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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/21 in Posts

  1. 3 points
  2. 'Whataboutery' has an interesting derivation. It's another example of the Ulsterisation of the mood music of Scottish life. It used to be said, you cannot debate using your opponent's language, if you expect to win. Go back in excess of two decades and one of the first websites to gain prominence was, 'Slugger O'Toole'. It was a site for discussion around Irish politics. Of course, the Troubles in Northern Ireland featured heavily. Threads were guillotined to stop the habitual, "ah but you did this" continuum. If you could not bring something new to the discussion, it was called a 'whataboutery' foul. Supposedly, remembering or reminding of IRA atrocities did not advance the discussion to satisfactory conclusion. The usual suspects brought it into Scots journalism, Kevin McKenna, Spiers, Spence, ...... etc. Stuart Cosgrove was it's first and most frequent user; even presently, he will label something he does not want to discuss, as whataboutery.
    2 points
  3. Nothing to do with their manager. Vengeful tribalism. On this occasion, ignore me, Mack.
    1 point
  4. There are no ramifications for the scum players - that was dropped months ago. It'll be interesting to see how this turns out. Our players will probably have the full 6 match bans implemented as a result. Personally, I'm delighted that Shane Duffy was not banned. Well done the beaks. ?
    1 point
  5. Maybe that’s why we’re appealing the bans for Paterson, Bassey, Zungu etc the main bone of contention for me over their Dubai trip was Duffy. He left Dubai on the Monday for personal reasons & flew back on a commercial airline then played against hibz in a league game the following Monday. My arithmetic ain’t the best but that’s not 10 days isolation. Even Shooo Keevins made that point on SSB on the evening of the hibz game. The SFA have done nothing about this as far as I know
    1 point
  6. I think Sunday's game is the fourth time that Paul Hartley has brought a side to Ibrox on Scottish Cup duty? Of course, I don't want to jinx it; however, Paul's results have been poor : Alloa lost 7-0, Dundee lost 4-0 and, Falkirk succumbed 4-1. Here's hoping it continues?
    1 point
  7. Agree Thinker, hate the term also but the argument " why are we being punished when they were not" still holds. It's not that our players don' t deserve punishment but more about why they escaped.
    1 point
  8. Was the term "Whataboutery" coined by Spiers? Whoever it was, I hate the word. It's most oftern used by arseholes to gaslight anyone making a counterargument to their bullshit by citing precedent.
    1 point
  9. Yes but sometime just sometime whataboutery is the correct path.
    1 point
  10. He has been an integral part of our success this season.
    1 point
  11. Aye, agree wholeheartedly. I wouldn't be surprised if he has another 2 or 3 years at the top level, he's incredibly focused and trains so intensely that he'll keep going as long as he wants. I reckon he's one of these guys that'll decide himself when it's time though.
    1 point
  12. You’re right of course. And wrong. If you’re saying we should continue to run a deficit in the hope of winning the league ... but then we don’t ... and then don’t qualify for the group stages ... then we will already have incurred another massive deficit and will probably be forced to sell at a time when we may very well also have to contemplate Gerrard’s replacement. We need to focus on continuing the rebuilding job, which is still a long way from complete. We might get lucky and everything might fall perfectly for us but I’ve see all the gambling with Rangers I ever want to see. At the moment we definitely need to hope for the best but continue to plan for less than that and right now that has to include some much-needed financial prudence.
    1 point
  13. Righty ho back to some decent football after the international dross of the past week Chelsea 3 West Bromwich 0 Leeds 3 Sheffield 0 Leicester 0 City2 Arsenal 2 Liverpool 2 Southampton 2 Burnley 1 Newcastle 0 Spurs 0 Villa 2 Fulham 1 United 2 Brighton 1 Everton 3 Palace 1 Wolves 3 Hammers 1
    1 point
  14. I'm not sure I'm even that comfortable with trying to eradicate abuse in this way. I think it would be far better to eradicate offendedness. Imagine if no one was offended, abuse would disappear overnight.
    1 point
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