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  1. Under 18 League table is almost impossible to find. Fortunately the results are on the SFA website so I made my own. Team Pl W D L F A GD PTS Rangers 12 12 0 0 52 4 48 36 Aberdeen 10 9 1 0 29 8 21 28 Celtic 12 8 2 2 34 12 22 26 Hamilton Acc 10 5 2 3 12 9 3 17 Kilmarnock 12 5 1 6 17 16 1 16 Hibernian 11 5 1 5 20 21 -1 16 Motherwell 12 4 1 7 18 31 -13 13 Hearts 13 3 3 7 12 22 -10 12
    5 points
  2. As it says in the title https://rfcyouths.wordpress.com/2020/01/07/mercedes-benz-junior-cup/
    5 points
  3. No surprise that their lack of perspective is on full beam. They never seem to appreciate that as the biggest teams, with the largest crowds and the most media coverage, that we both get more than our fair share of decisions in our favour when arguably they could have gone the other way. Referees are always going to be influenced and the best we can hope for is that decisions are based on what the referee or his assistants can see and with the laws of the game fairly applied. Rather than just suck up the fact that they lost a game, they are focusing on the odd decision that they think they should have got. And in some cases, they are probably right. This of course will play very well with their overly-entitled support. Quite why they feel like they are getting a raw deal when they have swept aside all competition for 8 successive years, is anyone's guess. Added to that, they won their most recent trophy with the aid of a refereeing error. After the final, rather than focus on the refereeing error, most Rangers fans were more concerned with our lack of ability to convert chances and to make the most of our dominant performance. Therein lies the difference between the two supports in my view. The other element for me was the clear nervousness of the Celtic support at Hampden. They really didn't fancy it at all and their support was subdued whilst the Bears sang and cheered from well before kick-off. It wasn't until Eduoard came on and they got the goal until they finally sparked into life. Taking a step back, it seems their strategy is clear. Point the finger at the referee, highlight perceived injustices (no matter the imbalance in terms of the number of injustices to each team), ramp up media outrage over non-issues like Morelos' gesture and have lapdogs in the press regularly spout nonsense about all of the above. I sense the biscuit tin Board mentality kicking in again, and all of this is designed to distract the core-mentalists in their support. Personally, I'm loving every minute of it. Lets go!
    5 points
  4. That's also the reason Docherty struggles to feature but in McCrorie's case at least, he's still only 21 so plenty of time to adapt to the midfield role or perhaps gravitate to another position in the defence where I think he'll be better suited in the long run.
    3 points
  5. wow, that is actually some deal for us if true. Ross Wilson already working some magic ???
    3 points
  6. I think that conclusion is starting to dawn on a lot of supporters now. The changes made in the summer of 2018 are turning out to be more profound than we realised at the time.
    2 points
  7. We, as a club, seem to be doing the football side of things in the correct manner. With a bit of luck and hard work, it could be a great decade for Rangers.
    2 points
  8. "Viewing of the SPFL has risen 8% on last season, and 47% on the 2017/18 campaign, showing the appetite our customers have for Scottish football." Aye, because it is all about the Rangers
    2 points
  9. At the final resting place in Slammanan of two brothers John and Richard McLeay who didn’t come home from Ibrox on the 2nd January 1971. The boys Dad Finlay died of a broken heart on the 12th July that same year. I’ve today met with Richard’s daughter Audrey. The plot will now be restored.
    2 points
  10. They live in a perpetual state of victimhood.
    2 points
  11. That's was an excellent report and a very interesting read. There's no doubt that these competitions, with varying formats and rules, will help develop our young players. Thank you @elfideldo.
    2 points
  12. Reference the other Bluenose on Off the Ball, he was a Crofter from Harris/Lewis and was on to publicise his up coming TV series on BBC Alba. A year on a Croft will offer an insight into real island living. Of course, the alternative is Ian Blackford, humble Crofter/Hedge Fund manager. I am sure one of them regularly castrates lambs utilising their teeth? It was probably the presence of Amy Irons and the Crofter that irked DrStu', his conclusion on St Johnstone handing over three stands to Glasgow's big two; was the type of deal he prefers, "Rangers give us half a million for Michael O'Halloran and then they hand him back for nothing a few weeks later". DrStu' labeled the Crofter, "a glory hunter" after he revealed his support for Rangers. BBC Scotland for the second year running has sent a camera crew and Brian McLauchlin to Dubai to cover ra Sellik's winter break training camp. Last night, we had an interview with James Forrest. Tonight, like last year, it will be Aberdeen. On Wednesday, it will be Lennon/Kennedy, ...... etc. Like last year, BBC License fee paying Rangers supporters will receive no coverage of their team training a mile down the road. At some point, Michael Stewart will be given at least another two/three opportunities to utter, 'I don't like the way Rangers do things as a club'.
