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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/05/21 in all areas

  1. I'm not in favour of the new "supporter package". It's basically blackmail. Pay us £150 to increase your chances of getting a cup final ticket etc due to the award of Mygers points. Cup final tickets should not be awarded on the basis of who has more cash.
    5 points
  2. I believe Lulu opened the first Edmiston House, it would be a nice piece of symmetry to have such a well known Bluenose, open the second Edmiston House. Dennistoun born and bred Lulu belting out the Blue Sea of Ibrox would have Humza Yousaf back on PQ's Sunday Show, demanding her arrest. A little known fact. If you listen to Lulu's recording of the soul classic, 'To Sir with Love' backwards, you can distinctly make out, 'Cardinal O'Brien loves being fisted'. For fux sake, don't let Humza hear, 'Boom, bang a bang'!
    4 points
  3. Thanks for the memories Dick, you have an everlasting place in our illustrious history. https://www.glasgowlive.co.uk/sport/dutch-tv-serenade-ex-rangers-20660635
    3 points
  4. It's good but it's never going to be big enough.
    2 points
  5. The Temple of Dreams, indeed!! "......and worse than that Humza, the whole structure is held up by Three Pillars....."
    2 points
  6. The depiction shown is actually a Jackson Pollock abstract splatter painting. If any Gersnetters are thinking, that is the very dab for the lounge wall? I can facilitate at £500 a pop, I also have a spare bridge in Brooklyn for sale.
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. Can’t fail. If you go bust, the English will come and bail you out.
    2 points
  9. Humza Hates H-u-ns. I thought I would wait a week to see the extent of PQ's limit of exploitation? As stated two posts up, there has been a significant change of phase, Michael Stewart defined it, "sectarianism is racism". It's a stick fashioned to beat Rangers supporters. UEFA have already closed an Ibrox stand and PQ is heavy with anticipation. There are no shortage of volunteers wanting to be seen wielding the stick. Hitting H-u-ns fills the usual suspects with a feeling of immense well being and as we have seen on numerous past occasions, a guaranteed good career move. The prepared ground at PQ is very safe H-u-n skelping ground. So safe, both the First Minister and last week's Justice Minister, Humza Yousaf had no hesitation, they stepped on and added a few skelps. Humza revealed BBC Scotland asked him to comment on the doctored video sourced from, 'WullieWanker'. Humza pushed the limit of exploitation right into the Thornton Suite, suggesting Rangers players sang sectarian(racist) add-ons and demanded if the video was proved to be validated, "those players involved should be shown the door". Police Scotland decreed no criminality, Humza is back on the Sunday Show this morning; this time as Health Minister continuing to push sectarianism is racism and last Saturday was all about anti-Irish racism. The National Broadcaster and the Scottish Government have accepted Call it Out's narrative, the leaders of the organisation, Jeanette Findlay and Angela Haggerty are regular contributors to all means hosted by BBC Scotland. The safety of the PQ ground is such that the man who has just spent three years as Justice Minister has NEVER been asked for comment on the list of malicious prosecutions of former Rangers owners currently going through the High Court, likely to cost the public purse in excess of £300 million. Further, he has NEVER been asked as to the progress on an official inquiry initiated by himself, on the disappearance of all evidence against nine fellow Celtic supporters who hanged effigies by the neck, from the North Stand above dozens of 'Kill All H-u-ns' flags. Three years and counting. I welcome the Club's attempts to take Humza to court over comments made, but I fear it could be a difficult and costly way to go. However, several of the Rangers players being accused by Humza courtesy of WullieWanker, are practising RCs. They have sensitivities and the Club as their employer must protect those sensitivities. If we leave it to Call it Out to address the sensitivities of Rangers numerous catholic players, we will waiting longer than a Humza instigated inquiry to reach publication. Discipline? This is a subject I find myself returning to frequently. What is it about individual and collective discipline that an element of our support cannot grasp? Being a Rangers supporter carries responsibilities. Marching from Ibrox to George Square twice in a two months period, initiating tens of thousands of pounds of pyro', banging drums and, chanting love for Rangers can just about be explained away as, "exuberance". There is a well established precedence. Here's the but and it's a big BUT. As soon as you bellow, "fcuk the pope", you are fcuked. Like the vast majority of Rangers supporters, I did not attend and there's no doubt that elements of the 25,000 that did trap, let us all down. If you have an issue with the pope and there's plenty, find a better way to present it. Pope Francis was a parish priest, Monseigneur and, a Canon during the Facist Military Junta that governed Argentina for eight years in the late 70s to mid-80s. Thirty thousand people were disappeared, mostly taken up in choppers and dropped into the Andes. Francis said nothing. Over a thousand children of those disappeared were put up for adoption to approved families, Francis said nothing, ............ etc. I am sure Angela will listen if you call it out? Here's an example of good discipline that will not impress, but should be acknowledged. The Green Brigade have had several opportunities this last fortnight to get active in support of their preferred prejudices, they have deferred, hunkered down knowing any actions would have ran interference upon the constant artillery targeting Rangers and Rangers supporters. Of course, they have been told not to run interference and have adhered. The Club saw the ambush waiting and they liaised with both the Council and Scottish Government to avoid the trap. The Club asked for ten thousand fans to be contained inside Ibrox on each of four days, essentially repetitive trophy presentations. This was akin to two seasons past, the creation of the Fanzone. Then, the SNP led Residents Committee of Cessnock and Ibrox told Rangers they were more interested in the health and well being of children and not interested in booze'n'burgers. Ibrox is the ground of tactical importance and on both occasions, the council and Scottish Government took the decision to deny containment. They wanted the march because they knew considerable political capital could be made. We can all understand the emotions involved. We have been battered from pillar to post during what our enemies refer to as, 'the Banter Years'. There is a decade of frustration to be exercised and numerous targets to be engaged. In the past, I would advocate leadership. Having experienced five years on the RST Board exercising said leadership, I realised there is an element of our support that do not want to be led. In effect, nihilists determined to bellow, 'fcuk the pope'. On Friday night, the young team did something wonderfully creative, an aesthetic unseen before; they lit up both sides of the Clyde with flares, for a distance of a mile. Right in front of PQ too. Less is more, why not leave it at that? Even the Bouncy of the Squinty, a fantastic piece of vibrance, leave it at that? No, we over egged it, marched along the Broomielaw and invested George Square for a second time. Where is the discipline, where is the leadership? Imagine marching your troops into a square where you can be easily contained, cordoned and, controlled. Police Scotland will enjoy shooting fish in that particular barrel for months to come. Five March. Five March is a restaurant on the western side of Charring Cross. It's proprietor, Joanna Nethery was on the Sunday Show last Sunday. Prior to Humza levelling both barrels, the discussion topic was Glasgow remaining in lockdown and how this was effecting the hospitality sector? Joanna was upbeat and articulated a dichotomy on Lockdown extension. The compensation available was inadequate, "it doesn't touch the walls" but the First Minister's leadership throughout the pandemic, "absolutely wonderful, she has led the country faultlessly". Joanna's smile was beatific whilst praising Nicola. I have read and listened to the reactions of numerous Glasgow restauranteurs on extended Lockdown and they are bitterly invective at Nicola's continued draconian stance. There is no empirical evidence linking the virus spread to folks attending prepared restaurants. It would appear Joanna was speaking alone. You make a couple of calls and are rewarded with information. Five March is so named because it commemorates the fifth of March 1770 - the Boston Massacre. The Army fired into a Colonial demonstration, killing seven protesters. This was the catalyst for the American War of Independence. A pretty obscure name for a Glasgow eatery? However, Joanna and partner, Kevin Small believe England treats Scotland as a colony. It's a delicious secret for those in the know. Go back a dozen years, the original PQ Gang Hut was based in the Admiral Bar in Waterloo Street. Down stairs at the Waterloo was where Phil McFournames held his briefings and presentations. The eclectic mix attending shared information and took decisions, it was good to be a man in the know. Now, we know BBC Scotland is biased against independence because there was an impromptu demonstration of four thousand Nationalists carrying laser printed placards of Nick Robinson, who had annoyed Salmond or Sturgeon during the 2014 Referendum. It's heartening to see PQ acknowledging the old management team of the Admiral Bar, Joanna and Kevin whilst advertising the new Gang Hut eatery and turning up the volume on a very specific message. Worshipping at the altar is not enough, you must be seen to be doing so. I was thinking about opening a restaurant celebrating Scotland's colonial past, the Darien Scheme, anyone want to book a table?
    2 points
  10. Half time at Rugby Park and Dundee are two-zip to the good. Current agg' with 45 minutes to go, 1-4 to the dark blues.
