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  1. 6 points
  2. Sorry @Frankie but while we can certainly say we defended comically, to say there is nobody to blame but ourselves when the referee has had by far the biggest influence in the game by not sending off Cosgrove in first half for several bookable offences, and a stonewall penalty which he is only 2 yards away from is just nonsense mate. Cheatin Beatons one-sided handling of this game, yet again where Rangers are concerned it must be said, was absolutely the main reason we did not win the game. Do you think Morelos would have been afforded the same amount of fouls and remain on the park? Of course not, so he has cheated us yet again out of important points. Something has to be done with Cheats like Beaton, Collum etc.
    4 points
  3. The Scottish Cup is on Premier Sports again, which is a shame. I won't be subscribing again.
    4 points
  4. That was a glimpse into the Rangers of last season and it wasn't pleasant to watch. Too many players making far too many unforced errors. The referee didn't deny us two points, we managed that all by ourselves. Inexplicable. He was far from the only culprit but I'd play Halliday before Flanagan on Sunday if Barisic is still unavailable.
    3 points
  5. While I can see your point our inability to get back into gear after the sheep goals was only our own fault.
    3 points
  6. No-one to blame but ourselves. We should have had a second half penalty but we'd thrown a two goal lead away by then. We played well for 30mins or so then got slack and after that struggled to move the ball about and key players fell out of the game. A long way to go in this title race though so chin up bears!
    3 points
  7. it's the paper planes you need to watch out for, very dangerous, they could take someone's eye out ?
    3 points
  8. If I was an opposition manager, I'd advise my players to wind up Morelos and get stuck in with niggles and strong challenges. It's up to us to deal with it.
    3 points
  9. I put the blog above together because things appear to have ground to a bit of halt on coverage and progress for the Grays and many others. This is what the facilitators, enablers and guilty want. Every day that passes makes it easier for the fighters to fold. To accept whatever meagre deal is being carved up for them. I guess what i'm saying is that if we want a public enquiry, then we the public need to force it. I don't claim to know what the best or right course of action is, but, write to the press, try and make sure it stays relevant and at least let them know there's a demand for it. That goes of every corner for the UK and beyond, every local newspaper, every column inch and web mention helps. Contact or write to your MSPs, at this time close to the election we at least have some leverage, tell them it could be a deciding factor in your vote. Get it a mention. Make it an issue. A full and open public enquiry into CSA in Scottish football. It takes 5 minutes, but it needs buy in and numbers. If we do nothing, then nothing is what we'll get.
    3 points
  10. Two points dropped in a game we were strolling. Mind you another howler from Beaton. Cosgrove gets booked after 4 fouls but goes on to commit 2 or 3 more. He should have been red-carded. And the Morelos foul being on the 18 yard line was a penalty. Beaton was 5 yards away. He clearly saw it.
    2 points
  11. If we have to rely on Scottish officials to win us games then we will never win anything. Beaton was a joke but he didn't cost us two goals or stop us playing for two thirds of the game. Anyway, I'm away out for the night. Can't wait until Sunday now!
    2 points
  12. There is know doubt in my mind the ref is cheating here, paranoid bear!
    2 points
  13. A really frustrating ending to a first half we'd controlled comfortably but we got slack, didn't heed a warning then conceded a really cheap goal to allow Aberdeen back into the game. If we can get back to moving the ball about (and our players actually) we'll score more but we can't afford to be so slack - even once or twice or we'll be punished. A huge 45mins ahead!
    2 points
  14. Arsenal could do a lot worse. And they probably will.
    2 points
  15. No different from what most teams set about doing last season.
    2 points
  16. Nor will I. Cancelling the subscription is particularly difficult, and seemingly deliberate. So there is no chance I will engage with such a company again.
    2 points
  17. I felt in the second half our back line was pressured a bit more and they didn't seem to be able to handle this which resulted in far too many aimless punts upfield. I also felt Davis was given a lot of time on the ball in the first half and was able to pick his pass but unfortunately in the second half his time on the ball was more limited. Having seen tonight's game I rather suspect Celtic will plan to put pressure on our back line knowing that there is a good possibility of a mistake being made.
