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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23/02/20 in all areas

  1. That's another lead thrown away and the opportunity to apply even a small bit of pressure on Celtic also passed up. Just not good enough at all - the defending was woeful throughout (not sure what has happened to Katic lately but he seems to panic any time the ball comes near him) - but once again our midfield was posted missing for me all too often. Really not sure what we do here. The manager seems to be struggling to get a reaction and few players seem to want to take responsibility. Quite simply we've collapsed and i'ts rather embarrassing.
    4 points
  2. Utter despair. Will someone tell the manager we are Glasgow Rangers and we don't make a defensive sub away to St Johnstone?
    4 points
  3. Dare I say that SG could be doing with an experienced coach/manager at his side for 6-12 months? Would SG feel that this type of move would "undermine" him? Could SG improve with an auld heid sat next to him during games? I fully support the manager, I think he can take us places, maybe he could be doing with a helping / guiding hand?
    3 points
  4. I was hoping that Kamberi would start on the left today. It's clear that Kent needs to be taken out of the firing line. His form is attracting more criticism with each game that passes.
    2 points
  5. I think the domestic league is over, but the season? No. I find it slightly bewildering that fans are on Gerrard's back, or the boards for that matter. A few years ago we couldn't beat Alloa, now we are in Europe after Christmas and we've won the first leg of our tie - there's a decent chance to progress and who knows what could happen? We also lost a cup final to an illegal goal and we are still in another cup. I still think Gerrard has done a pretty remarkable job in the short time he's been here. We've shown improvement year on year and before the break everyone was loving it. I would like to see us taking a more direct approach at times though. I feel we've lost a bit of the aggressive pressing we were doing and we are playing too many wee triangles.
    2 points
  6. While the management have to take some of the flak, I feel they are being let down by the players and the players deserve the most criticism. Kamberi was the only player showing the hunger for a win, Aribo had a decent game and that's about it. We have gone from an exciting team to watch to a nervous/dread experience watching the games. The league was gone before this match, however any real hope has vanished due to the capitulation since the break, embarrassing today.
    2 points
  7. Can't disagree with any of that. Hagi and Kamberi have been good acquisitions but they have been outweighed by the slump in form from so many others. If we can't hold on to a lead and press for another to make the game safe then we on a hiding to nothing. How many games have we lost or drawn from winning positions? To fucking many. How many have Celtic lost or drawn from the same? Next to none. That comes down to lack of character and lack of belief. Until we actually win a league we won't believe we can. It's a catch 22.
    2 points
  8. I have to be honest BM that's exactly what I thought when Davis came on. Why were we not pressing for a third? We had them on the back foot and let them back in. Nothing to say re most of the team and particularly Goldson and Katic......
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. Tav has been so poor this season. Yes, we arguably missed him when he was injured but he's not offering any sort of quality on the ball right now. With no Barisic on the other flank, we lack options as it's so congested centrally. I'd like to see Jack moved further forward.
    2 points
  11. Not just today, he's been like this for a while.
    2 points
  12. It looks li,e we couldn't buy a decent ninety minutes since our jolly to Dubai a few weeks ago the defence is all over the place Tav has hit a kind of groundhog syndrome the rest are like an out of step dancing troupe Davis hasn't had a decent game since he signed his contract Kamara has went downhill at an alarming rate Kent is a grafter but struggling for form some players can Hardly get game ti e Edmunson and Stewart, Aribo Jack and Arfield get a pass mark a d up front Morelos looks like he would rather be somewhere else . Now there's talk in the gutter press of some kind of bust up in Dubai that should not effect them there's fights in every work place Looks like it's all going g tits up to me whatever the problem is .
    1 point
  13. That’s not the answer, and yes, it would undermine Stevie, Gary Mac, and the rest of the management team. It’s a player ‘expectation’ problem in my view. The thing is they need to do 3 things all of the time: 1. Press high - and give them no time on the ball 2. Win our physically battles - and win every 50/50 ball - don’t get bullied 3. Move the ball forward quicker with one touch moves. I believe when we are doing that we succeed or even when we are playing a team that try doing that to us we struggle. However, it’s not easy to be technically good, physical and slick for 90 mins, but they are capable and get paid well to do it. I don’t blame SG or his team, the tactics are not the problem, I just don’t know if the players can empty the tank every week - be prepared to die in the shirt every week. Take your pick - any player - we’ve put every single one on a pedastal at some point or another only to be disappointed when they cannot live up to our heightened expectations. But, you may argue that we should be able to beat bottom of the league teams without getting into 2nd gear, but it’s simply not true. They will have their days and can pick us off when we’re not at it, it’s the same in any league. These players are still young and learning - and as we cannot buy the finished articles it should be no surprise that we’re where we are. With celtic on such form - we literally need players that can perform at an optimal level almost every week - and that collectively, no more than 2 or 3 are of their game. We’re praising young Hagi right now and chastising young Kent - but it could easily be the opposite in 2 weeks time. I don’t know what the answer is - apart from buying a new spine for the team - proven, experienced players. To do that we would have to sell our highest value assets when presented with the opportunity..... and be patient.
    1 point
  14. Opponents are wise to the way we play. They know how to make it difficult for us to break them down when we have one up front. When we went two up front after HT today the game changed in our favour. If we’d started that way we’d have won in my opinion despite our poor defending at times.
