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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/02/21 in Posts

  1. By the way Morelos was a 10/10 performance. Antwerp had no clue how to play him and I think five defenders had a go over the two legs and couldn't do it.
    11 points
  2. Funnily enough I don't have a problem with them lionising Lennon. If you actually are a Celtic supporter then he probably deserves the title 'legend'. He played over 200 games for them and has managed them twice, that certainly should earn him a place in their virtual hall of fame. He won trophies as a player and as a manager, we have to accept that. I think there will always be a question mark over all the titles he won, but he won the Scottish Cup and League Cup last season, so credit where credit is due. Celtic have only lost 4 league matches this season, 2 of them to us. That's not a terrible record by any rational measurement. But their support's reaction to our imperious form has been hysterical, in both senses of the word. Our loss to St Mirren in the League Cup was no worse than theirs to Ross County, yet we didn't try and storm the stadium afterwards. They had a torrid time in Europe, again something that almost all Scottish sides experience. Almost all. Lennon's biggest problem is his support and his directors, and probably himself, weren't prepared for how good we've been this season. Not only have we been imperious in the league but we've been wonderful in Europe too. In my opinion Lennon is actually a better than average manager. His spell at Bolton apart, and they were in a bad way when he was manager, he's won trophies at Celtic and got Hibs promoted and had them playing decent football when in the SPFL. I suspect he'll get another job in management and don't be surprised if he does fairly well. Writing Lennon off as a buffoon demeans what we're on the brink of achieving this season. Lennon's problem is he's not Steven Gerrard, Lennon's problem is the Celtic 'support' have abandoned him at the first sign of difficulty, unlike our support who traipsed the fishing towns and former pit villages of Scotland to support our side. I don't like Lennon's public persona, indeed I struggle to think of a player I have ever disliked more than Lennon, and I've enjoyed watching him flounder recently, but while ridiculing him let's remember he was an experienced manager with a strong squad and transfer budget at his disposal, and this Rangers side were simply too good for him.
    7 points
  3. I admit to being a little surprised at the generosity being shown towards Neil Lennon in these parts. I see no merit in the man at all. He played like an angry adolescent struggling with discipline resistance and as a manager he's lost every dressing room he ever walked into.His leadership qualities don't seem to extend much beyond shouting, bullying and attacking his players. Since he first came to Celtic he's constantly hidden behind his acquired image as an Irish Catholic victim of sectarianism, brawled in the streets, shit himself, threatened women, called us dirty orange bastards and generally acted like the low-grade ned he clearly is. I can understand why those like him among the Parkhead support would want to see him as one of their own but the way the Scottish media has continually pushed a concocted narrative about a fictional character called Lenny who is intelligent, generous and benign is enough to make you puke. Lionise Lenny? Not me. Not ever.
    5 points
  4. The SFA will be working out a way to ban him as we speak without rangers tearing them apart in court after Dubai
    4 points
  5. Aside from Kent and Morelos who were both on top form and looking like they have a great understanding between them, I though Nathan Patterson didn’t put a foot wrong when he came on and what a composed goal from the young man. Gerrard’s inclusion of him was well vindicated. Scott Wright is looking like he’s going to be more that a bit part player with displays like that tonight, love his pace and energy and directness. just a fantastic night and the Hagi/Morelos/Kent goal was as good a team goal as you’ll see this round. When we are clicking we look like a top, top European team. Wind on tomorrow, as much as I don't think we fear anyone, I’ll take the easiest draw please.
