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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/21 in all areas

  1. Now Kevin Muscat knocks them back #staunch
    1 point
  2. Did not read full article but feel really annoyed that the whole episode between traitor Murray,selling our soul for a whole"POUND" and the subsequent goings on were just an attempt to suck the very soul out of our club. I can only thank Dave King and all who finally put a stop to seeing our club put into a historical setting.Don't know if any of the administrators or whoever done enough to work to save us but am glad that now we seem to be on an even+ situation that will see us survive for many many years.
    1 point
  3. Success in the Euro championship is no guarantee of doing well in the World Cup, the one that really counts. Look at the winners over the last 30 odd years. Almost all, with the exception of 2008 winners Spain, have flopped at the following WC, and even Spain got into that habit in 2014.
    1 point
  4. Respect to the Gangreen Brigade for celebrating our 102 points total ????
    1 point
  5. Is 101 not the torture room in Orwells 1984? Would seem apt for them to appoint on this day?
    1 point
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