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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/02/18 in all areas

  1. I think every one of us is now quietly confident going in to the old film game. I'm not saying we will win, but we have a decent chance for the first time in a while. The team is just clicking at a good time. We always knew Morelos was going to be a great player for us, and he was the top man last night, but I'm amazed at how well Docherty has played. I can't believe he's not made more headlines before he joined us because that boys is absolute class. I don't think there's a single bear that would have imagined that our best midfield doesn't include Jack, McCrorie or Dorrans. However, the way our midfield is performing right now I have no idea how anyone else can break into the starting eleven in there. I'm keeping all fingers and toes crossed that we can convince Goss and his club to prolong his stay with us. He's a class act, and I'm hoping that no one new sees him as being able to do it in the English leagues or we won't be able to afford him. Docherty is an absolute steal at 600k, and I'm now thinking already that we won't hold on to him for more than a couple of years before a big money bid comes in. Talk about a diamond in the rough!?!?! Murphy and Candeias look like they're playing for fun and it's so entertaining to see us slice through teams these days. Tav is unbelievably (to me anyway) turning into a Rangers captain. His game has been transformed over the past few months, but in particular since being named captain. He gets what it means at our club and that's unusual. Bates hasn't been someone I rate very highly, but Murty has him doing a job for us and he's doing it so well. I can't see him being left out now. I don't know why so many players have been transformed recently, but I'll gnever be Murty a lot of credit for that. Sometimes a team reaches a tipping point where more players "get it" than don't, and at that stage the others just seem to click too. That's what has happened with us now and the games can't come quickly enough. We will inevitably still lose games, and may lose to them in the old firm game, but there's light at the end of a very long and dark tunnel. Stewarty, I hope you got your bandwagon serviced because it might be time to get it moving. I'm jumping on it now and I think we won't be alone in that.
    4 points
  2. Yes, JohnMc, I would imagine that is the case. However, if the manager, or indeed anyone, tells the directors such a change will increase the chances of success then they are likely to go along with the proposal, I'd have thought. Especially at that time when we were so desperate to catch you know who (who wore white socks). I remember reading it (the bit about the benefits of white) in a piece trying to allay criticism from 'traditionalists'. I'm afraid it is all a bit vague though. Well, I read it about 50 years ago and wasn't expecting a question on it, to be fair to me. It's also, vague though it be, a clearer memory than 5 days ago!
    3 points
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Anothe note about last night. We have now scored 59 league goals The total number from last season was 56 9 games still to play. .
    2 points
  6. IMO, once we got our fourth, Windass and one other should have been sub'd. 56mins: 4th goal 62: Cummings on for Candeias 77: Alves on for Murphy (injury) I don't understand why we don't make more use of the subs
    2 points
  7. Two professional footballers were asked the following question......... "Who's the greatest player of all time?"
    2 points
  8. Definitely not. C1872 cash should go to the club. In addition C1872 are currently saying that every penny raised in the current promotion will go to the club. The issue is caused by Dave King's arrogance and it's up to him to deal with the situation that he alone created. C1872's funds should not be used to get Dave King out of a hole.
    1 point
  9. Not sure if that is the actual case because..... Shareholder Information In accordance with S.793 of the Companies Act 2006 (S. 793), RIFC has written to certain parties whom it knows or has reasonable cause to believe are interested in RIFC’s shares requiring information about the nature of those interests. The undernoted parties have not responded to the requests in respect of the holdings shown after their names in brackets: Blue Pitch Holdings (4,000,000), Putney Holdings Limited (700,000), ATP Investments Limited (2,600,000); and Norne Anstalt (1,200,000). The total number of shares affected is 8,500,000 (c. 10.4% of RIFC’s total issued share capital). Article 15.5 of RIFC’s Articles of Association states that, where its board of directors (the Board) is satisfied that any person appearing to be interested in shares has been duly served with a notice under s793 of the Companies Act 2006, and is in default of providing RIFC with the information required, the Board can, in its absolute discretion, at any time thereafter by notice to such member direct that: a. the member shall not be entitled to vote at a general meeting either personally or by proxy or to exercise any other right conferred by membership in relation to meetings of RIFC in respect of such shares; b. Except in a liquidation of RIFC , no payment shall be made of any sums due from RIFC for such shares and RIFC shall not meet any liability to pay interest on any such payment; c. No other distribution shall be made on such shares; and d. No transfer of any of the shares held by such member shall be registered unless: (i) The member is not himself in default in supplying the information requested and the transfer when presented for registration is accompanied by a certificate to the effect that the member is satisfied that no person in default as regards supplying such information is interested in any of the shares which are the subject of the transfer; or (ii) The transfer is an approved transfer. In brief, the above restrictions affect the right to vote the affected shares, the right to receive payments or distributions in respect of the affected shares and the right to transfer the affected shares. Direction notices have been sent to each of the above parties indicating those parties are in default of their obligations under S. 793 and that the measures noted will be imposed until the Board is satisfied that it has received all of the information required in terms of the S. 793 Notice sent to that party. https://rangers.co.uk/news/headlines/shareholder-information/
    1 point
  10. 1967, we won 2-0, it was the quarter-finals of the ECWC.
