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  1. As a rule I'm generally against banning the media. If you don't like something don't read it. Don't buy it, don't click it, don't share it. I've not read the article in question and don't think I've ever bought the Sun so this doesn't really affect me much. Bill Leckie was never a writer I thought had much to say and from what I hear that's not changed. I've felt for a while Morelos is treated differently from other players by the media. I think race does play a part in this. The fact his English isn't great and he's South American has certainly led to some very lazy stereotyping, and there's an almost Fawltyesque default with a depressingly high number of people in this country when it comes to 'foreigners', our local media aren't immune to this. When that's added to him playing for Rangers then you've got the perfect storm for some. Morelos clearly irks opposition supporters. You get players like that, beloved by their own and hated by everyone else, Morelos is one of those. The Aberdeen supporter's bringing in a banner was crass and an embarrassment to their club who should have removed it and banned those involved. But was it worse than the song we (I) sang to Frank McGarvey many moons ago? I've never met the said Mrs McGarvey but I apologise to her now, I wonder if she reads Gersnet... Likewise I cheered along with almost everyone else in the old Rangers end at Parkhead when a particularly distasteful banner was unfurled in the rafters under the roof about the recently deceased Celtic director Demond White. The Celtic support, most of who could read it clearly, were very unhappy, whilst we cheered and laughed and Strathclyde's finest sought a sharpshooter as there was no other way to get the lads who climbed up with it down. Again, not my finest moment. In my defence I was only a teenager, I'm not the brightest now but I was particularly stupid then. Everyone else was doing it so I joined in, I gave no thought whatsoever to the actual people involved. In part I think that's because I didn't see them as 'real' people. They were people I only read about in the papers or saw on TV, they were basically celebrities, and so treated differently from everyone else. A couple of years ago I walked from Sloans in Argyle Arcade to the taxi rank at Central late on a Saturday night in the company of a minor local celebrity and his wife. It must have taken us 30 minutes to cover the distance, a normal walk of around 5 minutes. Every drunk wanted a selfie, or to shake his hand or to tell him he was great. But some wanted to tell him he was a dick, almost all completely ignored his wife and the rest of our party, we were invisible, our desire to get a taxi home was inconsequential to their right for a new profile pic and a dull anecdote over lunch the next day, 'you'll never guess who I seen last night in Buchanan Street...'. He smiled, obliged, did the voice and played his part. I'd have hooked the first guy that pushed past my wife for a better angle on their Samsung, I'd have ignored every friendly 'hello big man' and would have almost certainly reacted very badly to anyone who called me a dick in front of friends and family (even if they might have been correct!). My realisation that local celebrities have to live very different lives from you and me was stark. I wouldn't have swapped his life for mine for any amount of money. Morelos is a celebrity in our wee corner of the globe. He operates to different rules from the rest of us, that's why warmers like Leckie write about him. I suspect there's more than a hint of politics to this too. I imagine the Scottish Sun is finding Rangers something of a cold house currently. Gerrard won't be doing exclusives or feeding them tit-bits, I'm certain of that. Gerrard is Scouse, he knows how much the paper is hated in his home town and he knows the consequences for anyone who doesn't follow that code. There's a reason why Souness, one of Liverpool's greatest ever players, doesn't get many invites back to Anfield and that reason is the Sun. I suspect all of our backroom team follow a similar code too, they're all ex-Liverpool and might harbour ambitions to return there one day. It's also obvious that Morelos isn't a fan of the limelight off the pitch. He seems to be a quiet living guy, he's not a regular at the dancing, he's yet to be photographed barely conscious outside a kebab shop and he's not really playing the media game. There are a noticeable lack of interviews with him, no daft photos of him with a sombrero on, or beside some Tennent's girls or whatever their modern equivalent is. Morelos doesn't seem to be much interested in that side of celebrity, he just likes playing football and scoring goals. Add to that the rise of the club's internal channels, places like this, wall-to-wall Sky/BT Sport and the rest and there's a fair degree of choice now for me to get my Rangers fix. Anything the Sun has as an exclusive will be all over social media within minutes of breaking. The media has changed immeasurably in recent years, I don't think Bill Leckie has. Gersnet is independent, Frankie and the people behind it have always struck me as reasonable and fair. As such they can ban whoever they want, it's their site. What I'd say is you need to go some to get a ban from here. Simply having a contrary opinion isn't enough, I can testify to that. I wonder if anyone at the Sun cares. They should, sport, and football in particular, is what's kept them going for years in this part of the world, footballers are our celebrities. If we're no longer interested in what they've got to say on that then the Sun has a problem that it's running out of time to fix.
    10 points
  2. Good. Because despite plenty of our fans not being Tav supporters, I think he offers such an attacking threat down that side which helps pin opposing teams back. Nobody else on the right would give us that, leaving everything for the overlap on Barisic down the left
    6 points
  3. Apparently he'll be missing on Friday with some sort of infection but is back next Wed.
    4 points
  4. A great post which I'm going to publish on the main site...
    4 points
  5. Is Gersnet blocked in Canada? ??
    3 points
  6. I don't see how the system would work without either Tav or Barisic. Isn't pretty much all the width supplied by these two bombing up and down the wings? There are no back ups who could replace that. And they keep repeating that absolutely no key players will be leaving despite the attempts of the media to link them with moves.
    2 points
  7. I think the club can't win, it's not a great look banning several media organisations. What we do as a support is much more important. Just stop reading them and they become irrelevant.
    2 points
  8. Yep, just to echo what BD said: please do not post content, links or social media posts from The Sun or Daily Record on the forum. As much as our club will and should suffer from suitable criticism from time to time, both these newspapers have gone too far in recent times and the deplorable attention placed on our striker in particular means we cannot feature their content in good conscience. Sure certain stories they break may mean we have to discuss them now and again but such circumstances will be few and far between. For example, it's not often @Stevie - 4lads Blog doesn't have the news first or other alternative sources such as Chris Jack at the Evening Times.
