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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/11/19 in Posts

  1. I doubt St Etienne would be able to afford Morelos. It seems that they have never spent over £10m on a transfer before.
    4 points
  2. The very last thing we need on the day when we might win our first major silverware in years is some moron detracting from it by setting off dangerous and illegal pyrotechnics. Anyone who sees some moron involved in such activities should alert the cops. These low IQ dimwits have to be eradicated from our support. If it isn't stopped it's only a matter of time before someone is blinded or worse and I don't want it be Rangers fans involved when that happens.
    3 points
  3. What a weird comment!!! Do you not believe it is the duty of the Scottish Government to insist on an inquiry?. The SNP are not interested in seeking justice for the victims! the victims have been begging for help from the Scottish Government for long enough yet they keep silent on it and continue to ignore the victims and their families while they show interest in victims outside Scotland!. In fact one victims family were even called bigots by James Dornan SNP for asking them for help.
    2 points
  4. It's only in recent times (last 40 years or so) that Cliftonville have been seen as a 'Catholic/Nationalist' club. That's partly to do with the changing demographics of that part of Belfast and partly to do with the demise of Belfast Celtic the traditional West Belfast 'Catholic/nationalist supported club. In the early 70s most of the Protestant families in that area were burnt out and Cliftonville cricket club, who played beside the football team, had to abandon their home of over 100 years due to sectarian attacks on players and supporters. The other main Belfast sides couldn't play at Solitude during the 70s and 80s for safety reasons, and Cliftonville lost many of their traditional supporters due to this too. In turn they attracted many 'nationalists' living locally and from other parts of Belfast. Sport is a helpful way to understand Northern Ireland and Belfast in particular. Football isn't encouraged in the Republican communities, so Cliftonville weren't able to build a big support to rival Linfield and Glentoran. At the same time the rivalry between Glentoran and Linfield, two 'Protestant/unionist' supported clubs, is far more intense and far more visceral than between them and any of the 'Catholic' supported clubs.
    2 points
  5. Only on a Rangers forum could a thread showering praise on a Rangers player turn into a full blown debate on what constitutes being "slow"...
    2 points
  6. Surprised its taken so long to sack him five and a half years 360 million spent on players and still an empty trophy cabinet don't know why they went for Mourinho he's just caused problems at his past couple of clubs , they should have went for Rodgers give Leicester a few million and they would have got him .
    2 points
  7. Recent games and discussions got me thinking https://rfcyouths.wordpress.com/2019/11/19/rangers-colts-in-irish-league/
    1 point
  8. Sorry my bad , just saw the 3-0 score line and got Twitter reports mixed up
    1 point
  9. There's now a considerable gap opening up between wanting Morelos and having any chance of competing for him.
    1 point
  10. Rangers Football Club and the Rangers Charity Foundation were officially presented with the Employer Recognition Scheme Gold Award from the Ministry of Defence last week during a special ceremony at the National Army Museum in London. https://rangers.co.uk/news/club/rangers-collect-gold-mod-award-in-london/
    1 point
  11. Wasn't the same game was it, was that not with the development team ?
    1 point
  12. Regularly reading Aberdeen and Hearts forums are far more dangerous persuits than waving pyrotechnics.
    1 point
  13. I would assume that Morelos is on many a clubs' radar or wish list.
    1 point
  14. He brought in around £259m, so an average net outflow of £20m a season isn't bad. He turned the club around and got them to the CL final. Overall he did a great job, under difficult circumstances with the reduced budget due to the new stadium. He did make some dodgy purchases along the way though.
    1 point
  15. Yeah, Wrexham were more a footballing side, so it allowed our lads to play. We'll probably get a Scottish ref which will play into the hands of Caley, as they'll be allowed to get away with murder.
    1 point
  16. Morelos is already way out of St Etienne's league. Must be a slow news day. I thought the Scottish rags would be at fever pitch telling Spurs "hands off Lenny" ?
