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  1. I'm pleased that Zungu's loan is not being made permanent.
    1 point
  2. If penalties are not at the highest possible level for the false and malicious application of the law by the state then I don't know when they would be. This is the most serious misuse of state power it's possible to imagine. In a better society that this, the streets would be thronged in protest. We seem more concerned about how much money is being spent in compensation than we do about the gross and wilful miscarriage of justice by a rogue regime.
    1 point
  3. Now, I asked my Australian cousin, Rangers and Melbourne Victory supporter, for his thoughts on Ange can't-spell-his-name; his response was that he was a first-rate coach who had success everywhere he went, but that he was saddened to think he would now be joining a 'second-rate club'!
    1 point
  4. Coaching the forwards can only help them might especially help Itten.
    1 point
  5. They absolutely deserve compensation, which is a right and proper recognition of wrongdoing at the Crown Office. However, the public also deserves better. By making a dogs' breakfast of these prosecutions, we have been robbed of any chance to establish the guilt or innocence of those charged. I haven't yet reached to stage where I'm willing to assign guilt without due scrutiny in court.
    1 point
  6. Murray didn't have any option than to sell. The bank controlled everything and they wanted their debt cleared and this deal did that. Murray did a lot to the club, mainly by gambling and by not taking account of the potential problems, but I don't think he ever set out to deliberately damage the club, unlike most of the others that followed until the 3 bears and King took over.
    1 point
  7. I'm not sure if this is actually 'off-topic', but, "Imran Ahmad and Charles Green should never have been prosecuted, the lord advocate has said" You may have forgotten these chancers, before whom the Lord Chancellor, Scotland's premier Law officer, now performs obeisance, and who will shortly receive, no doubt, eye-watering, no doubt, cash settlements from the public sporran. These guys saw an opportunity to line their pockets from Rangers; little did they realise that they had found the map to Treasure Island. Refresh your memory: The Lord Advocate does state, "I have given a commitment that there will be a judge-led inquiry into these matters once all relevant legal cases have concluded", although, since he is offski, soonest, much -the nature, scope, and vigour of any enquiry, for starters- will depend upon whether his replacement is of similar mind. Lord advocate issues new apology to Charles Green and Imran Ahmad over Rangers prosecutions Douglas Barrie Tuesday June 08 2021, 12.01am, The Times Imran Ahmad and Charles Green should never have been prosecuted, the lord advocate has said https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/lord-advocate-issues-new-apology-to-charles-green-and-imran-ahmad-over-rangers-prosecutions-dvcjb2ss7 Scotland’s senior law officer has again apologised to a former director and a one-time chief executive of Rangers FC. James Wolffe QC, the lord advocate, has also repeated that the pair “should never have been prosecuted” in connection with the football club takeover. Charles Green was unveiled as the new man behind the club in June 2012. He stepped down the next year. In 2015 he and five others, including Imran Ahmad, were charged with serious organised crime offences in relation to the acquisition of the club. Green, 67, suffered what his lawyer called a “damaging, traumatic and stressful life event”. The Scottish government said last month that Wolffe was to resign along with Alison Di Rollo, the solicitor general. Both have held their positions since June 2016. Yesterday the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service confirmed that Wolffe had apologised “unreservedly” in writing to Green and Ahmad for the prosecutions, with the Crown accepting a failure in its procedures. In a statement Wolffe, 58, said: “Between 2015 and 2016, Mr Imran Ahmad and Mr Charles Green were prosecuted in the High Court concerning matters associated with Rangers Football Club. They should not have been prosecuted and, as lord advocate and head of the system for the prosecution of crime in Scotland, I have apologised unreservedly that they were. “I made a statement to the Scottish parliament following the settlement of two related cases, and I said at that time that there had been profound departures from normal practice. Lessons have been learnt from what happened and the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service has taken steps to prevent a similar situation arising in the future. I have given a commitment that there will be a judge-led inquiry into these matters once all relevant legal cases have concluded. The actions by Mr Ahmad and Mr Green continue with a view to settlement of their financial claims.” Green also faced charges of conspiracy, fraud and an offence under the Companies Act 2006. David Whitehouse and Paul Clark, who were appointed joint administrators of Rangers in February 2012, also had charges against them dropped and were awarded more than £20 million. Wolffe told the Scottish parliament in February that a judge-led inquiry would be held, and that it had the backing of Iain Livingstone, the chief constable of Scotland. A hearing in March, after Whitehouse and Clark began a civil action against the Crown Office and Police Scotland, was told that a complaint over malicious prosecution could be taken to police or other authorities. Alex Salmond, the former first minister, had called for Wolffe to resign over the Scottish government’s handling of harassment complaints against him.
    1 point
  8. Now Kevin Muscat knocks them back #staunch
    1 point
  9. From The Sunday Herald, and behind a paywall (no, really) https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/19352917.administrators-fire-17-5m-insolvent-rangers-valuable-players-went-less-1m/ BDO is attacking Duff & Phelps for not selling players during the period of administration, players that the Club lost anyway, with no, or very little, financial consideration in return. I wonder if Whyte, Green, and the rest of them actually knew that they would lose these assets post liquidation, as the players then were under no obligation to transfer to the new 'enterprise'. I'd like to think it was a case of the asset strippers stripped.
    1 point
  10. Back in the day, 2014, Keith Jackson whipped up this article. If true, it makes you wonder why Whyte, upon setting a foot on British soil, never mind the streets of Glasgow, was not snatched up by these tax-enforcers and HMRC looked on how, in a rather "unspectacular and not-that-well puplicized fashion", as the fraudster took over at Ibrox: https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/ex-rangers-owner-craig-whyte-being-3992415 Why did HMRC not act? For ... any action from them would have made Murray et al aware of Whyte`s background.
    1 point
  11. Totally agree. Rangers were unincorporated between 1872 and 1899. One company then ran the club between 1899 and 2012 and another company from 2012 onwards. Likewise Celtic. Celtic PLC was incorporated in 1897. Are people trying to argue that Celtic was formed in 1897 and not 1888? However, the actual football club (the company that plays their games) is Celtic F.C Limited (formerly HMS (402) Ltd) which was formed in 2001. Was the current Celtic formed in 2001? Or perhaps a football club is not tied to the corporate body that currently operates the club. It's not a difficult concept to understand but it seems that even educated lawyers struggle with the concept.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
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