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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/05/21 in all areas

  1. Aside from the ludicrous fee, the problem with McBurnie is that he is clearly vulnerable to a noise up. He will be targeted up here and I would question his temperament to handle it.
    4 points
  2. Bassey is our second choice left back. Whether he's good enough or not is another issue (I'm prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt).
    3 points
  3. 3 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Agreed. Double it then we'll start talking. We should be like that with most of our prized assets
    2 points
  6. That and the fact he's simply nowhere nearly good enough to improve our existing squad
    2 points
  7. Ibrox is currently about the right size. There's no money for any grand refurb job, as things stand anyway. Little bits, here and there is how it'll go. I'd rather we focus on fielding a winning side. The last time we demolished stands we waited a while for a league win.
    2 points
  8. Craig will have to provide us with inside info on the general football forum from now on.
    2 points
  9. Demolishing the main stand and building a three tier super stand would be like dumping Brigitte Bardot to go out with Katie Price.
    2 points
  10. Well took longer than I expected to be honest!
    1 point
  11. As ever the headline is a little misleading, wishing the best side in Scotland had a couple more Scots in it is hardly news. When looking to buy a player Rangers always look at Scotland first. That doesn't always mean the player will be Scottish (Novo, Kamara for example), but there's a higher likelihood they will be. If for example the club is looking for a central midfielder we'll look at who is available in Scotland first. This is perfectly logical as someone already based in Scotland knows the league and is probably on a poorer salary than we'll pay them making a move to Rangers both attractive financially as well as from a football perspective. This also removes all potential issues around settling in, if a player is based in Dundee or Aberdeen they'll probably need to move house but it's hardly a huge upheaval for the player's family. The other attraction of a Scottish player is European squads. There's still a requirement to have a certain amount of 'home grown' players in the registered European squads each season. This is probably why a player like Jamie Barjonas was retained despite never looking like he'd get a game. He was cover just in case we'd a terrible run of injuries. Rangers have signed Murphy, Middleton, Hastie, McLoughlin and Wright in recent seasons and we were seriously linked with Shinnie and McLean. Some have fared better than others, but looking for 'local' players is clearly still a big part of our plan. Now, why Scotland isn't producing better quality players is a whole other thread...
    1 point
  12. Everton have got a good sized support in the far east. I went to one of the summer tournaments a few years ago with Arsenal, Everton and Stoke. Everton rocked up with a big crowd from their SE Asia supporters clubs. They filled a section of the stadium. Arsenal are the current under achievers with the biggest potential though. A mega rich owner who could spend a bit of cash their would blow Spurs away.
    1 point
  13. I did too. It's probably madness but what's a 12 year old mind supposed to do when his club comes calling?
    1 point
  14. Didnt hear that Dundee Utd one. Another one done yesterday at Bramall Lane. Sheff Utd appoint former Fulham and Watford manager Jokanovic. He got both those sides promoted from Championship so it could be a shrewd appointment.
    1 point
  15. It's weird because there's almost always about 5k no shows per game, hence initiatives like Seatsub, MyGers point bonuses and reprints restricted to in person ticket holders.
    1 point
  16. Someone said to me the other day, wasn't it impressive we have a 10,000 waiting list for season tickets. I said if that was the number then it was a tragedy we had to leave at least £5million on the table every year because we couldn't sell what people apparently want to buy. frankly, if that's the situation then the stadium simply is no longer fit for purpose. Most of it is 50 years old and the main stand, despite relatively recent improvements, is all but 100 years old and no longer providing what we need. Sentimentality is understandable but we need to be club that leads change, not one that's shackled by the past.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Can you be more specific.......
    1 point
  19. Motherwell have released (after failing to agree a contract) Allan Campbell (22). He's a decent player, is he not? I'd take him for us.
    1 point
  20. I'm not in favour of the new "supporter package". It's basically blackmail. Pay us £150 to increase your chances of getting a cup final ticket etc due to the award of Mygers points. Cup final tickets should not be awarded on the basis of who has more cash.
    1 point
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