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Showing content with the highest reputation on 31/07/21 in all areas

  1. Right, before people start to argue over their handbags full of sarcasm, the statement from our captain is clear. Taking the knee in this situation is anti-racism and anti-racism only so please don't equate it with anything else. FWIW, perhaps an alternative method could be used to avoid the BLM comparisons but it is what it is so let's avoid the name-calling, sanctimony and anything else for a few secs each match-day...
    5 points
  2. You wait months to get back to Ibrox only to moan about your seat. Some people...
    3 points
  3. Seems we're not only team setting records today. Hats of to Ange and Celtic, earning their 1st opening day defeat in 24 years. Also, they've not won away from home since defeating St Johnstone on Valentine's Day.
    2 points
  4. Cracking first Saturday of the season. However, given SG's record in Gorgie, I'm not going to get too excited about Paedo FC losing there.
    2 points
  5. davis was about the only one i would give pass marks to.
    2 points
  6. Good 1st 20/30 minutes then we dropped off until we scored the 2nd then we came back onto a game and finished the match well. Another record achieved by this squad today. 3-0 is a good a start to the season.
    2 points
  7. I thought Gerrard summed the game up quite well. We started strongly, then the mentality changed and we kept taking too many touches, slowing and over-complicating the game. Then ended strongly. It's just that middle part where we need to find the easier solutions.
    2 points
  8. He was the only one who anticipated and moved for it. Gets his reward.
    2 points
  9. Like I said above: Wright has been our most lively player. He didn't start the game, but he's done well after being called up.
    2 points
  10. Very strong well balanced team , amazingly strong bench , this squad must be up with the strongest in our history , and best balanced .
    2 points
  11. What nonsense are you talking about? Kelly is better than Busquets and Kante combined.
    2 points
  12. The Full Anguish. It's been a thing these last 30 years, you get down the local Bistro, Brasserie, Cafe, ... salivating at the thought of the full Scottish. South of the border, it becomes the full English and, in the Province it is presented as the Ulster Fry. Pretty much, it's the same thing. A mixture of eggs, bacon, sausage, black pudding, ...... etc; accompanied by buttered bread rolls and strong tea. There are variations and options, mushrooms, tomatoes, baked beans, hash browns, haggis, fruit pudding and, kidneys. I am tolerant of all bar the parboiled white beans. I believe a Gentleman should reserve baked beans for supper, preferably at the Ritz Grill. If we accept a Gentleman does not eat baked beans for breakfast/brunch, I feel it's a short stretch to examine the part played by soda bread in an Ulster Fry. I was Battalion Adjutant some 35 years past and we had just completed one of those monotonous mobilisation exercises, ending up in Fallingbostel for four/five days post exercise reorganisation. Being a Cavalry Depot, the host Regiment was the Inniskillen Dragoon Guards. They made us most welcome, extending an invitation to attend their Mess Sunday brunch for an Ulster Fry. Waiters placed plates, each containing a tower of thick sliced soda bread, an equal sized slice of pigs liver and, topped with two poached eggs. Putting one's knife through the construction ensured yolk and blood flowed, absorbed by the soda bread. An accompanying goblet of chilled sherry was served thankfully, most necessary in pushing 'the Skins' take on their local cuisine, over the thorax. When my opposite number informed me they had slaughtered the pig and as tradition dictates, served the liver to special guests(us), it became a race as to which would burst forth first, my conscience or bile. On Wednesday evening, something was rotten in the state of Denmark. The national broadcaster was bilious, Tom English articulated the bile. Liam McLeod has just finished over two hours of commentary, finally opining, "It's finished three-two on aggregate in favour of the Danes, Celtic supporters are more used to glorious European nights". One Dandy handed back to another Don, Big Dick sighed heavily before allowing Tom to take centre stage in the Gang Hut. He began with a blustered volley, "If Bomber Brown had been placed in charge of Celtic as an undercover agent, he couldn't have made it worse than Celtic have