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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/02/20 in all areas

  1. I really want Copenhagen in the next round....
    8 points
  2. “Fans were also fantastic...” I have to question that Frankie, sorry. on the whole maybe, and fine voice absolutely. But burying the vocal and whole-hearted support behind the whole shouldn’t excuse the “minority” from their actions tonight. we will be incredibly lucky if we don’t see, at the very least, a partial stadium closure, and by that I mean one whole stand, for the next game. so that “fantastic support” might have caused us to lose £35x10,0000 (or fairly close) - so £350,000 in ticket revenue (assuming nothing a full stadium closure). its fucking ridiculous when they all know that everyone has eyes on us. dislike it or not, think it’s unfair or not, but how many times do we need to shoot ourselves in the foot ?? and to say “the fans were fantastic” without the caveat disappoints me as a Gersnet member. We should be better, we should be leading from the front. Delighted as I am tonight, I fear we’re going to get pummelled for the useless add-one. That support could have provided the same level of support tonight without the ads-one. The defiance is costing the club. And that, to me, calls into question what is more important to these folks.
    5 points
  3. On a good night to be a rangers fan we even got to eventually see the channel four report on historic sex abuse the next days' papers carry reports of our fans making a fool of themselves by singing the naughty songs with reference to the pope when will they ever learn probably the night we play a game with no fans
    3 points
  4. Tonight, I would like to salute the following : Hans Christian Andersen, Brian Laudrup, Peter Lovenkrands, Hamlet, Lego, Lurpak Butter, Kai Johanson, the Little Mermaid, Danpak Bacon, Great Danes, Erik the Red, Viggo Mortensen, Brigitte Nielsen, Thumbelina, Carlsberg, Tuborg, Queen Margrethe ii, Akavit, Danish Pastries, ....................................................... etc.
    3 points
  5. Absolutely - they go into full moonhowling mode when you make the very suggestion that they gained an unfair advantage ON the field of play due to the child abuse. Full denial that families would never have allowed their kids to play for CBC had they not covered up the abuses.... and a number of those CBC kids ended up at CFC..... They most definitely obtained unfair sporting advantage by covering it up.
    3 points
  6. LOL....think they’ll need more than that if the number of cases rumoured is true.
    3 points
  7. As far as I'm aware, there was only one song sung that mentioned the UVF, and it's about the members of militia formed in 1912 enlisted with the British Army's 36th (Ulster) Division for WW1. I don't see that being a major issue, and was not one of the 2 problematic songs sung yesterday.
    3 points
  8. Empty vessels. A(nother) charge of "Dicriminatory Chanting" will, no doubt, emerge. This will result in a penalty, doubtless heavier than the last, possibly closure or partial closure of the ground , presumably for the next home European tie. For a potentially major game, there will be a reduced gate, and a greatly reduced atmosphere. I do not think that a price worth paying for the shouting of a few old, outdated, calumnies about the Bishop of Rome.
    3 points
  9. We could be talking over a million if this were to result in a full stadium closure and i'm sick of it. And sick of those who would defend these clowns.
    3 points
  10. Listening to BBC Radio Scotland at the moment, both Tom English and Pat Bonner are suicidal.
    2 points
  11. We're coming down the road was the one I had in mind, it lends itself well to "we're supporters of the RFC" for example. Even something like Build my Gallows, i love it but "I'm a loyal Rangers man" might resonant more. I don't want to dilute everything or lose any edge. And i certainly don't want to give everything the Andy Cameron treatment. There's just certain songs that could benefit. And making things about Rangers is a good habit if we're to wean folk away from add-ons etc.
    2 points
  12. While I understand the sentiment, I'm not sure that I want to lose Derry's Walls, and there's no chance that there can be a Rangers verse added. I do share your thoughts over the high ground, and I'm not keen on the revised version of "Three Cheers For". There is a fine line and "We're coming down the road" is on the right side of it. The mindset has to be something for the future. The top priority has to be getting rid of the use of the F and P words. I'm astounded and dismayed that the warnings aren't getting through. There's a rumour that we are again not going to accept tickets for the next away leg, which is understandable. I'm not sure what else the club can do, other than remove those who attended last night from the travel club, which also has some issues.
    2 points
  13. On a similar thread, there's a few songs doing the rounds mentioning the UVF. Why aren't we changing the words to Rangers orientated lyrics? This is a real blind spot for us and there's a stubbornness/ignorance that's being easily used against us, time and again .
    2 points
  14. I like how you felt the need to specify...
    2 points
  15. It was good to see city give the Spaniards a going over last night well done city
    2 points
  16. That’s the issue.... European teams try to attack us.... more open... we will crucify that most times.... SPFL... 10 behind the ball... you know the rest ?
    2 points
  17. It was absolutely refreshing watching a referee getting all the big calls right and doing his job in an even handed way.
