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Showing content with the highest reputation on 31/05/21 in all areas

  1. A couple of years ago we located the final resting place of Rangers player David Hill in an East Kilbride cemetery. Restoration work has now been carried out and a memorial plaque placed at the base. David Hill was born in 1858 in Perth. He joined Rangers in 1875 and played with the Club until 1884. He’s pictured here with his Rangers team mates in that iconic photograph from 1877. David went on to become a Scottish Internationalist and gave the club many years of service. David was employed as a Turkey Red salesman and lived at 17 Main Street East Kilbride.His house was above the two shops pictured that he owned. David Hill married a Jane Isobel Campbell Storer on the 2nd June 1904. He died on 3rd February 1920 at 4 Ann Street Glasgow aged 61. David saw Rangers grow from that fledging club born in a Glasgow park into Ibrox and huge attendances. As we continue to celebrate our 55th Title we remember David Hill.
    1 point
  2. Desmond's overconfidence and cost-cutting got Lennon the job. That's the crux of it from their point of view. I don't think many Rangers fans would have predicted we'd go undefeated in the league. Bit of a double whammy.
    1 point
  3. I keep asking myself, how exactly did Celtic manage to turn success into catastrophe quite so efficiently. Normally they're shite at everything but boy did they turn that around in a hurry. They had all the trophies, now they've none. They had a good manager, now they've no one. They had money, now they've only losses. They had domination, now they're under our boot.
    1 point
  4. I really don't know why we're skirting around this. The decisions taken at HMRC were taken by people, not machines, individuals with likes and dislikes, personal agendas and inherent bias. Every single important decision taken by HMRC in this affair was a value judgement and could just as easily have been completely different. Nothing that HMRC did was inevitable. There were choices and the decisions taken were exercised by individual people. No one will ever persuade me that a significant part of those decisions wasn't a visceral hatred of Rangers or what it was perceived Rangers stood for. It was a stitch-up and officials at HMRC were at the heart of it.
    1 point
  5. Was Postecoglou not linked with us, pre-Caixinha or Gerrard? I think he's a good coach. The only question mark is whether he can transfer his success in Australia and Japan to Scotland.
    1 point
  6. Well worth noting for chuckling Rangers fans that Ange Postecoglou could well do the business at Celtic and it's an interesting appointment (punt?) but have to admit I very much enjoyed the hyperbole over his record from an Aussie journalist on #bbcgms this morning. Apparently Ange isn't just one of the top ten best coaches in the world but the J1 League is also in the top 10 leagues of world football and Pep Guardiola wants to emulate Ange's style after playing them once in a friendly. Segment host Kenny McIntyre was last seen breathing into a paper bag.
    1 point
  7. I vaguely remember the name. Wasnt that the bloke from Bergerac? Now an episode of the latter in the day might have been worth watching over a game. I cant believe Mrs Comp didnt drip a few drops of liquor into that pop.
    1 point
  8. Yes I gather it was a good game just been reading some reports on the city team saying he left his midfield rather soft giving Chelsea the dominance but Chelsea are a good outfit and worthy champions from what I've read
    1 point
  9. Anyone still funding this organisation is no friend of Rangers
    1 point
  10. Kemar Roofe's unbelievable strike wins. Well deserved! https://www.uefa.com/uefaeuropaleague/news/0269-1262aa7b4762-2894442e5195-1000--europa-league-top-ten-goals/?fbclid=IwAR2Su9hR2DLAV8OaAmGRVUUUpK-FKIp7mlWT4KZH7sJZDD0OPIkVAYl_NLI&iv=true
    1 point
  11. With respect that’s not the point. By all means investigate but what we’re talking about here is embarking on actual prosecutions that could never have been justified by anything those investigations revealed. So, if we now know those prosecutions were not grounded in law, what was the motivation and who took the decisions to proceed.
    1 point
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