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  1. As do the coin throwers, they should be identified and banned for life. I've (like 1000s of others) followed Rangers home and away since 1983. I've witnessed defeats on par and much worse than yesterday whilst drunk, having a few beers and stone cold sober. I've never, repeat never felt the need to throw coins (or any other objects). Find them and ban them.
    9 points
  2. had to come on and get a few things off my chest after looking at the social media fall out from last nights result. where to start? well everyone i had spoke to (even after wednesday) saw this result coming. why? simply because domestically we have been terrible since our return in january. i really hope this is the wake-up call gerrard and his backroom team needed. there is no doubt that we have made great strides under gerrard since he came in but this summer will be where we see if he had learned from his mistakes. we finished last season on fire and that perhaps made him think we were better than we actually were so he opted to go for more strength in depth than actually improving our starting xi, same could be said in january just past due to our first half form. i think we can all now see that we now need to improve our starting xi. i am not going to single out players but what i will say is for the first time in nearly a decade we have sellable assets who, if the right offer is received, should be moved on and that money should be re-invested to improve that starting xi - not the squad as a whole. after 20 months we STILL have players picking up a wage who offer nothing. that just can’t continue moving forward. we may be in a lucky position this year that many contracts will expire of some of those squad players. they are the legacy of previous managers and a darker time for us. once these players leave we can use their wages, again to strengthen our starting xi and make a proper go of this next year. guys like foderingham, alwnick, flanagan, halliday, holt, rossiter, murphy, stewart, jones, ojo and barker will all be on decent money and are offering us next to nothing for what we have invested in them. but we can’t continue to demand the removal of managers after a few poor results. there seems to be an obsession within some of our support with stopping celtic winning 10 in a row. i want to look at ourselves. yes it’s shit watching them hoover up trophy after trophy BUT our time will come, but we need to keep to the plan and not just rip it up after a few bad results. constantly going back to square one is never gonna get us anywhere. i don’t believe gerrard is a quitter and it certainly would shock me if he was to leave us but he does need to ask himself a few honest questions. has he been too loyal to certain players who continue to let him down when the big games arrive? i think so, but i also think gerrard is determined to be a success at rangers and he will make the changes needed to become a success. for me he has to tell his players straight - they have from now until may to prove they are good enough to be at rangers. let’s back the manager guys!
    6 points
  3. Him and his brother are nothing but a nuisance, serving their own self-interests.
    4 points
  4. problem, is our players don't know what a big game is, last night was a big game, every unglamorous league fixture, is a big game. Braga was not a big game, Europe is a seasonal bonus nothing more.
    3 points
  5. Agree with most of that DB but at the start of the season we were physically asserting ourselves. We had changed from a team being bullied to winning first balls. Everyone was saying the same. We’ve now reverted to being a soft touch in certain games. Maybe the season is just too long for this squad. Celtic haven’t played well but they have 2 or 3 players who grab the games by the scruff of the neck and drag their team through. The refereeing may also be knocking the spirit out of players. It can’t be easy to know they should be on level points and a lot of their effort is undone by blatant cheating. Every week there is another example. A stonewall penalty disallowed before Hearts similar claim (tho Naismith apparently handled first) and the clearest second yellow for handball you will ever see.
    3 points
  6. That 2010-2011 team is no better that the one we have. The difference is that Walter absolutely knew what was required to win in Scotland. With one exceptional season aside, he had a habit of being found out in Europe but in the domestic game he pretty much had all the keys to all the doors.
    2 points
  7. Look at what happened with Keating. I honestly think VAR wouldn't work in Scotland, the officials are that shit. Money would be better spent on making them full time and giving them better training.
    2 points
  8. Well Papac had been there and done as they say the new boy's a work in progress
    2 points
  9. Davis is finished. The Steven Davis playing for Rangers now is a shadow of the Steven Davis who left in 2012.
    2 points
  10. i understand that but these are pro footballers, some of them international footballers. you telling me they couldn’t play a 4-4-2 against hamilton at ibrox?
    2 points
  11. Would this be a bad time to regret the loss of Josh Windass? Thought so.
    2 points
  12. A degree of realism is needed celtc have double the budget of us. If we were to win the league it would be a massive upset.