    1 point
  17. When your Justice Secretary is an open bigot, whose priority is defending the interests of a bigoted political party .... what chance is there of ever seeing actual justice for victims in Scotland.
    1 point
  18. Alas the barb may be too subtle for some.
    1 point
  19. I suspect the players themselves wanted to play as to avoid the kind of issues we had when we dropped points at Tynecastle. A practice match can be different to a proper match in terms of energy expended but useful in terms of retaining sharpness for those that did't play internationally. I also doubt either player played the full 90mins.
    1 point
  20. We also toured there a couple of times in the nineteenth century.
    1 point
  21. Quite a strong line to take. What do you suggest, send them abroad?
    1 point
  22. It was the suggestion of future matches at the Brandywell that really raised my eyebrows! I lived in Northern Ireland for a while and went to a match at Solitude once. I quite liked the ground, I like football grounds that are situated in residential areas, cheek to jowl with houses and people. I was little nervous visiting that part of Belfast though, one visit was enough for me. I went to matches at all the Belfast grounds plus Coleraine when I was there. I didn't ever go to Larne's which I regret as I like the look of it, you can see it when leaving the ferry and heading for Belfast. Although I became a Crusaders fan my favourite ground was The Oval, where Glentoran play. It was a really atmospheric old ground and both times I went there was a decent crowd. I went to Windsor Park a couple of times, once to see Linfield and once to see a Northern Ireland match. Again this was the old ground before the redevelopment. It was too big for the crowd that attended the Linfield match, so it had a poor atmosphere. There was a great thread on Rangersmedia many moons ago about the Rangers v Bohemians of Dublin match in the early 80s. I knew a couple of guys who attended the away leg and some of their stories were just astonishing.
    1 point
  23. Northern Ireland good value there. Should have beat Holland the other night plus Germany have already qualified.
    1 point
  24. I’ve maintained all along this was a yahoo plot inside & outside HMRC. The aim was to keep Rangers in a financial straitjacket for years, unsellable & with the bank in control But there were 2 events they hadn’t planned for:-1) whyte 2)winning the BTC For me, Whyte’s plan was to force an administration & try get HMRC(& others) to settle everything owed via a CVA. And Rangers emerge debt free. It was high risk, unlikely to work & didn’t Firstly he had to force an administration. He wasn’t going to get it via the BTC or wee tax case. So he withheld tax/NI to force HMRC to the table.And it worked. But the yahoo plot had made its first error. It allowed Whyte to go for almost 6 months without paying tax/NI.(other clubs only got 1or 2 months). They had to build up sufficient debt to block a CVA because the BTC had been appealed & there was no guarantee they’d win it & indeed HMRC lost the FTTT & UTTT. Winning the BTC will now involve BDO asking all sorts of questions about penalties & whether or not they can be applied. And no doubt also asking about the length of time Whyte never paid tax. As we saw last week with bizarre panicky tweets one or two seem very edgy indeed within HMRC. 2020 should be interesting....
    1 point
  25. I really don't understand this insistence from some fans to unfairly criticise our players. I've only seen Helander outpaced twice that I can remember - both by Lyndon Dykes and both because a) Dykes is pretty quick and b) Helander was having to turn from a standing start on a sticky, artificial pitch. Helander has been up against players like Berghuis, Larsson, Nsame, Margega and Ze Luis in European games as well as O'Halloran, Dykes and others domestically. None of these players are slow and few have had the better of Helander (or Goldson for that matter) when it comes to getting in behind. And I wouldn't say we play a particularly deep defensive line. Generally, attackers are quicker than defenders which is why positioning is so important for centre-halves in particular and also why teams play more defenders than opposition attackers so they can cover for each other where and when required. All things considered pace isn't the be all and end all for centre-halves so I'm surprised when folk make an issue out of it.
    1 point
  26. I was in the section next to it MacK, that is where it came from. Not surprising to class them as NEDs when their using fireworks as objects to throw at people. Crazy and dangerous stuff?
    1 point
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