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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/20 in Posts

  1. We've shown that we can be shrewd in buying great players for very little, and now if Ross Wilson can get rid of the few that didn't work, we will be in a great position. Can anyone remember a time when: - we bought as well as we have done in the past 2 seasons; or - played as well in terms of a style of football; or - improved so many players after buying them? I can't! Why has it taken nearly 50 years of me supporting Rangers to experience this? Why have we never been able to see an improvement in players with our coaching before? Why have we never really had a style of football we could be proud of before? Was there something of an endemic at our club that somehow either prevented this, or at least failed to recognise the importance of it? I think it's important to try to understand so that we keep this going even when this current management team eventually leaves. All three of these aspects of our club will be so important moving forward and yet we have had none of them in our successful history. Strange!
    6 points
  2. At the final resting place in Slammanan of two brothers John and Richard McLeay who didn’t come home from Ibrox on the 2nd January 1971. The boys Dad Finlay died of a broken heart on the 12th July that same year. I’ve today met with Richard’s daughter Audrey. The plot will now be restored.
    4 points
  3. hahaha. Brass neck of that lot looking for consistency
    4 points
  4. A guy I sort of know was a guest on Off The Ball at the weekend, I suspect @DMAA will know him too. I didn't hear the show so I've no idea how it went. But he's a bluenose too so the staunch quota must have been particularly high in Pacific Quay for a change. I've always found Pat Nevin to be pretty fair, he's publicly stated he stopped his children going to Parkhead because of the sectarianism around them. There's not many will say that openly.
    3 points
  5. Well, that's a blow to our development squad and their upcoming Tunnock's semi-final against Inverness Caley.
    3 points
  6. wow, that is actually some deal for us if true. Ross Wilson already working some magic ???
    2 points
  7. When the BBC want to pay that little bit of extra attention to a Sports story, catching that embryonic spark suggesting a different development; they ask Rob Bonnet to capture the essence. Bonnet is across the broadcast medium, whether it's radio, TV, or social media. A man in his mid sixties, he brings a certain gravitas. The Steven Gerrard phenomenon is of huge interest to the whole of the UK and beyond. In eighteen short months, he has taken the proverbial sleeping giant and provided the necessary electricity to power a title challenge. Twenty-eight European matches have been played in the same time period, only three having been lost. Such stirrings have been noted and are genuinely worthy of Rob Bonnet's attention. Among the BBC nations and regions, etiquette governs the approach. Currently, we are in the fifth year of the PQ Gang Hut managed dispute. They take our license fees without providing a service. Strict adherence to supporting a Journalist who has had his press credentials withdrawn, ensures Rob Bonnet cannot interview Steve Gerrard. Now, Rangers supporters and other interested parties get less value for their license fees. BBC Scotland's Chief Sports Correspondent is Chris McLaughlin. Etiquette demands Rob Bonnet must speak to the Ghoul of Hinshelwood reference Gerrard's burgeoning success. It was his best Grassy Knoll stance, Gerrard has improved Rangers, but Rangers remain a long way behind. Chris illustrated this by mentioning yesterday's victory was only the second at ra Stade de Gadd in this decade. McLaughlin gripped his comfort blanket tightly, pointing out the financial gulf between both clubs, after Rangers 2012 liquidation. I know, there's a contradiction right there; it's our first victory in seven years, and we did not compete in the same division for four of those years. However, to articulate the conclusion of his own rationale means he has to add Rangers supporters' beliefs, and Chris cannot do that. Rangers supporters must NOT have a voice on the national broadcaster. McLaughlin's latest squeeze, Eilidh Barbour has left him, she prefers the taste of axminster. The time has come for PQ to leave Chris behind too.
    2 points
  8. Yes, he will. Because Kennedy was suggesting his injury was short term, even hinting he may participate in training in Dubai.
    1 point
  9. Borrowed from MD on FF. “But - Rangers will save about £2m in wages and projected bonus payments.He got nothing from the deal but Rangers got a transfer fee.The sell-on option will give Rangers a third of any future transfer.If I get any more genuine updates I will post them in here.”
    1 point
  10. Granted but there are countless things that Messi does that Ronaldo can only dream about it
    1 point
  11. By total chance I had just gone out in the car and put the radio on when he came on air. Yes I know him very well and he's certainly a Rangers fan. I didn't get the listen to the whole show so I didn't get to hear whether he got to talk about Rangers at all.
    1 point
  12. I don't know about anyone else but my heart swells with pride when I read about this work. There's something very special about the respect it takes to care for someone else's legacy.
    1 point
  13. So thats Andy King and Eros Grezda gone. BTW, Fraser Aird has signed for San Diego, owned and managed by Landon Donovan. From Clyde and Hartley to the sunny beaches, some move! Good luck, son! I would assume nothing will be said, but you hope we got some money for Grezda ...
    1 point
  14. The comment was a laugh that I had heard absolutely nothing of any substance except the same rumours everyone else had, that included links to Armstrong/Allen/insert any other generic name Which is why I joked about it on here about his great pass & it was completely taken as actual rumour instead of pisstake it was intended I said same on FF - All names (4 or 5) have been dismissed as bollocks, the club’s ‘position’ they are stating is they want rid of guys and don’t want anything coming in unless it’s an amazing dealEven ‘off the record’ they are saying nothing in pipeline etcSo if they have got intentions of moving then it’s completely under the radar (the way it should be)
    1 point
  15. Think my position on Mark Allen has been pretty clear & well discussed on Gersnet podcast etc
    1 point
  16. The talk is of Mr Polster being told to find a new club. I’m assuming Rangers are retaining Mrs Polster.
    1 point
  17. Saw it on NewsNow. Maybe they need to update that to NewsWas unless it's a fresh interest.
    1 point
  18. May I shoot the messenger? Just this time? On FF someone mentioned that Stuart Armstrong is being rumoured as well. If I was Rousseau, I'd use this ...
