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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/05/21 in all areas

  1. Spoons don't burn themselves, you know.
    3 points
  2. one thing is for sure all the press on Sunday will be negative.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. While Walker simply isn't qualified to make informed comments on finance is he really that far off the mark using 'perilous' to describe us? The club is losing money and has been for a few years, it's being funded by the generosity of some wealthy individuals. That can't go on forever, we all know that. Players will need to be sold this summer and if we don't qualify for the Champion's League group stages it might be more than we're happy about. I don't think things are actually perilous because there's stability in the boardroom and what seems like a plan in place, a plan that's brought success. Plus, we clearly do have some very 'sellable' players on our books currently, it's a very different picture than any other point over the last decade. So perilous is too strong a word for me, but I'm not sure it's quite the slander the club are making out it is. Walker probably gets his financial information from demented Celtic bloggers, and I suspect that was his audience for this, so it's ironic he's now banned from Parkhead too. That said I'm not sure anyone takes much notice of what Andy Walker says about finance, it's a bit like listening to Davie Provan's views on brain surgery or Charlie Nicholas on the plight of the Uyghurs. I still think we've over-reacted.
    1 point
  5. Anyway, you seem to have won a watch with Herr Tuchel.. He came at the end of January and has done very well, with players who are not "his". It will be interesting to see what he does over the summer.
    1 point
  6. Sevco 5088 Ltd didn't buy the assets. It was Sevco Scotland. As for the argument that D&P undervalued the club, obviously a business is only worth what someone was willing to pay for it (ignoring the issues as to who was allowed to buy it). The club may been sold for a fifth of its paper value, but it's ignoring the required investment after purchase to get it back up and running to a required standard. The issue of the players being sold for less than their value is probably due to cashflow. the directors probably had to get them off the books as soon as possible....although we'd all like to have seen more raised from the disposals. This case re-raises a great fear of mine at the time. Could the administrators have raised more by selling the individual assets and not the club as a going concern? i'm fairly sure that they could have. I'm obviously thankful that they didn't, even if D&P's reasons for not doing it are perhaps slightly less than pure.
    1 point
  7. Here is something from The Evening Times, today. This is about the case of BDO (the Liquidators) v Duff and Phelps (the Administrators). Do keep up. https://www.glasgowtimes.co.uk/news/19290721.rangers-sold-fifth-fair-value-brand-worth-16m-snapped-nothing/
    1 point
  8. Agree about international breaks but unfortunately blank cup weekend our own fault.
    1 point
  9. Middleton always seems capable of some incredible finishing but lacks the ability to go either way that Kent, Hagi, Aribo and Sakala do which has them all ahead of the young lad. I know the management have thought about converting Middleton into more of a wing back as we flirt with a future 3-5-2 (or even a 3-4-3) but I don't know if he has the concentration/positional awareness to do that role.
    1 point
  10. Yet you think Hagi flatters to deceive and Aribo is a waste of a jersey... ?
    1 point
  11. Guaranteed Whosthedado will provide us with the worst XI. Steven - over to you son.....
    1 point
  12. This thread is doing about as well as the banter years themselves...
    1 point
  13. Simonsen Argyriou - Senderos - Cribari - Faure Peralta - Barton - Black - Templeton Sandaza - Kyle The banter years, for me, were McCoist; it was that brutal 4-4-2. Warburton made progress. Caixinha was another level of sh*te, but not quite banter years, so I've omitted his signings.
    1 point
  14. A childish, petulant reaction by Thistle which will no doubt have repercussions. I would have done the same.
    1 point
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