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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/09/20 in all areas

  1. I'd just like to say I thought Mark Hately and Craig Moore were excellent in their half time and full time analysis. I really like this new RTV match format.
    4 points
  2. I hope he's back soon. I've always liked Tom Miller but Clive Tyldsley is a far far better match commentator.
    3 points
  3. The players can't do anything. They will just get sent off if they do. It's currently a no-win situation and we won't be allowed to win the league. Something has to be done off the park. The club need to take the nuclear option and start highlighting the issues and putting pressure on both the SPFL, the SFA and refs to get parity of treatment. However our directors, like most before them, seem unwilling to do it.
    3 points
  4. My bad. p.s. Porteous is still a prick.
    2 points
  5. We have a player sent off for blowing a kiss after we scored! another two players sent off for celebrating a goal!!, off the top of my head, there are loads more examples. If one of our players even looked aggressive going for a challenge they would be shown a card, if any Rangers fan can't see that these last few seasons then they are not paying attention.
    2 points
  6. Enjoy your weekend, they are only 16 once.
    1 point
  7. Arthur Numan's piece beforehand on Willem was also well done and informative
    1 point
  8. In that case i hope SG continues to call them by the same name!!!!
    1 point
  9. No, he was never doing all games: he was going to share it with Tom. I don't know the schedule, though.
    1 point
  10. Just to round off PQ’s lamentable performance from last evening, and to reinforce DMAA’s observation. Towards the end of the show, Big Dick engaged Billy Dodds(designated to sit on the naughty step and watch Rangers TV) to discuss the evening’s results. Billy, who no longer considers himself to be a Rangers supporter began, “Rangers cruised eventually, Willem had their chances, like Aberdeen”. Then, he goes on for a minute about instances that occurred during the Sporting - Aberdeen match. Obviously, despite being tasked to watch and report on the Gers game for the elderly, the infirm, those in remote areas, .......... those paying their license fee; clearly he preferred to watch the Dandies. There will be no coverage next Thursday against Galatasaray either, the game’s at Ibrox. Seriously, why can’t they dedicate someone willing to do the a Rangers beat and let them provide the SERVICE. In five years PQ have put several freelancers on that particular step, beginning with Craig Paterson, Richard Wilson, Chick Young, Derek Ferguson, ...... etc. They have either left the BBC or worked their way out of the particular job. Obviously, it’s considered a job with no future? We have talked of precedents within the BBC, they sent other reporters to Old Trafford to deal with Sir Awex’s several year silence, they sent other reporters to Dens when Jum Spence was banned(not withdrawal of press privilege) twice, they have ....... etc. They are deliberately discriminating against a section of their fully paid-up audience, and they revel in it. Truly, a Gang Hut culture.
    1 point
  11. Last night Rangers participated in a match in the country currently placed 10th in the coefficient table, in an open game with 4 goals and countless chances and talking points. Celtic took part in a match in the country currently placed 37th, in a drab game where they "toiled" and "struggled to create chances". You would think it was obvious which game deserved more attention. The poorly named "Scottish Football Podcast" failed Rangers fans again by giving Billy Dodds 60 seconds out of a 18 minutes and 47 seconds podcast to summarise the Rangers game (about 5% of the podcast). This was, of course, squeezed in in the last minute just in case people forgot we were playing. The word count check brought up the same results too. Despite, again, Rangers have an exciting game with loads to talk about in the Netherlands and Celtic having a boring game against nobodies, the Celtic match report has about 570 words and the Rangers report has about 470. I won't be checking again, but I did last season so I thought I would see if things were getting any better but, alas, no.
    1 point
  12. For balance, there was actually TWO of us who did not predict a Gers win! Well, not in 90 mins play at least! I will own up as one, last Sunday's defensive debacle clouded my judgement somewhat! As a first season Gersnetter, I am willing to take whatever punishment the adjudicator decides? and promise to never to act in such a reprehensible fashion in the future.