    1 point
  19. Sunday Post reporting that Rangers preparing to cash in on Morelos if a 20 million offer is made. To be replaced by Daniel Sturridge. That would displease me. Morelos is indestructible, almost never injured. While Sturridge on the other has already had separate injuries in September, October, November and December alone. Four consecutive months amounting to 51 total days out. That's not a replacement for Morelos.
    1 point
  20. Okay he done that and got result proving if you are good enough you are old enough.
    1 point
  21. Haggerty, Dr Stu and Michael Stewart - three (rather sinister, publicly funded) clowns.
    1 point
  22. Going for the Throat. Yesterday was a busy day for the PQ Gang Hut. Angela Haggerty waddled up to the microphone, on Shereen Nanjiani's show. Of course, Shereen was on holiday, thus Fiona Stalker hosted. First up was a review on BBC 's new drama, 'Dracula'. Angela revealed, "we were raised as catholics, I know nothing about Dracula, that would be seen as a cult thing". Angela confirmed her conditioning, "my father is staying with me, he's eighty, he watched a few of the opening minutes before declaring this is not for me". She admitted to binge watching and stated her admiration for the nun character, "she's a bit rock'n'roll". Another guest, the Editor of the Big Issue, Paul McNamee offered, "I was taught by Nuns, none of them were rock'n'roll". You see the difference between someone who is Irish and someone desperate to be so? Still, I am sure Angela will call out Paul's off message contribution, and he will burn in the bad fire. One wonders how Angela has navigated this wide world and reached her 34th year, in such a state of ignorant innocence? Can PQ not raise the funds to send her to Transylvania, let her and the Count do the monster mash. In her two years of doing this show, the majority of her, 'moment of the week' have been Sellik related. Not yesterday, she chose an ethical vegan winning a court case to acclaim veganism as a religion. Be careful Angela, do not get too close to Veganism and don't offer to change a light bulb. Like you're beloved Bhoys, they prefer to remain in the dark. DrStu' has returned from his Big Hoose in Sri Lanka. He knows the parameters on his infinity pool, came back swinging. He wondered aloud about Morelos and throat cutting gestures, had a real good laugh at Fraser Aird losing his contract at Cove Rangers, and told a story of himself and a couple of Saintee supporting mates calling the sequestrators at Gretna, to buy the club's history. I suspect co-host of the day, Amy Irons was the target for the venom? She is a Rangers supporter and her auld man is David Irons. Eventually, he gave the St Johnstone PR puff piece for allowing the old firm fans access to three out of four stands. It will allow Saints to buy two or three players. Further, it's only accepting reality, Saints fans do not turn up against Rangers because of the bigotry. The last Rangers game in Perth attracted the lowest St Johnstone v Rangers attendance ever? Next up was Liam McLeod hosting in Big Dick's absence. He and Michael Stewart discussed Rangers plea for VAR to be introduced. Michael explained that Rangers had experienced a bad month for decisions; mentioning the denied penalty at Pittodrie, the off side goal during the League Cup final, and Sellik's goal in the last old firm game. Of course, Rangers have had many occasions when they have been the beneficiaries of decisions, Liam chipped in, "all clubs recognise that". Liam was anxious to let the audience know, "Rangers will experience VAR in the next round of the Europa Cup", Michael added Kevin Clancy had refereed well during the game and, "I don't like the way Rangers do things as a club". Who knew? We know Michael agrees with the Green Brigade's political commentary, he refrained from commenting upon the St Michael banners. Self beatification might be a step too far? The second part of Off the Ball was advertising Pat Nevin as special guest, I gave up but I am sure Pat showed solidarity with Alfredo in his every day battle with racism?
    1 point
  23. Our board could be a bit more proactive regarding the ruling bodies and the press. Our PR department are hopeless.
    1 point
  24. The PQ take on ra Sellik forwards is very much rehabilitation of offenders. Leigh Griffiths is a convicted racist, it is NEVER mentioned. Similarly, Leigh's depression is NEVER quantified, only sympathy is offered, quickly followed by an expression of solidarity in Leigh defeating his demons. A quick recovery would benefit ra Sellik, but we are continually reminded the national side would be a beneficiary too. Further, French Eddy has a conviction back in France for possession of a firearm. Maybe Ryan Kent's celebration was alluding to something that PQ's strict adherence to Hollicom PR will NOT allow it to confirm. Compare and contrast with Gang Hut reactions to both Morelos and Defoe. Both Big Dick and Liam McLeod rhyme off the Morelos charge sheet on most occasions. I do not believe they have ever mentioned his charity foundation? A young black man, several thousand miles from home elicits no empathy, let alone sympathy. Dandy Dons players admit to learning lines of Spanish to play with his emotions, the reaction is very much, 'all part of the game'. Dandy Dons fans hold up a banner in Spanish claiming Alfredo's 'Mother is a mattress': time for a snigger. They have had a couple of co-ordinated goes at Defoe too. A model pro for twenty years, and the Gang Hut decide twice that they've discovered he leaves the foot in and indulges in simulation(last season's final old firm game at Ibrox). The Ryan Christie is awkward for some senior members of the Gang Hut, they have eulogised him constantly, some already nominating him for Player of the Season. The Compliance Officer citing the former Dandy Don loanee, is a collective testes of the Gang Hut conscience.
    1 point
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