    1 point
  18. Goldson gets caught on the ball too many times.
    1 point
  19. The very epitome of a game of two halves. Bossed the first half, scored twice, should have scored more, and lost an error strewn goal. Aberdeen made a second half change, put another man, Gallagher up front. We did not kick a ball in the second half. John Beaton is five feet from Morelos being brought down on the eighteen yard line, it's a penalty. No, Beaton decides Morelos going out of the box does not count. I suspect Gerrard's main concern will be, where did our composure go in the second half?
    1 point
  20. Flanagan should be freed in January (or sooner). He costs us goals every single time he plays. If he plays on Sunday, we lose. It’s that simple. If Barasic plays tonight we win 4-0
    1 point
  21. Come on Frankie! I have never ever seen one player get to foul as much as Cosgrove, not to mention all the other assaults that were allowed, never mind the penalty that was not given! there is only so much a team can do, aye the goals we lost were down to us but we were never going to win that match tonight with Beaton allowing the sheep players to continually assault our players, disgusting!
    1 point
  22. We really need to up the tempo here ,we've lost confidence ,and are being dragged down to their level.
    1 point
  23. You may choose to call it defending, I could call it something else.
    1 point
  24. This Aberdeen side is bloody awful, really bloody awful, and we contrive to give them a goal with defending that would shame Mr Bean's XI. We need to regain control immediately after HT.
    1 point
  25. Seeing that again and all of the back 4 plus the keeper should have done a lot better and all had chances to stop that being a goal. An absolute nightmare. It has also given Dolly a huge boost and woken up their sleeping flock. That’s half time 2-1
    1 point
  26. Some of our combinations up front are great to watch. I sometimes have to pinch myself that this is my team playing like this. We can carve teams open when we want to. Kent and Morelos up front are just so dangerous.
    1 point
  27. Seems we were just taking a breather for a minute! Lewis won’t want to see that again, what a clanger. Morelos shoulder charged off the ball by Dolly no14, but instead of hitting back, he falls to the ground clutching his injured wrist. Clever play from Alfie. Cosgrove now booked for another stupid foul. Long overdue.
    1 point
  28. I saw that - looks like a defensive tactic but only insofar as it might drive compensation value.
    1 point
  29. McKenna admitting in todays record that they did deliberately target Morelos under orders from McInnes. That's their level. Kick and harry. Then wonder why they get nowhere in Europe.
    1 point
  30. Report on tonight's Under 16's game https://rfcyouths.wordpress.com/2019/12/03/under-16s-clinch-league-title/
    1 point
  31. I'm not sure of the need to state this, particularly this season. Our players have been through more than a full round of games and have shown themselves more than capable of withstanding the physicality of other teams.
    1 point
  32. I have my doubts that making a fuss about it on Gersnet will act as a deterrent against the people who sing these songs - or that failing to do so will serve as encouragement. I've been around Rangers fans for more than half a century. I'm convinced nothing will change the behaviour of these idiots and only their exclusion will help Rangers and the other fans who don't find it difficult to conduct themselves responsibly. Forty years ago they were pissing in bottles and launching them from the back of the stands on to our own fans at the front. Today they measure their worth by how loudly they can bellow obscenities about an enemy that largely doesn't exist. I'm very lucky that I no longer have to live among riff raff, I just wish I had the same choice when I go to watch my team.
    1 point
  33. Maybe I can bring about the same result with this: How are you all so confident?!
    1 point
  34. Something that irks me about them is the apparent naivety of the media most recently the sun reporting the most ludicrous tales regarding the fans of rivals of yahoo opponents following them around Europe to attack these rivals. Most recently PSG fans apparently taking time off work plus going to great expense and ignoring the fact that their own team is playing in the CL to travel to Glasgow to attack Rennes fans. The most recent heart and hand podcast also discussed this 'phenomenon'
    1 point
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