    1 point
  13. If he is out of contract next summer and we can pick him up for nothing in January it makes more sense to do that. He looks a tidy we player but I don't think he takes us up a level in midfield, which is what we really need
    1 point
  14. As someone who’s from around those parts let me assure you they fucking despise it. It sends them into fits of rage! Hilarious if you ask me.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. “Celtic dominant team in Riga win” the headline on BBC Sport. If we toiled for 90 minutes and nicked a last minute winner against Latvian nobodies would the headline be a Steven Gerrard quote?
    1 point
  17. Can’t believe nobody got it right tonight! Wasn’t it obvious we would beat a very good Dutch team, unbeaten at home in over a year, by 4 to nil!
    1 point
  18. Very much so. Some would still replace him with Balogun/Katic. He’s one of my favourite Rangers players.
    1 point
  19. Booom - can't underestimate how impressive a performance / scoreline this is
    1 point
  20. Absolutely, it’s five years since McLaughlin’s ridiculous performance at the immediate end of Warburton’s first match, a Rangers 2-6 win at Easter Road. Remember, Chris began his match report with, “four Rangers supporters have been arrested for alleged sectarian chanting”. He was engaged on social media a couple of hours later and claimed he had checked with the Match Commander, and claimed he always did so. Imagine our surprise when four weeks later, McLaughlin’s favourites were playing at Pittodrie and the usual IRA karaoke ensued. Again on social media, he made for sectarian chanting. Again, engaged on social media he claimed no arrests for sectarian chanting had occurred, and again referenced this with checking with the Match Commander. Truly, it was a shock to pick up the Aberdeen Press and Journal the next day, to find six of McLaughlin’s fellow Yahoos had been charged with sectarian chanting. Elderly, infirm,and lonely Rangers supporters pay the penalty for McLaughlin’s vanity.
    1 point
  21. Gerrard said recently as well that he is keen to rotate the centre backs a bit this season. After internationals would be an obvious time to do that. It will be interesting to see whether they are rotated this weekend. Personally, I would play Helander every game, but maybe that's just me.
    1 point
  22. Sportsound on BBC Radio Scotland is an Abertic Production. Tonight, four Scottish clubs participate in the Europa Cup qualifiers. Sportsound is providing live commentary on ra Sellik game in Riga, and further live commentary on Aberdeen’s visit to Lisbon. Motherwell in Israel and Rangers visit to Holland are reduced to updates. Aberdeen have played two Europa Cup games so far, at home to a Faroe Isles club, and away To Viking in Norway. Both games received live commentary. Ra Sellik have played two games also, a defeat of the Icelanders at home, and a humiliation at the hands of Ferencvaros in the CL qualifier at ra Stade de Gadd. Again, both games covered live by the Blarney Bhoys. By tonight all three games played by both Aberdeen and ra Sellik(six in total) all covered by live commentary. Motherwell’ two games against Northern Ireland Opposition were covered live,I suspect their third game in Israel is too far, and the PQ Palestine Solidarity Action will have been pushing boycott? Rangers one match in Gibraltar amounted to Al Lamont watching Rangers TV and a two minute report. It will be the same this evening, unless Willem win. BBC Scotland, run for Aberdeen and RaSellik supporters by Aberdeen and Sellik supporters.
    1 point
  23. As I noted before, Scotland has become the first Fourth World Country in terms of football government and administration. The gulf in standards and how they are applied is quite simply frightening.
    1 point
  24. Our defence today failed---Borna too easily beaten allowing pass for first goal.---Even allowing for blatant off-side,Tav too easily beaten and Helander static at cross,might have been chance for McLaughlin to try a nd punch ball but as I say MIGHT. It's alright to say Kent and Arfield missed but in my eyes keeper done brilliantly,if it had been ours we would have been over the moon. It's time to regroup and get set for Thursday.
    1 point
  25. Right. I've never been entirely convinced about your dubious contributions so keep at the silly stuff and it will be all over for you on this forum.
    1 point
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