    4 points
  6. Not sure but i think he's left handed.
    4 points
  7. Tonight, we know the score. The Gang Hut coverage of Scotland's last representative in Europe will be minimal, as little as they can get away with. It's a home fixture and BBC Scotland don't do Ibrox. It will be the usual Host talking to one or two guests sitting on the naughty step. "We are right across events at Ibrox" will be repeatedly chorused. They cannot admit they are sitting in a PQ studio, less than half a mile from the Stadium, watching BT Sport's coverage; like they cannot admit the extent of their hatred for all things Rangers. The knock on effect is they do not want to promote the tie either. Today's BBC Scotland football website has three main stories. The first is from Chief Sports Writer, Tom Anguish telling us Neil Lennon is a legend. The second is Michael Stewart extrapolating on how much it will cost Dermot to bring ra Sellik back into contention. The third is a match report on last evening's nil-nil draw between St Boo and 'Well. The fourth story is, 'Gossip' and it relies on speculation on ra Sellik's next manager. Fifth up, is - 'How much do you know about Rangers Belgian connections'? Sixth story is back to more contenders for the Parkhead hot seat. Carrying the Scottish standard, improving the national co-efficient, and providing further exotic travel for PQ Journos is NOT something to speculate upon. Again, what will BBC Scotland's Sports Correspondent, Chris McLaughlin be doing tonight?
    4 points
  8. He is the most despicable person ever to have been involved with Scottish football, a classless, sectarian, bigoted NED, and an average player, the Scottish gutter press are just as bad for glorifying him.
    3 points
  9. With a broad smile, Neil Lennon spat on a Rangers scarf (wrongly) thrown at him 20 yards from my seat in the Copland nearly 20 years ago so the pretense he's some sort of misunderstood angel will never, ever wash with me. But, like it or not, many Celtic fans will see him as a legend. That's fair enough, however, I always thought BBC journalists, and their chief sportswriters at that, were meant to be objective and tell all parts of a story. It always amazes me how the bad: the spitting, the cheating, his own bigotry and the misogynistic, threatening behaviour off the park are always ignored to treat him as some sort of victim. He's a nasty piece of work and I sincerely hope this is the last we see of him up here.
    3 points
  10. I think SG made his feelings about young Nathan (and Bassey and Zungu to a lesser extent) abundantly clear during his interview. In think it's case closed and move on.
    3 points
  11. Unbelievable. Royal Antwerp are a decent side. Two evenly matched sides but over the two legs the difference between the two was Alfredo Morelos. Whatever the yahoos get for Eduarde in the summer we should be looking for at least £10m more for Morelos.
    3 points
  12. Another amazing game. I'm not surprised it was so open again but really pleased at how clinical we were across the two ties, even if we could have scored even more goals. The defending not so good at times and I don't think we ever really looked comfortable with Antwerp moved the ball a bit quicker. The Morelos pen wasn't soft as, compared to the Antwerp one last week, he's beat the man, got tapped and it affected his ability to chase down his own touch, unlike the Israeli who threw himself to the ground. Two very different examples of two rather similar slight contacts. The same was true with the Wright penalty. Another great win and I can't wait until tomorrow's draw!
    3 points
  13. Aye, brilliant. Stevie G standing by his players, the way it should be. ??
    3 points
  14. What a performance and at times we were unplayable. When we click, we are a very, very, very good football team and an absolute joy to watch. Last 16 of EL for the 2nd consecutive season and unbeaten in Europe. One defeat so far this season, just an incredible season thus far. Onto Livi away next Wednesday.
    3 points
  15. Another excellent win and performance from this Rangers team, brilliant! the Rangers machine thunders on
    3 points
  16. The goalscorer's in front of the defence, but I think the ball was played back.
    3 points
  17. Andrew Neil in a Sturgeon-bashing article in the Daily Mail: ”The Crown Office is in crisis. In a recent case involving the famous Glasgow Rangers football team it was forced to admit to a 'malicious prosecution' – legalese for proceeding with a prosecution even though you've been advised that you don't have enough evidence to secure a conviction.” A trifle misleading on the facts but the descriptive language is excellent.
    3 points
  18. I thought that this was going to be a post about "The Famous" clothing range, whose stuff looks really good, and appears to manage to stay on the right side of the club's copyright war. For anyone interested (and apologies for changing the direction of Scott7's thread). https://www.thefamousheadwear.co.uk/
    3 points
  19. What a time to be a Rangers fan. Another European night, in a great position to progress to the last 16 of the Europa League and the league wrapped up in February. We have to enjoy this because things can change so fast in football.
