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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/03/21 in Posts

  1. Griffith's goals against England were fantastic both in terms of their quality but also their timing. Scotland, of course, managed to still mess it up with only seconds to go. I remember seeing a young Charlie Nicholas score a cracker against Switzerland I think on his Scotland debut. He was cheered to the rafters by the Scotland support that night, the majority of who must have been Rangers supporters. I did look at the Scotland side last night and think 'could they get anymore Celtic players or supporters into that side!' but once the match started I can temporarily suspend allegiances. In the end I accepted Maurice Johnson scoring for Rangers, I can accept Griffiths scoring for Scotland.
    4 points
  2. Alfredo Morelos scores his 55th league goal at the Piggery and within a matter of days, Scott Brown jumps ship. So, within a few weeks, we have won our league back, completed a very credible European run and the scum head honcho, manager and captain have all jumped ship. What a magnificent time to be a Teddy Bear. Let's hope the players can stay focused and win the Scottish Cup.
    2 points
  3. https://www.rangerscharity.org.uk/news/55-celebration-badge-pre-order-now Rangers Charity 55 badge. Good badge, good cause.
    2 points
  4. A fair amount of formatting in this, so best viewed online via the link above. Many thanks to @Rick Robertsfor another quality piece of analysis.
    2 points
  5. I enjoy an international tournament. Unlike so much top level club football there's still an element of the unknown about the Euro's and the World Cup. Yes, the bigger nations have an inbuilt advantage, but less so than the big European clubs have in my opinion. I like that smaller countries like Croatia, Uruguay, Denmark, Portugal and Holland can reach the semis and even the finals of major tournaments. Although the grandparent rule and creeping trend of the nationalisation of players there's still a purity to international football that is long gone from the club game. I like that a player like Gareth Bale has to play for Wales alongside some guy from Div 2, that Ronaldo can't just decide to play for Italy or China, he can only play for Portugal, no matter how good or bad the rest of the team are. I've great memories of watching international football. My first big football memory was the 78 World Cup, I was transfixed by the colour and spectacle of it all. Of course I also believed Scotland were going to win it but that disappointment aside players like Boniek, Hans Krankle, Jonny Rep and Mario Kempes were huge stars for me during the tournament and huge currency in playground sticker swaps. Ten years ago I watched Spain beat Germany in the World Cup semi final in a bar in Pamplona. The San Fermin festival was on and the first big bull fight of the festival was taking place at the same time so the bar was surprisingly quiet. Pamplona is Basque country, I got talking to a couple of guys from San Sebastian who had driven down to watch the game. They wanted Spain to win, Xabi Alonso was Basque so they felt they could support this Spain side, just not publicly in San Sebastian. As the bull fights finished the bar filled up and when Spain scored the only goal of the game late on pretty much everyone cheered. The consensus in Pamplona that evening was that while many of them didn't consider themselves Spanish and were very uncomfortable with outward signs of Spanish nationalism, that Spain team, dominated by Catalans, was one they could get behind. International football has lost some of its sparkle for me though. It's rare now for a player you've never heard of to light up a tournament anymore. That used to happen every couple of years in the 70s and 80s. Nowadays some fleet-footed Scandinavian catches your eye and when you Google you discover he's been a Man City for 2 years playing only one first team game and is currently on loan in Holland. Likewise a hot prospect from South America is almost always in Madrid or Barcelona by the time they've left their teens. I think the truly great players achieve true greatness on the international stage. By either dragging their small, normally also ran nation to a tournament in the first place or by simply excelling on the world stage while the whole world is watching. I remember watching Brian Laudrup go toe to toe with Brazil at France 98, demonstrating to everyone just what a player he was. That same tournament Zidane announced his greatness, following in the footsteps of Pele, Cruyff, Beckenbaur, Platini and Maradona, players who reminded you why love this game in the first place. As for Scotland, well, I'm typing this as we're playing. It's hardly transfixing me and in all honesty their games don't interest me in the same way as Rangers matches do. They did once upon a time and who knows maybe they will again someday in the future. I did cheer Leigh Griffith's goals against England a couple of years ago as enthusiastically as any Rangers goals, and I was gripped by the penalty shootout last year that saw us qualify for the Euros. But I've not been to a Scotland match for decades and the tartan army and their fancy dress leaves me cold. I'll watch their matches whenever the Euros come around, but with little hope and no expectation. I do still take pride in Rangers players doing well on the international stage, whoever they play for.
    2 points
  6. Pity he couldn't get rid of Sturgeon now that would be some four timer
    2 points
  7. I remember Jim Forrest banging in 57 goals in one season now that's a striker
    1 point
  8. I was a regular at Scotland games for a few years up until Walter and then Eck departed. Or was it the other way round? After that, and particularly since 2012, I've found it hard to get motivated for any football beyond Rangers. I sort of envy guys that just enjoy football and can tune into all sorts of games. And the international breaks just irritate me these days from a Rangers point of view. Far more often they break up our rhythm than give us a chance to re-focus and work on the training pitch.
    1 point
  9. I'm with John, couldn't care less who's playing for Scotland, although admittedly I loved watching Goram, Gough, McCall, Mojo and Ally form the spine of the team when I was a teenager. Those guys played with McStay, Collins et al no probs, so I've never seen why supporters would be any different. F### supporting an EPL eleven.
    1 point
  10. It has dropped drastically in the past 20 years. I agree with Arsene Wenger - play all games in a lump sum ie. an international season.
    1 point
  11. more rangers fans go to Scotland games than any other teams fans.
    1 point
  12. International football is a waste of time. Please end it. As an interim measure I would accept the abolition of the Scotland team.
    1 point
  13. There is one you are missing out. John Reid as chairman of cfc stated that 'they' would no longer sit at the back of the bus and that the 'holy willies' could move over and make space for his people. News Alert - Rangers FC and their fans are now at the front of the bus and Reid and co. should find space on the bus wherever they can. Loving their meltdown !
    1 point
  14. Scotland game was a decent watch. More so second half.
    1 point
  15. So we will be basically be supporting an English national side? No thanks. Bills original post is spot on. I used to love World Cups and some of my fondest memories of watching football have involved these big tournaments but they now just leave me cold. Saying that so does the CL. I haven't seen a live CL game in years. It bores me to death tbh
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. I had a wee shandy...so lets all do the bouncy.... Ohhhhhhh bouncy bouncy bouncy.... Can we hear the old bones break Compo and Scott and Cammy
    1 point
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