    1 point
  11. Remember being at one,standing in rear of covered Copeland Road terracing and still be hit with the falling snow being blown,think it was against Real Sarragosa.
    1 point
  12. The decision means he has to make an offer to buy ALL the shares he doesn't control. If nobody is selling he doesn't have to buy any.
    1 point
  13. Look at those lights, I am attracted like the moth to the flame. Moody brilliance amid the grey.
    1 point
  14. We’ve also become the top scorers in the league again, this time with a 3 goal cushion. And aren’t far off 3 times Aberdeen’s Goal difference now (27 vs 10). Celtic’s game being postponed is the kind of luck we can do with.
    1 point
  15. The best footballers are good because of the way their brains work. Only coaching can really enhance that. I think football is too 'athletic' these days. I preferred it when there were still fat midfielders and people playing totally out of position..
    1 point
  16. At the time it was said that the change was made because there was a theory that white in the socks made it easier to pick out team-mates to whom to pass. Studies had been done on this. Unfortunately, I cannot remember who it was amongst our staff who said this but I presume it was the manager.
    1 point
  17. Had it in for a service last week and its been ready to roll. It doesn't like the snow, but as soon as that clears its rolling up to the Kelpies to mock the wee metal horse things that everyone is talking about.
    1 point
  18. I know what your thinking but no, it’s not that...The snowstorm has left their game off which means a win at Ibrox will have us only three points behind them. The pressure is mounting and will Brenda handle it??? We have to throw everything into the game at ibrox
    1 point
  19. He's one of a long list who stick nozzles of vacuum cleaners into obsessed sellik fans wallets so he doesn't have to go out to work.
    1 point
  20. Apart from his yellow card. He was caught on the wrong side of his man and hauled him down in a dangerous position. I think it’s unfair to draw conclusions because we don’t know how Cummings would have done in the goalscoring period of the game. He came on when the game had gone pretty flat, and then we lost Murphy. Couldn’t agree more. What a player. And you’re right I would say Goss and Docherty are our strongest pairing. Though Dorrans has a claim ahead of Windass for me, at least at home. I hope Alves will work his way back to full fitness. Tbh I’d much rather him in ahead of Martin Martin is decent but he was solely at fault for the goal. He’s not good enough in the air. And Alves’s long balls are great. We saw one of them last night. Excellent technique. It will be good to see him playing in a strong Rangers side.
    1 point
  21. Lennon making out he's only misbehaved once this season. Is he forgetting his behaviour in the 2-3 match at Ibrox - he was at his NEDdy best. Playing the victim card, even when being pulled up for misbehaviour, is classic yahoo modus operandi. He really does epitomise everything wrong with that sort. The SFA need to make an example of him.
    1 point
  22. Next thing is they will want compensation .
    1 point
  23. How's the young lad we got from Norwich coming along? With John and Murphy out, our left side is a problem.
    1 point
  24. Brenda Brent has already rushed to his aid, and told him who his Captain should be. He's probably thinking about goalkeeper and defence, as I type. An ideal Rodgers' scenario: Brenda selects the players, Eck takes the rap.
    1 point
  25. It won't have much if any bearing going forward
    1 point
  26. They get £800-£1000 per game now so it would be a well paid job.
    1 point
  27. Would be better!, but as long as we keep winning we can't do anything else.
    1 point
  28. I have Goss as MOTM, however young Docherty looks a very good player who will grow into a great player for us! he has everything, fast, great touch, strength, he can pass and he can shoot! he could turn out to be a fantastic player for us.
    1 point
  29. To only book Kane for kicking Bates is completely ridiculous given the red cards Ryan Jack has had this season. Atrocious refereeing - he bottled it, simply as that.
    1 point
  30. I remember when playing in the Juniors the best refs were the ones who would have a word in your ear as the game was flowing, few and far between, but they were the ones that I respected
    1 point
  31. Agreed. However, other teams approach Aberdeen in a different way they do Rangers. We are far superior to them in every facet, taking the playing pitch aside. Playing Rangers is a Cup Final for all these teams, playing to full houses either at home or at Ibrox. The same can't be said when they play Aberdeen. The effort levels against us are higher than effort levels against any other team in the league. We DO need to alter our form against the lower teams though.
    1 point
  32. I'd love to get Goss on a permanent deal; I'd fork out a few million for him...
    1 point
  33. The player should have been sent off before half-time. After he was booked he had two late tackles - one very late (on Docherty?) which the official failed to punish.
    1 point
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