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  1. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11788/12317854/sir-kenny-dalglish-says-rangers-boss-steven-gerrard-should-sign-more-scottish-players Never heard so much nonsense. Where do you begin to debate this one. Firstly we sign players who benefit Rangers and the national team is not our responsibility at all.
    3 points
  2. No doubt one day a definitive book will be written detailing exactly who was responsible in the main for this whole sorry mess. I remember Sir David Murray saying again and again that he would never sell the club to anyone who did not have Rangers best interests at heart. I recall a poster on here - name of 'Maineflyer' - who warned us time and time again that Murray was not a trustworthy custodian. I wonder if he knew something.
    3 points
  3. I might take some satisfaction from this if I thought for a moment that they would be embarrassed by the revelation but we all know they're far too important to have to care what ordinary people think of them. They are, after all, the appointed guardians of the planet.
    3 points
  4. There's a justifiable arrogance when it comes to English club sides, granted. Paul Scholes really over-egged it though - he made it sound like it was going to be a piece of piss for the rags. Hopefully City rub salt into their wounds on Saturday night.
    2 points
  5. Oh dear poor old Utd. Anyway those English pundits will be saying that an English team will win the CL on Saturday lol
    2 points
  6. Another hypocritical arsehole exposed
    2 points
  7. Demolishing the main stand and building a three tier super stand would be like dumping Brigitte Bardot to go out with Katie Price.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. This brings to mind the various Vote Leave "malicious" prosecutions that were brought with the only objective being to maximise the percieved "wrongdoing" of the Leave side who obvioulsy couldnt have won without breaking the rules. They were brought by individuals or the regulator acting on "advice received" again from establishment figures with self professed skin in the game. All, it turned out had little merit and were dropped, some with damages being awarded to the accused. It all smacks of certain people with a modicum of influence not getting what they want and wanting to cause embarrasment.
    1 point
  10. Murray was a serial borrower whom the banks seemed to trust for whatever reason. He had a business empire built on sand
    1 point
  11. I don’t think they were wrong to pursue anyone they thought was involved in wrongdoing during the administration. Nothing to do with politics
    1 point
  12. Well done anyone who tuned in late and only saw the penalties. Brilliant exhibition of the spot kick art. Others like myself who watched the entire game will take days to recover from the tedium.
    1 point
  13. Em, we signed Scott Wright and Jon McLaughlin last season. Its also rumoured we are interested in Ferguson from the Sheep. We have 6 U21s selected in their most recent squad and have a whole host of players playing at all youth levels. What exactly is it about our recruitment strategy that doesn't already suggest we will sign Scotland qualified players if they are the right calibre and fit with how Gerrard wants to play?
    1 point
  14. There are no players in the Scotland team under £15m who would improve Rangers.
    1 point
  15. You pointed out that, when he ended up in a care home, he might not be able to tell the difference?
    1 point
  16. A poor advert for a cup final but well done the Spaniards.
    1 point
  17. Watched Rumpole of the bailey far more enjoyable
    1 point
  18. And, what are this weekend's lottery numbers?
    1 point
  19. Its embarrassing to have someone in the SFA getting football mixed up with bowls. The most Scotland could win is the fair play award. I fear the England game at Wembley plus Croatia at Hampden. Both could be cricket scores.
    1 point
  20. I recall Villarreal were unable to beat us in last season's EL group matches. Always enjoyable to watch the Stretford team lose out on trophies - horrible club. The pre-match feel from BT was that Man Utd already had the thing won, which seems to be a regular problem for English pundits/commentators.
    1 point
  21. Nice to see the hippy nationalist, nanny state fanatics being hoist by their own shoogly petard.
    1 point
  22. Sevco 5088 Ltd didn't buy the assets. It was Sevco Scotland. As for the argument that D&P undervalued the club, obviously a business is only worth what someone was willing to pay for it (ignoring the issues as to who was allowed to buy it). The club may been sold for a fifth of its paper value, but it's ignoring the required investment after purchase to get it back up and running to a required standard. The issue of the players being sold for less than their value is probably due to cashflow. the directors probably had to get them off the books as soon as possible....although we'd all like to have seen more raised from the disposals. This case re-raises a great fear of mine at the time. Could the administrators have raised more by selling the individual assets and not the club as a going concern? i'm fairly sure that they could have. I'm obviously thankful that they didn't, even if D&P's reasons for not doing it are perhaps slightly less than pure.
    1 point
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