    2 points
  9. Passed away, 96 years of age.
    1 point
  10. Rumour is that he's in Ross Hall Hospital with an appendix issue.
    1 point
  11. Still haven't seen any further explanation of this.
    1 point
  12. If you take Tynecastle for example, you could easily add another 4/5 rows. if digging down.
    1 point
  13. Following Bill Leckie's outrageous and xenophobic attack on Alfredo Morelos article in today's Sun newspaper, we have decided enough is enough. It is proposed that all references to the Sun and any of its articles are now banned on Gersnet. We will not give oxygen to this Rangers hating, racist rag, and I'd call on all Gersnet members to support this. We would add our support to the voices calling for the club to ban the paper and its journalists from Ibrox and for the few remaining Rangers supporters who buy it or read it to boycott it with immediate effect. Some more detail on this issue for posterity here: https://gersnet.co.uk/index.php/news-category/current-affairs/1123-dinosaur-journalist-left-in-the-past-as-gersnet-bans-tabloid-content
    1 point
  14. Club1872's statement shows the club are keeping an eye on the press, so there's little requirement for evidence to be compiled here. Article's like Leckie's are best ignored.
    1 point
  15. ... which coincides with the rumours that Tav's appendix has burst and he'll be out for a month. Rumours for the time being.
    1 point
  16. The full article: The biggest shake-up of gambling laws in Britain for 15 years could lead to restrictions on football clubs’ shirts carrying the names of betting companies, including a blanket ban. Ministers have committed to reviewing the Gambling Act 2005 and it is expected that the regulations surrounding sponsorship of football shirts, and gambling advertising in sport generally, will be among a host of regulations that are assessed. There has been increasing pressure to tackle the close relationship between football and gambling, especially with the rise of online betting and casinos. Imposing a blanket ban would have a big impact on the income of clubs: in the Premier League, half of the 20 clubs have betting firms as shirt sponsors and that rises to 15 of 24 in the Championship. About £40 million a year goes to the Football League and its clubs from the gambling sector. Even if the government stops short of imposing a ban on shirt sponsorship, it is understood the Labour opposition would seek to introduce amendments to any new legislation proposing that it is outlawed. A spokesman for the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport told The Times: “We are committed to reviewing the Gambling Act to ensure that regulations are fit for the digital age. The government will not hesitate to take further action to help protect people from gambling-related harm.” Restrictions that fall short of a ban on shirt sponsorship could form part of the review; for example betting companies may have to demonstrate that they are more active in promoting responsible gambling, or to introduce new measures for online betting to prevent problem gamblers overspending. Helen Whately, the minister in charge of gambling, referenced the review of the Gambling Act last week in response to the furore over the Football Association having sold exclusive FA Cup TV rights to an agency, which then sold them on to betting companies. The sponsorship of Derby County by the online casino 32Red has taken gambling’s relationship with clubs to a new level: the company has a “star player” clause, which provides an extra £1.5 million to the club, and Wayne Rooney has worn the No 32 shirt since he arrived at the club. Rosena Allin-Khan, the MP who is standing for election as Labour’s deputy leader, said at the start of the season: “We are seeing an increase in the number of football clubs sponsored by gambling companies this season. This relationship is now out of control.” Tim Crow, an independent sports marketing expert who has worked with betting companies, said: “There are a lot of people in the industry who believe that in the next five years, gambling advertising will be prohibited. I am not convinced that will happen but I do think regulations will be tightened.” The ten Premier League clubs with shirts sponsored by betting firms are generally the smaller teams: none of the “big six” clubs’ shirts are. Of the £350 million annual income from shirt sponsors, £69 million comes from betting companies. The spokesman for the Premier League, which does not have a betting partner, said: “Betting and sport have a historic association. The government has a vital role in ensuring that an effective regulatory regime is in place and to help protect people from gambling-related harm. “All our clubs have always fully complied with all regulatory requirements and will continue to do so. The Premier League looks forward to contributing to the government review.” Any ban on gambling advertising in football would potentially have a greater impact in the EFL, which is sponsored by Sky Bet. An EFL spokesman said: “The EFL does discuss issues relating to gambling policy with DCMS on a regular basis as we continue to recognise the importance of protecting people from gambling-related harm. “It remains our view that the gambling industry should make a financial contribution back into football, given the significant revenues it generates from our matches without bearing any of the associated costs. “Over £40 million a season is paid by the gambling sector to the League and its clubs, which is a significant part of the EFL’s financial model. “However, the EFL recognises that it should promote gambling in a safe and responsible way and we are always happy to discuss with the government how this can best be achieved.” The EFL said it had a range of initiatives to promote responsible gambling that included “protecting minors and the vulnerable.” Clubs in countries such as Italy and Turkey are not allowed by law to have shirts sponsored by gambling firms. In Germany, one Bundesliga team — Paderborn — has a betting shirt sponsor, probably because it is less easy to comply with regulations that outlaw the promotion of casinos but allow the advertising of sports betting. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/past-six-days/2020-01-14/sport/betting-firms-facing-curbs-on-shirt-deals-xrc85qc6j
    1 point
  17. Doc, 55 is coming, of that there is no doubt ? and as you say hopefully this season!
    1 point
  18. Terrible if you ask me! the way Morelos was attacked in that article alone should have been enough for them to respond! hopefully we are not still on a bridge building mission!
    1 point
  19. Nice to see you, to see you nice mate!
    1 point
  20. Good to see you back, mate.
    1 point
  21. Welcome back Cammy, been a long time
    1 point
  22. I am absolutely sure brown was booked twice.
    1 point
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