    2 points
  13. As Gaspard says....some players seem to pick and chose what constitues a BIG game. When you play for Rangers every game is as important as the next to win....we have players who have never been or never will be winners.
    2 points
  14. unlike you, who turned the TV off during the match. NS
    2 points
  15. At the end of the day, even though this season ain't over, it very much looks like that SG & Co. have build a good side for a "4-3-3" game against teams that play open and modern football. As we can see in our European runs this and last season. What he seemingly again has failed to build or select is a side that can cope with the dross that is hailed as "Scottish football", a game that is essentially made up of teams willing to destroy any sort of techincal football by digging in and being physically better than quality sides. Every now and then these teams acquire a decent footballer for their style (i.e. counter attacking brickwall stuff) or rear their own odd talent to sell it off at the first opportunity. One might be tempted and say that we should not lower ourselves to this kind of level, which is fair enough. But what we do need is to beat teams of that level. That is what Walter's sides did in days gone by. Don't be pretty, don't be fanciful, but get the odd goal more to beat that dross on a continual basis. The Scum are the top of that pile of dung and have a manager that goes with it. They beat the Scottish opposition and that is at the end of the day all that counts.
    2 points
  16. Just start buying tickets for matches. If noble men like you would actually attend matches then there would be no tickets left for coin throwers.
    2 points
  17. There is no excuse for throwing coins at matches. People who do it are not welcome. Similarly if 'PoohBear' wants to direct verbal abuse at Rangers supporters then he will find a more welcoming audience elsewhere.
    2 points
  18. Are you serious? Anything goes at a football match when your team is being beaten and anyone who wasn't there can't comment on any behaviour at all? What else is just fine? Throw anything at all that comes to hand and it's justified and not open to comment unless you were there? Need to be at Easter road to call the bottle thrower a wank when his team were being drubbed otherwise say nothing? The object throwing at Fir park is just fine because their team were being beaten and you can only comment on it if you were there? I can find no words to describe the absurdity of that. Actually I could but I wasn't there so I can't comment apparently.
    2 points
  19. Of course it will. As bad as it feels today, after what we've been through these last 8 years, I can cope with this. Steven Gerrard publicly apologised for that performance today, that's all I needed to hear for now.
    2 points
  20. Another appalling refereeing performance.Surprised little mention of it on here For starters we should have had a penalty when Kent got impeded in the box. Anywhere else on the pitch that’s a foul. Of course Hertz should have had a penalty too when Edmundson handled but from resultant corner Damour (already on a yellow)deliberately handles. A second yellow card which becomes a red card and a sending off. There were also various other baffling decisions but no one at Rangers seems to want to challenge the increasing number of decisions going against us
    1 point
  21. The term 'hammer-throwers' seems rather meaningless. Hearts are a side with minimal footballing skill, who run themselves into the ground when we play in Gorgie. They aren't a bunch of muscular heavyweights, who kick and elbow everything in their path - which would be a reasonable definition of 'hammer-thrower'. Stevie Naismith is their central motivating force and he's a midget who dives more than Tom Daley.
    1 point
  22. Whether it has any bearing or not, from the names listed ,there were eight Scots in the 2010/11 side, compared to just two.
    1 point
  23. Looking at the refereeing performance in Braga last week it was entirely obvious by comparison how poor refs are in Scotland - and transparent that neither VAR nor any amount of training can solve our problems. Every club in Scotland bar one suffers weekly from incompetent referees but we suffer from something far worse.
    1 point
  24. Don't miss @rfb1872, @Stevie - 4lads Blog and Stewart Weir on tonight's show - live in 30mins!
    1 point
  25. Reports on weekend games involving 2007's 2004's and U18's now posted in this update. https://rfcyouths.wordpress.com/2020/03/01/weekend-youth-roundup/
    1 point
  26. Seems pretty obvious to me that it is the latter interpretation.
    1 point
  27. Kris Boyd said something like that recently. Difficult to disagree with him
    1 point
  28. Getting rid off ‘poorer squad players’ is never easy because they’ll be on wages at Rangers they won’t get anywhere else.
    1 point
  29. just to use wednesday against hamilton as an example. what is wrong with trying something different? realistically we have nothing to lose. why not try a 3-5-2 or a 4-4-2. just try something different. a good manager will be able to make changes when needed. mcgregor katic, goldson, edmundon tavernier, kamara, davis, aribo, barisic kamberi, hagi have goldson sweeping and have morelos & kent on the bench if it isn’t working. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” the above could be true of continuing with 4-3-3 against the teams who want to just defend for 90 mins and aim for a 0-0 draw.