    1 point
  11. This guy is clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed. He's calling people cockroaches after sobbing about dehumanization only a couple of days ago.
    1 point
  12. In the Italian, Spanish , Scottish, and English premiership's the first and second came from the same city
    1 point
  13. I was watching yesterday's BBC Scotland's Sunday Show when Humza popped up to give another penny lecture on anti-catholic vitriol and anti-Irish-racism. I was non-plussed at Humza being interviewed in Dundee? He is inside his house with two framed pieces of art over his shoulder. We can see a space with two tacks protruding where another framed piece of art had clearly been removed for the benefit of the webcam. I wonder if it was a representation of Neil, Brendan, Caesar, ......... etc? We should be told. Humza is MSP for Pollok, he lives in Broughty Ferry. I note Pollok's other elected representative, Rhiannon Spear, Chair of Glasgow City Council's Education Committee, lives in leafy Shawlands. What is it about Pollok's elected officials that they don't want to live there? Maybe that's it, Humza has a picture of Pollok on his wall, to remind him. I would hate to think Humza is staring across the silvery Tay estuary, looking for his seat. Does anyone employed at PQ live in Pollok?
    1 point
  14. Here's a graph by Bert Kassies ( https://kassiesa.net/uefa/graphs/ ) that shows the "Rangers effect" (or lack of) on Scotland's ranking).
    1 point
  15. ... but not the slightest bit surprising.
    1 point
  16. Given how much money we spent "helping" the wee clubs while climbing through the divisions (compared to what the get from the authorities) ... and now this impressive promotion of the Scottish game in Europe, the amount of backstabbing coming from the Scottish game (not to mention authorities, media and politics) is quite sobering.
    1 point
  17. Trouble is Eufa keep changing the rules so it is becoming harder for one club to amass points all by themselves. If others don't chip in we may find ourselves not qualifying.
    1 point
  18. Coefficient points should only be awarded to the club that earns them not to the hangers on .
    1 point
  19. I think Rangers chance of finishing in the top 2 and qualifying for Europe has more or less gone with the (1 - 2) defeat to Celtic today. We have dominated Celtic in all the games this season but lost them all to a 1 goal margin. Today, we had lots of possession but little end product, indeed we hardly had a meaningful shot on goal in the second half. Celtic flooded the midfield and mainly defended and harried the Rangers players. We didn't have any fluidity or inspiration in the top third of the pitch. Both of Celtic's goals came from corners and in both cases arose from poor marking by us. For the first one Zoe Ness didn't track the runner and the Celtic forward had a free header on the ball. For the second goal the Rangers defenders were slow to defend the front post and their forward had a simple header into the goal. The Rangers goal was a speculative effort from outside the box which went in just under the bar, though their goalkeeper should probably have saved it. Before the match the Celtic manager more or less said Rangers would have more possession but that Celtic were more clinical upfront and that is how it turned out. We have probably spent more than Celtic in recruiting players and probably have more skilful players and therefore should be performing better than we did today. Within Rangers, there needs to be some focus on whether the current management team is getting the best out of the players. Today, apart from one forced substitution we didn't bring on any subs until about the last five minutes which was too late for them to make an impact. I suppose you could argue in defence that we were missing three players due to injury and sadly up front the loss of Megan Bell and Kirsty Howat seems be showing. The final game is against the leaders, Glasgow City but even if we beat them then we need to hope one of the other teams beat Celtic. An unfortunate irony is that if we do beat City then Celtic may possibly win the league.
    1 point
  20. Still no real BBC PQ coverage of the fire bombing of Lawwell’s house? tut tut what’s going on here? A piece of bad news they can’t bury?
    1 point
  21. Going by how quickly this was out of the news, the Police seemingly has enough evidence (yet to be lost) that it were Yahoos doing it.
    1 point
  22. Yousaf has abused his position of power, to an extent but I'm doubtful he can be prosecuted for anything he Tweeted. The creature that wrote the article for the Evening News just appears to be a very bitter, entrenched Irish/Scottish nationalist (I could use another word for this type) but I doubt she wrote anything that would result in a conviction. Hopefully Rangers taking action might make these foul people think before spouting shite in future (don't hold your breath).
    1 point
  23. That's a tartan, you know, the Hurting Stewart....
    1 point
  24. Apparently, Olivier Ntcham is available on a free. Just saying, like...
    1 point
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