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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/19 in all areas

  1. Yes it’s true it protected us when any deal would go to tribunal & we would get a lot less (cross border which we’ve done before) Billy was signing his First deal so we had no negotiation stance, if we didn’t agree we were due to get a lot less We got an enhanced fee, add ons & future incentives that suited us all of which we wouldn’t have got in another deal if we had waited a worthwhile risk & transfer loop to get a good deal We were smart & got a minimal fine
    2 points
  2. All things being equal it should be a straightforward win. Obviously anything can happen in a one off game and underdogs can pull off a shock result but in this instance Rangers only need to play at an average level of their capabilities to win it comfortably. I feel Hearts are better than their league position suggests but at the end of the day at best they're no better than the sheep and we know what happened when they last came to Glasgow. One thing that concerns me is that Hearts will undoubtedly try to turn it into a kicking match and Uche will be all elbows. It's up to the referee to make it clear early on that's not going to be tolerated in what's supposed to be a footballing showpiece not a kung fu exhibition. If football is allowed to break out Rangers will win at a canter.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Cumming, Young and McKay would have been one hell of a midfield three though they never played as such.
    1 point
  5. I can remember the day when we had to overcome players of the calibre of McKay, Young or Cumming to beat the Hearts but let's face it anything less than a win will be a shock if we dont beat them on Sunday.
    1 point
  6. He obviously did. Starts going down when no one is near him.
    1 point
  7. Are you sectioned? l had my worries about you.
    1 point
  8. I was going to say I will do the Porto game until i realised I am away most of Monday and have a wedding on Tuesday and my wife's birthday is on Wednesday. I will go for the livie game on Sunday. I will try and help you out more often in the coming games.
    1 point
  9. Yes but that cannot be expected to continue long term. The reality is since the new board arrived in 2015 we have had two failed managerial appointments which continue to cost us. However we have turned a corner & things are improving. And theDoF role is crucial. At least we now have players with saleable value whom we can sell to offset losses. We will lose Morelos & others for fees well in excess to what we paid. How they’re replaced is where the DoF kicks in. The harsh reality is that for as long as Rangers are in the SPFL we’ll need to operate the model operated by the likes of Ajax and dare I say the yahoos. Buy low sell high. As I said earlier we’ve turned a corner albeit belatedly. But now the road ahead looks much brighter.
    1 point
  10. Another one I have used in the ticket office who has been incredibly helpful is Gordon Thomson
    1 point
  11. Try emailing Susan Hannah in the ticket office? She was very helpful in sorting out my section's issues at the start of the season.
    1 point
  12. I think that team is about right, although as you said Katic may replace Helander??, as covered in the article there are no excuses in this match, we simply have to make the final otherwise it is another failure. I am confident we will win by 2/3 goals, providing we turn up!
    1 point
  13. You imagined it as we won all three games we played against them in season 2017/18. However, the season before we did draw all three.
    1 point
  14. Why not visit the club/ticket office in person? Also a written letter is sometimes better than an email.
    1 point
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