    3 points
  20. Joining Brenda, All hail, hail Jeremy Ping-pong, knocked out of Europe tonight for the third time this season. Those Young Bhoys, what are they like?
    2 points
  21. i think he was a better player than people give him credit for. I think he is a far worse manager than some seem to think. there is no question he is a vile human
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. I reckon he couldn't see anything on and therefore was very clever. Our players were late in arriving.
    2 points
  24. Tonight, BBC Radio Scotland ended their 'coverage' of Rangers home Europa Cup tie against Royal Antwerp at 20.04 hrs. The final whistle blew at 19.48 hrs. There was 15 minutes of post match discussion which did not include any mention of the co-efficient. Michael Stewart did bang on for nearly a minute about Progres Nieiderkorn. Big Dick did reveal the draw for the last 16 is tomorrow at Noon.
    2 points
  25. From BBC Match stats This was the highest-scoring two-legged tie in the Uefa Cup/Europa League since Helsingborgs 8-6 Heerenveen in the 2007-08 first round. Rangers have won their last four Europa League games - their best run in major European competition since they won five on the bounce in March 1969 in the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup. Despite scoring twice on all three visits to Scotland, Antwerp have lost all three games and conceded 15 goals. Rangers have won 19 of their 20 home games in all competitions this season (D1), scoring 57 and conceding just nine. Morelos has been directly involved in 11 goals in his last seven appearances in all competitions, scoring five and assisting six. Kent's assist for Morelos' opener was his ninth of the season in all competitions - as many as he provided in 2018-19 (6) and 2019-20 (3) combined. He also scored his 10th goal of the season, the first time he has reached double figures in a campaign. Aged 19 years and 132 days, Patterson was the youngest player to score as a substitute in a major European competition for Rangers since Ross McCormack against Porto in the Champions League in November 2005 (19y 97d).
    2 points
  26. Have to say I could listen to SG talk all night. Brilliant interview and humble when compared to Walter Smith.
    2 points
  27. morelos across the two legs 1 goal and 6 assists. different class. oh and set up kent to win a penalty. 8 of the 9 goals
    2 points
  28. Well 9 - 5 on aggregate. Almost a cricket score. Oh, wait, after today it is..
    2 points
  29. So chuffed for the lad. Doubt an All-Black rugby bummer would've scored that. ?
    2 points
  30. 2 points
  31. I think I'd bring on Patterson. Balogun is a bit cumbersome, and he looks to be playing too aggressively for a player booked. I think they're targeting that side now, too.
    2 points
  32. I don't necessarily disagree with what you've said but the counterpoints in my mind are that I think that he is a manager that has quite a short shelf life unless he finds different ways to motivate his players. That may be the way with modern football generally in terms of managerial changes, but here's only so many times he can bollock his players to better performances and results. He was regularly throwing individuals under the bus and the club, presumably with his blessing, strong-armed players to stay with them this season when clearly they were eyeing up moves elsewhere. Over his time, the coaching and structure put in place to very good effect under Rodgers was slowly eroded. Add in his very poor judgement of players in terms of recruitment, and I'm left wondering whether he has simply been left behind by the more modern, tactically astute and technical approach epitomised by our management team. The contrast is stark in my view.
    2 points
  33. Painting his head with potassium permanganate, although he really doesn't need it to look like a prick
    2 points
  34. I noticed. Great to see a young Rangers player being given a chance by a football legend who has made mistakes himself. Humanity, humility and decency.
    1 point
  35. I have a good Norwegian mate who is a Molde fan and have already texted him I hope we draw them ?
    1 point
  36. I highly doubt they will get Benitez - he was taking a break from the game and would undoubtedly get offers in England should he be ready to return. They are talking about Eddie Howe too - I thought he did a good job with Bournemouth but not sure he would worry me. I guess we wait and see not only who they replace Lennon with but also what kind of transfer budget they get - they have a massive rebuild on their hands when all these loan players leave and then players who don't want to be there and players who are past it....
    1 point
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