomorrow evening
    1 point
  11. Probably best bit of journalistic outpouring Brazil has ever done.
    1 point
  12. RANGERS have players out on loan in Scotland, England and beyond. Here’s a look at how they got on over the weekend… https://rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/rangers-loan-review-10/
    1 point
  13. he embarrassed himself.......how many of us had a good snigger at his antics.......hope he keeps it up He is still a better coach than I thought he was at Celtic......doesn't change that
    1 point
  14. In view of the upcoming Scottish cup tie v Falkirk I thought I would post these highlights for anyone interested!.
    1 point
  15. Could be a goal rampage against them. They have the second worst goals against record in the Championship with only Brechin having conceded more and Brechin are bottom of the division with just 4 points from 25 matches. Perfect game to deploy the Morelos Cummings duo. We're going to be flying at them from all angles and they're going to be swamped.
    1 point
  16. If it is going to be as bad as they say then I hope so for the supporters and the players. Football was not meant for Arctic conditions. I don't understand why the SFA don't just cancel the whole programme. That is what they do in Holland if the weather forecast is so bad.
    1 point
  17. The league is not ours to win...it's there's to lose...... I am confident that they will drop more points before the seasons finished - the same is likely for us as well. 9 points isn't a massive gap, especially considering 2 matches against them, which could go either way. The pressure is definitely on them, and they will be well aware of what we're doing - hopefully by keeping one eye on us, they will miss something ahead of them. Murty needs to keep the players focused on the next match, and ensure that we do all we can to put us in the strongest position possible. If we do that, you never know what might happen....
    1 point
  18. I'd wait until tomorrow mate - good chance the game will fall to the weather.
    1 point
  19. After Saturdays game, Gordon interviewed Levein via a telephone line, during which, the Hearts manager basically held his hands up and admitted that his team had been deservedly beaten. IIRC, any moans he had were reserved for his own players.
    1 point
  20. Was it Zurab Khizanishvili that he replaced who had been playing good if i remember right.
    1 point
  21. The SFA need to throw the book at Lennon. He is attempting to exert influence on referees which is unacceptable. He is also undermining hem. He cannot be allowed to get away with this like he did while he was yahoos manager. And what does Petrie make of yesterday given his SFA role ? Does he think Lennon's conduct was acceptable ? Or was it over-exuberance to use a previous quotation of his ?
    1 point
  22. Be fair: if a Tim doesn't know a good cross when he sees one, who does?
    1 point
  23. Is it only Rangers fans that slaughter their own players? the guy has been outstanding for us then has a bit of an off game! jeez it's almost as if some fans are just waiting for a player to have an off day so they can have a go at them! I don't know!
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Thought we were magnificent. Really unlucky that we scored our second goal in the dying minutes because had it came earlier that would’ve been a cricket score! For the first time in years we have momentum and are going into every game expecting to win. And when you consider that 4 of that starting line-up have been with the squad for a month it’s starting to look pretty optimistic. A special mention for Morelos today, I know a few other players are rightly taking the plaudits but wee Alfie is massive to the current formation. Defenders don’t know whether to go or stay and his runs create space. Link up excellent. And both Centre half’s new they were in a game. That Hearts team have been excellent recently but that really was men against boys Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  26. I dont know hot you van say windas usual is to be anonymous. Inconsistent sure but hes as likely to be dangerous and damaging as anonymous. The facts prove that.
    1 point
  27. Yes, he's on three .... 1. Doubtful he will be fit enough to play 2. Doubtful that he is good enough to score against us 3. Doubtful that he'll ever be forgiven
    1 point
  28. It would be very interesting to see how this Celtic team would cope with the pressure if Rangers was in close contention. I think it would be very different from coasting 20 points out in front with no pressure on them at all as they've done for much of the last 18 months.
    1 point
  29. Sportsound was a fun listen last night. After the match Pat Bonnar, who remains someone it's impossible to hate, said something along the lines of 'Celtic enjoyed good possession' and was metaphorically set upon by Thomson, Gordon and McDonald. It was really funny. Stevie Thomson actually laughed out loud at the comment and Richard Gordon told him Celtic didn't touch the ball for the first 25 minutes other than to pick it out of the net. Even Scott McDonald was very critical of the performance and the tactics. To be fair it's not like they could say anything else after a 3-0 trouncing by a side who apparently didn't play all that well. It simply underlined what some have been feeling for a while, this season Celtic are beatable. There's a lethargy and an arrogance to them and if we can only stay injury free and avoid the stupid defeats there's a championship to be won.
    1 point
  30. Bonaparte....Hitler......Rodgers. Those Russian winters, eh?
    1 point
  31. I think Cardoso has potential in the way that all 23 year old professional footballers have potential. I think the problem is some seem to talk about developing player potential in a completely abstract way as if they are talking about cultivating crops or something. Football has far too many variables for a transfer policy like that to be anything other than risky - even when part of a multiple pronged approach.
    1 point
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