    2 points
  13. Agreed ! I strongly opine that we should keep a hold of Ross McCrorie and can eventually see him being a solid Rangers and Scotland captain. He needs to work hard at his game and desperately needs regular first team football. The other thing is that SG&Co won´t be here forever but Ross is the kind of lad who could end up staying with us his whole career.
    2 points
  14. Not as laughable as Scott Brown’s recent performances against Rangers.
    1 point
  15. It was an U19 Tournament Rangers had 3 x U19, 4 x U18, 4 x U17 and 1 x U16. WE were probably the youngest squad, although winners Rapid Vienna almost mirrored our squad exactly having one U17 less, which meant either an U18 or U19 more. They also had the player of the tournament in Yusuf Demir who is U17.
    1 point
  16. Under 18's is a dual year U18's & U17's, Rangers have a very big squad, possibly too big. As a consequence the only U16 to start games is Leon King who hasn't played with his own age group for some time. The opposition would generally have a few U16's and in Hearts case they have field some U15's in these league games.
    1 point
  17. Was interesting listening to Craig Mulholland being interviewed by David Edgar at the weekend's Mercedes Cup in Stuttgart. Essentially saying how they are constantly looking to put the youths into situations they find uncomfortable, to challenge them and see how they react. To the point where they did not bring some of their most senior development players to the tournament because they would benefit more from being on loan or training with the first team squad. A number of our squad were therefore 17-18 I believe, although we had one 15 yo (Leon King) and a couple of 16yo's I believe. Not sure what the age limit was for the tournament but the chat was that our squad was one of the youngest and we again reached the semi-finals. Assuming this approach is mirrored within the teams playing in the U-18 league, I wonder what the average age was for each of the games? Another interesting bit of information was that as an academy they targeted having 240 "best v best" games in the last year, but actually had circa 300. This includes the european youth league but also some of the other challenge matches we have held against teams from across Europe particularly. Should be an interesting couple of years ahead to see whether this more strategically structured approach will see more players either establishing themselves in the first team squad or being sold for a decent fee.
    1 point
  18. This Sunday sees the start of another touring year for the Founders Trail. With this is mind we’ve had the plots at Craigton Cemetery,that we take our groups to, tidied up. Founder Peter McNeil. Manager Mr. Struth. Trainer James Wilson. It’s important that we keep all of the plots restored in top condition, this also let’s all of you who have donated to the Restoration Project see where a percentage of the money raised goes to. Thank you.
    1 point
  19. Dapo Mebude is in Dubai. Rudden doesn't seem to be featuring too much for Plymouth after an initial run of games and a few goals.
    1 point
  20. Thought Liverpool were brilliant. One of their youngsters , HARVEY ELLIOTT has been linked with us. A left-sided player who seems to play mostly on the right. Would offer more than Ojo IMO. A more general point: how come L'pool can afford to play 5-6 teenagers in an FA Cup (not Carabao Cup) against a full-strength experienced Everton? Could we do that v Stranraer? If we don't have 4 or 5 youth to come in and do that then you have to question our youth policy. Why have a development squad if they are not being developed?
    1 point
  21. I hope they do because they will be opening a massive can of worms that ultimately should bite them hard.
    1 point
  22. The games never stop with these cu nts.
    1 point
  23. I´ll be glad when the games start again.....
    1 point
  24. Bit of a random comment here but I still feel we need another striker. Even maybe just a loan deal. With Morelos out for the 3 games after the winter break we now really only have Defoe as an option. Heaven forbid Defoe picks up an injury - what do we do then?
    1 point
  25. FWIW they do have a point that the process is very inconsistent but they should know fine well that they have benefited from that inconsistency more than they have suffered from it.
    1 point
  26. They'll draw a sigh of relief to get him off the books, 40 odd grand a week he's on apparently.
    1 point
  27. Hello and sorry about the delay. The link for making a donation is here on our website. Thank you. https://www.thefounderstrail.co.uk/the-restoration-of-rangers-graves
    1 point
  28. Do they really want to open this particular door?
    1 point
  29. hahaha. Brass neck of that lot looking for consistency
    1 point
  30. Fantastic project. Can you give us the link where we can donate?
    1 point
  31. “I always said we had the best two teams on Merseyside… Liverpool and Liverpool Reserves.” - Bill Shankly .
    1 point
  32. Wow how long’s it taken Milne to realise this ? In 2012(with Rangers out the top flight) him & others had the opportunity to do something about Liewell but chose not to.
    1 point
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