    2 points
  18. Dear Member, Club 1872 has been in dialogue with Rangers for several weeks regarding Michael Stewart’s offensive and defamatory comments on Sportsound regarding Alfredo Morelos and Jim Traynor. Rangers were in agreement with us that Michael Stewart’s comments were completely unacceptable, and made strong representations to the BBC on that basis. It was correct that the club engaged directly with BBC Scotland to make their position clear and attempt to resolve this issue. Rangers fans deserve to receive value for the licence fee which funds BBC Scotland’s activities. The decision to reinstate Mr Stewart, and the attempted justification for that reinstatement, makes it clear that under its current leadership BBC Scotland has no intention of ever properly discharging its duty to a significant section of licence fee payers in Scotland. In an eight minute rant, Mr Stewart did his best to cast doubt on racist abuse of Alfredo Morelos. He then went on to describe the placement of PR stories, an issue he had completely fabricated, as being “more concerning” than racist abuse and “the main story”. This clear and disgraceful attempt to minimise racism should have been condemned by BBC Scotland but instead they have completely ignored it. His defamatory comments about Jim Traynor were not only false and inflammatory but in our opinion were a factor in the physical assault on him just days later. Quite simply, Michael Stewart should have been sacked on the spot. The contrast between how BBC Scotland dealt with this and how the BBC in England have dealt with similar issues is stark. The assertion by BBC Scotland that they have now adequately resolved this issue by simply explaining Mr Stewart’s responsibilities to him is an insult to the intelligence. Mr Stewart was already well aware of his responsibilities having had several complaints lodged against him for similar behaviour - most notably when he denied that Rangers supporters were placed in a dangerous crushing situation at Rugby Park earlier this season despite clear evidence to the contrary. There is a pattern of behaviour with Michael Stewart on any Rangers related topic and his motivation is abundantly clear to anyone who pays attention. BBC Scotland’s reputation, already damaged by their refusal to deal properly with their ongoing biased coverage of Rangers, now lies in tatters over this matter. It is decisions like this that have led to more and more questions being asked about the future of the licence fee. Rangers supporters are correct to mistrust BBC Scotland and it is clear that the organisation is deeply flawed at an institutional level. There is no accountability, no integrity and no responsibility - from senior management all the way down to Mr Stewart’s level. Rangers are correct to withdraw from all dialogue and we believe that those discussions should not resume until the BBC is able to demonstrate with action, not words, that they have regained some control over BBC Sport Scotland.
    1 point
  19. Almost everyone, but what about, rangers first foreign player, the first foreigner to playin an old firm game, the only ranger to spend ww2 in a concentration camp, I raise you, Carl "skomager"Hansen
    1 point
  20. The poileas attacked the Danish players after each of their first two goals but not after the third. They must have gone home.
    1 point
  21. Tom English has just given his conclusion : "Celtic are a better team, had they gone through they would have gone further in the tournament than Copenhagen". Some would say that sounds a bit Irish?
    1 point
  22. Well they can’t complain because they’ve been knocked out by the weakest team there. A team who are 9 points behind a team we beat 7-3 way back in the 3rd qualifying round of this competition.
    1 point
  23. Surely someone is monitoring dark side social media and will convey some amusing excerpts ?
    1 point
  24. I don't expect that anyone is paying much attention but U.E.F.A. have provided a list of all the scores in the last 32. You can read them all here: https://www.uefa.com/uefaeuropaleague/fixtures-results/#/rd/2001151/2 Not sure how interested anyone will be. Perhaps just one for enthusiastic admirers, followers or fans of European football.
    1 point
  25. Title stripping? Purification by fire; that is the only way.
    1 point
  26. Absolutely, Craig! Decades of sponsorship, gate money, European Money and trophies gained due to the institutional cover up of child sex abuse. Not just any case, but a grooming gang reportedly trafficking children around the UK and further afield. The sporting advantage they gained from this cover up spanned decades too.
    1 point
  27. That is a fairly hefty wedge. And they still have a CL wage structure. Might not be enough as Rangerrab says but even if it is, that is a significant financial blow to them. Just a shame we are handing them the league this season because, had we won the league, I suspect Dave King's "house of cards" statement may have come true,
    1 point
  28. Rumour has it that the vast majority of the transfer fee for Tierney has been put to one side.
    1 point
  29. Think you quoted the wrong person, I never mentioned salaries.
    1 point
  30. Didn’t realise Sporting were still in this. Might as well have another Portuguese team ?
    1 point
  31. Either way you injected Aberdeen into the chat the way you often do. Your prerogative... but if the sheep are so inferior to us the way you suggest why is it you take plentiful opportunities to point out what their fans say about us or our oppsition ? Shows you visit their forums, again your prerogative, but I couldn’t tell you who our fiercest rivals play this weekend because I couldn’t care less... yet this vastly inferior club has you visiting their forums to see what they say about us or our opponents..... and we say Celtic fans are obsessed with Rangers :rolleyes: You had to travel through 16 pages of a thread to find someone making reference to non-game related chat.... sure, call out that post.... but that means of 150 posts yours is one of a handful that is completely unrelated to the actual match thread (if you suggest Aberdeen fans views of Braga are relevant to match thread we will absolutely need to agree to disagree)
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. And his girth (in the midriff).....
    1 point
  34. Sooner boris kills them the better
    1 point
  35. To put this result and achievement into perspective, 7 years ago tonight I witnessed Rangers being held 1-1 away to Stirling Albion.... 1st team to get to the last 16 of Europa League after coming through the qualifying rounds....
    1 point
  36. Can't see EUFA give a flying fuck tbh!!, they are more corrupt than the SFA
    1 point
  37. 3rd division awaits B Hoys. Strip the titles take the prize money and batter them from pillar to post. Precedence has been set
    1 point
  38. A man of your years and experience can handle that
    1 point
  39. Aye, bit worried about the hangover I'm going to have tomorrow now...
    1 point
  40. Just make a certain number of those spouting anti Rangers bile every other day persona non grata at Ibrox. And let the reasons be known to the public. I haven't read any statement from Rangers on their website.
    1 point
  41. This is 2500 words so I won't C&P the full piece here but suffice to say this is another quality bit of writing to make sure you set aside 5-10mins to have a read today. It complements Rick's piece from yesterday perfectly... https://www.gersnet.co.uk/index.php/news-category/current-affairs/1152-the-dubai-hangover
    1 point
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