    1 point
  30. It's all very Warburtonesque. That's the third time we've been Tynecastle this season and the third time we've played terribly, with nothing having really changed, in terms of how we set up. You could argue each performance there has been worse than the last.
    1 point
  31. Having seen how Hearts, with some success, played the last time we met it should have been clear that they were likely to adopt similar tactics; press our defence/midfield and be aggressive. We needed to circumvent this by spreading our play rather than trying to play short passes in a confined space which made it easy for Hearts to apply pressure. This was most notable at throw-ins where we were always shut down and there was a lack of of movement by our players into space. Unfortunately, this was compounded by our most 'in your face' players , Jack and Arfield, having to go off leaving us with too many players who were not up for the fight. In the midfield we should have been looking for some control and creativity coming from Davis but sadly he was well off-form. Finally, looking at our bench it was not obvious that there were any possible substitutions that would have made a major difference and that is very depressing. Although, the cause of the defeat lies mainly with the players, SG and all his backroom staff need to share some of the blame for not working out how to counter what were the likely tactics to be employed by Hearts. SG and his staff have to work out how to deal with this because it will be no surprise if some of our future opponents don't also take this approach when we play them.
    1 point
  32. Kamberi ahead of Morelos? Actually no. It should be either Kamberi, Morelos, Stewart and Defoe, i.e. 2 strikers up top. It looks like these Scottish games are made for the likes of Docherty (who is seemingly doing well in the enforcer role at Hibs ... of all people), Jones, Stewart et al, even Barker if given a run in the team. Likewise, as much as opposition sides have sussed us out for a good few number of years, it should be possible to analyze each team`s style and counter that, i.e. place defenders as need be, put enforcers and DMs on "playmakers" or possible counter-attackers. At least when it looks like now that we can't impose ourselves in games and stop loosing control. All too obvious since the turn of the year. Have we got the personnell right now? Who knows ... as we play the same people all the time. Hamilton at home might be a good starting point to let Jones, Hastie et al lose and hand them a chance to impress.
    1 point
  33. Thing was Henderson who has played most of the games was out as well as a good reader of a game he adds a bit of muscle in their middle this is what we are sadly and badly lacking
    1 point
  34. Do you go to many games, PoohBear? Paying £30+ to watch a performance like that can make a man quite angry, especially after a few drinks.
    1 point
  35. Thanks for the invitation. Bringing back Ferguson is one of the stupidest ideas I have ever heard. There is a reason that he has to make his living the way that he does.
    1 point
  36. Regarding Morelos I just found this on FF (confirmed on SSB) Came back late from Columbia and dropped from squad. Was allowed back earlier in the week to deal with “a family issue” - turned up 24 hours late and missed all the preparation for today’s game. Gerrard interviewed on Premier Sports prematch and was quite cutting and clearly pissed off as said he only wants to talk about players who want to be here to get us through in the cup.
    1 point
  37. Constantly starting Kent is the main reason I'm having doubts about SG. The lad is useless at the moment and needs dropped. Then there're playing Hagi wide and waiting for other teams to go ahead before making changes. He needs to start using his head.
    1 point
  38. A person not at the game abusing Rangers supporters losing their temper at a completely embarrassing performance. Go to a match and call passionate people 'wanks'.
    1 point
  39. There's absolutely no way he would quit after this. If there's one thing we know about him it's that he's no quitter.
    1 point
  40. All seems to be lost barring a series of fluke results so time to get ready for the next shot. Recall Docherty, tell him him he’s in the team no matter what and see what happens. He’s not a great footballer, his first touch and passing are poor. Harry Davis wasn’t a great footballer either but he held the ring for the artists to do their stuff. I’d gamble more and make him captain
    1 point
  41. A question for the doubters. What would it take to convince you of referee corruption - deliberately taking decisions that disadvantage Rangers and deliberately taking decisions to favour Celtic? You're never going to get it in writing, nor are you going to get a guilty referee confessing anything (well not unless you're a Catholic priest anyway), so what is it you expect to see that you're not seeing today?
    1 point
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