    1 point
  15. I'm not so sure about that! the way the team responded against Braga certainly never looked like the manager has lost the dressing room, there is however something wrong with the team!. Players bottle/attitude is wrong, why that is I don't know?.
    1 point
  16. Wrong tense ...... it's already gone tits up. Season over. The pain comes not from failing to win the league but that yet again we cannot sustain a challenge. Another season when we our form collapses and we finish weakly. There's more to this than meets the eye. It looks for all the world that the management has lost the dressing room.
    1 point
  17. For all our defensive frailties, when do we stop with this "3"-up top stuff when we don't have the personnell? Hagi is a creator, not some rightish attacker. Kent is serioulsly out of shooting form, as is Morelos. Arfield performance standard was up and down as well. Yet we play them time and again. Kamberi was a revelation when he came on, Stewart is always good for a spark ... and dare I say it, Jones looks a player compared to Kent now. Dunno whether SG won't admit that his 7m star signing is off form, but we need to change things. Same with our captain, who simple is not delivering Anyone on the bench right now can't do much worse, so let them loose please.
    1 point
  18. Schoolboy defending cost us a win today and not for the first time after the winter break. Tav has regressed again and looks really short of confidence in anything he does - prime example is the easy chance at 1-1 that he squandered. Alfredo looks like a little boy lost since the break and maybe off-field issues getting to him. Most worryingly is the total capitulation of the team since we destroyed Celtic at end of December. Back to the drawing board for our manager, his staff and the players.
    1 point
  19. I thought Kent started to have a better 2nd half, then regressed to the mean.
    1 point
  20. We are not moving the ball quick enough and trying to play in small areas whereas we should be looking to spread the play and stretch the St Johnstone defence. I also felt the passing today was poor with too many balls in the air making control more difficult in what was a poor pitch.
    1 point
  21. Gerrard got that badly wrong. No need to change when we are going through our best patch of the game leading 2-1. Morelos used to lead the team he now looks half hearted. Kent is predictable, Katic flogged 2 goals, Tav not creating anything. The malaise is running right through the team. Hopeless. We need 3 out 3 in at least. This squad isn’t getting 55 this year or next.
    1 point
  22. Doing Plan A worse. Kent is in his early form of last season, too little end product. Tavernier is crossing #and shooting all over the park and heaven forbid, Morelos is firing blanks. We dilly-dallied ourselves out of the title in a similar fashion last season and have not learned a bit. Kamberi, Jones, Stewart should all start in the week, Polster too. The rest can "re-charge" the batteries ... to put it mildly.
    1 point
  23. We should have started with the eleven that finished off Braga
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. It's not just crossing our final ball is woeful all round
    1 point
  26. Lots of half-chances but ball just isn't bouncing for us and, once again, we give away a really cheap goal. We need a lot more quality on and off the ball. A few players have shown glimpses of good play but that isn't enough and there doesn't seem to be anyone wanting to grab the game by the scruff of the neck. Jack is a bit too deep, Halliday doesn't anticipate enough, Kent's positioning remains poor and Hagi seems to have the wrong boots on. Not good enough but hopefully we can grab the goal our play has merited and we'll need the same kind of character we seen on Thursday.
    1 point
  27. Another bugbear of mine is our crossing. Brutal stuff. We're placing it too close to the 'keeper, or delicately drifting it into a packed box. No chance. Why can't we whip it in, or cut it back to the edge of the box?!
    1 point
  28. I've no idea what instructions our centre backs have been given but each time there's a long ball, normally one should attack it and the other covers. If you look at their goal, Katic attacks it (albeit poorly) and Goldson is actually jogging back while square with Katic. It's the same on the other side when Goldson attacks it. If Goldson had sprinted back to cover we would have cleared it without a problem. I've said this since Helander got injured, but he was excellent at reading the game and knew when to cover and when to attack. We also need Arfield and Aribo to recognise when they are needed defensively too. Arfield always tries hard but his positioning is terrible in the three man midfield. He needs to allow Kent and Hagi to take up those half spaces. He wants to occupy them as well and this means that's not only is he out of position but he's taking the space from Kent and Hagi. I saw Hagi telling him to move away from him twice. I like Arfield but not in this role.
    1 point
  29. Why can't we hit the target from distance? We've created a few long-range chances, but every time the shot has been skied or scuffed wide. At least hit the target... FFS.
    1 point
  30. We have picked up from where we started on Thursday.
    1 point
  31. It was a good listen, worth downloading. Sheils speaks well and there were some good insights into what was going on behind the scenes. I'd never heard it confirmed that we 'had' to play the five boys from Newcastle if they were fit, I'd only seen that as rumour and one I was sceptical about. His end with Rangers doesn't cover anyone in glory.
    1 point
  32. We wuz wrong again, compo. Best ever Heavyweight Championship winning fight by a British boxer? Will AJ dodge him? Loses all credibility if he does.
    1 point
  33. There’s a clear difference between a couple of average performances and a month of utter shite. Cough ?
    1 point
  34. True. Their defending of Aribo goal and a few other instances suggested that.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. If the whole truth about the Celtic paedophile ring is exposed then I'll be amazed. Frankly, I can't see it and I worry this will be another carefully-crafted exercise in deflection and blame sharing.
    1 point
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