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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/05/21 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. Decent Game,correct result and a masterclass in refereeing.
    2 points
  3. Kante....Kante....Kante....always have know him to be great player but tonight he bettered that.
    2 points
  4. Over 2hrs long but well worth a listen.
    1 point
  5. Blackpool up to the Championship, beating Lincoln in the play off. Good on them.
    1 point
  6. Anyone still funding this organisation is no friend of Rangers
    1 point
  7. Pity you missed it. It was a real match i.e. each side tried to win the game in 90 minutes in a way that suited their abilities Chelsea’s defending was outstanding without ever losing the chance to go forward as a team. No bus parking and in those classic Scottish managers’ words, “hoping to nick one on the break”. That’s enough praising Chelsea. Jammy blues.
    1 point
  8. Never watched the game Mrs compo and I settled for an episode of midsomer murders she had a few gins while I had a bottle of pop
    1 point
  9. The BBC article on Mark Walters has an interesting first paragraph (the only one that appears when you first click the link). https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000wjpb/mark-walters-in-the-footsteps-of-andrew-watson?xtor=CS8-1000-[In_Article_Promo_Box]-[Sport_Promo_In_Article]-[Sport_Promo_In_Article_BBCiPlayer]-[PS_IPLAYER~~m000wjpb~MarkWaltersInTheFootstepsOfAndrewWatson] "Documentary in which former Rangers player Mark Walters looks back at the racism he received playing for the club." Reading that, one wouldn't know the racism was from yahoos and the rest.
    1 point
  10. Easy tiger - There is about 50 Euro Championship games coming up to predict
    1 point
  11. Yeah. My mate sat in line with the goal line Broomloan end and quite far back. You cant see the corner flag and part of the pitch at the Copland / East Enclosure.
    1 point
  12. Best final for a while for the neutral. Very well deserved from Chelsea. Tuchel has Peps number, 3 wins in a row. A lot is being made how Pep got it wrong but Tuchel got it equally right. I actually wonder if Pep may fancy a change of scenery and head back to Barca. Pep not starting with a holding midfielder was wrong and he should have changed it at half time - plus he just randomly positioned his 6 midfielders out on the park. But if you dont play a holding midfielder at least play a striker to give some shape. Chelsea superbly never let any of Citys key players have any space. Kante was just immense and Azpilicueta was superb. I like Havertz he will only get better and has the potential to be one of the best players in the league. You have to ask have Chelsea overtaken Arsenal as Londons elite side? Trophy Count: Europe: Chelsea 6-1 Arsenal (Not including Super Cup or Inter-cities Cup) (2-0 in the big one - Champions League) League Titles: Chelsea 6-13 Arsenal FA Cups: Chelsea 8-14 Arsenal League Cups: Chelsea 5-2 Arsenal Total: Chelsea 25-30 Arsenal
    1 point
  13. decent game and deserved winners. Blue is the colour
    1 point
  14. Congratulations to Chelsea, deserved winners of a very decent CL Final
    1 point
  15. Eagles (Palace). Well done Brentford, nice to see a new side into the league.
    1 point
  16. Two very strong lineups fingers crossed for a game worthy of a final .
    1 point
  17. I’ve already forecast Chelsea 2-0. Check my season’s predictions and be afraid CB.
    1 point
  18. Creepy Connie - love it. Great stuff as always @26th of foot
    1 point
  19. From Pollok to Postecoglou. BBC Radio Scotland have begun with a 45 minute discussion on the merits of Eddie Howe and revealed none of them know anything about Ange Postecoglou. Pollok is so last week, but the narrative remains the same. Big Dick is posted missing, another Dandy, Liam McLeaod seamlessly slips in to Host. The contributors are Tom English, Michael Stewart, Pat Bonner, Leanne Crichton and, Billy Dodds. BBC Scotland's Sports News Correspondent, Chris McLaughlin starts with a Sellik update, "I can confirm Celtic are involved in advance stage talks with Ange Postecoglou reference becoming the next manager of the club". I was disappointed, I wanted to know if his sister, Creepy Connie was continuing to oversee the mental health/strength at Sellik? Her 'Inner Buzz' has worked so well this last season. Anyways, Tom and Michael launched into the demonisation of Eddie Howe. Michael raged, "two Bournemouth coaches have held Celtic to ransom on a maybe" and the former Sellik TV employee finished, "Celtic should have parked Eddie Howe several weeks ago. Celtic are enormous and shouldn't be dependent upon Howe's prevarication". Tom emotes even more, "Howe's late, late decision shows him to be a weak character". I was wondering if anyone else thought Michael and Tom were trying too hard to get comfortable with Yokohama time? Liam finished with a flourish, played Chris Sutton's contribution from last evening's Sportsound, "I am hearing Howe's backroom staff having seen recent events in George Square and the fire at Peter Lawwell's house, they have decided they don't need Glasgow life". Tom reinforces it immediately, "I am hearing what Chris says and it's a good theory". Finding himself on comfortable ground, Tom bangs on about thuggery and anti-Irish racism. Scotland's premier Historian, Tom Devine took to today's Herald to dismiss current anti-Irish racism, but as we know the national broadcaster does not do awkward and inconvenient when dealing with matters Rangers. As for Postecoglou, the paucity of comment equates to Humza's knowledge of Pollok. In mitigation for Eddie, maybe his refusal of ra Sellik job e-mail has been residing in Dundee Chair, John Nelms spam folder for five weeks? Since Dundee have won promotion back to the Premiership, no one has asked if ra Sellik - Dundee fixture is still going ahead in the USA? John was happy being Peter's puppet, he would be even happier if Peter finally organised Sellik's post season tour of Japan. Imagine, how delighted all at PQ would be too? Tom, Pat, Chris, Michael, ................ etc could travel faithfully, pop into Yokohama and find out a smidgen about ....... what's his name, ....... him from Pollok.
    1 point
  20. This has a whiff of Pedro Caixinha about it, doesn’t it?
    1 point
  21. My mate and I bought the Club Deck bonds when it was being built. We sat in our seats for the first game. He lasted till half time, me full time and we never went back. Far too uncomfortable.
    1 point
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