themselves". Clearly, the thought of Rangers had began Tom's unsettled state. Earlier that day, BBC Scotland's website had put up a multi-paragraphed piece by the Limerick lad, stating anything less than a Treble and Champions League group stage football, was a Rangers failure in the coming season. Setting the bar so high that standing on one's tippy toes, stretching to touch with your finger tips, is not good for the abdominal muscles. The cramps must have been severe because Tom announced, "Rangers have two teams, their reserve team could win the league comfortably". Tom owned the pain with, "Rangers are ready for a gunfight, Celtic are armed with a pea-shooter". Tom's bile bubbled for several minutes, realising he had over used Rangers as leverage he became more soothing. He likes Big Ange', he's a straight talker. Celtic played well, "they were the better side in both games". Ange' is not to blame and Dermot must have loomed large because his next statement was, "Desmond is a very successful business man". Obviously perspiring and experiencing light headedness he recovered, "there's lots of money swishing around the club". Seriously, I don't know what's worse, Tom deliberately setting Rangers a high bar or utilising us to increase leverage on his beloved Bhoys? The Bomber Brown reference is particularly strange, maybe his playing for Rangers in an effective Champions League semi-final against Marseille gives Tom further dyspepsia? This time last year Tom wrote, "Celtic are overwhelming favourites to clinch a tenth straight Scottish title at the end of Neil Lennon's long journey. There will be no hiding place for Rangers fans". I suggest Tom leaves off the fried soda bread and baked beans, all those hardened sharp edges and fibrous pulses are hard to handle on the way back up.
    2 points
  13. I think footballers should stand against other criminal acts at the start of matches, in order to lead the way for society. Maybe a wave to stand against tax evasion (Messi, Ronaldo) and a bow to stand against child grooming (Adam Johnson and Leigh Griffiths). Fans should face prison sentences for booing these acts, undoubtedly. How dare paying customers question anything. As Tavernier says, the players aren't interested in political organisations - ignorance is strength.
    2 points
  14. If he could cross a ball, Bassey would have romped this. But he can't. So it's obviously Scott Wright this time.
    1 point
  15. I would put today's performance in the 'Satisfactory' category. Started and ended well but it went flat in between. I'll take that, with a victory and a clean sheet, every week though.
    1 point
  16. Scott Wright scoring is a big positive for me from today. Similar to Kent from a couple of seasons ago in that he could do with adding some numbers to his game to gain some confidence and build on it. Scoring a goal like that in the opening game could be a big confidence boost. Over to you Andy Halliday.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. FT 3-0. Good start, poor for most of it, although it was controlled. Picked up 2 late goals.
    1 point
  19. Thankfully, Kamara can't score to save his life. (I hope that doesn't come back to bite me on the arse... )
    1 point
  20. FFS Ref. It was quite clear Kent was not going to play the ball. Offside... Pfft.
    1 point
  21. That's a pearler from Wright! Outside of the boot; far corner. Beauty.
    1 point
  22. I think Wright's been our most lively player since he's been on.
    1 point
  23. A little sloppiness creeping into our game. Need some changes IMO.
    1 point
  24. Complete control, but the one area we’ve lack for a wee while is carving out clear chances for our striker. Given the overwhelming possession we’ve not actually created enough. Might just be our sharpness right enough.
    1 point
  25. Hagi going off is a blow, he started game very well.
    1 point
  26. I still think he’ll be going out on loan. People have gotten carried away with preseason games but he didn’t exactly excel at Ross County last season. Needs to do more at a similar club this season IMO, far more profitable than being 6th choice here.
    1 point
  27. Probably not as it doesn't suit his "arguement" / "stance".
    1 point
  28. This is the third time in my life as a Rangers supporter that a long barren period has finally come to an end and we start a new campaign in the slightly unfamiliar role of champions. The older I get, the more I understand how important it is to relish these moments and, given a decade of destruction and recovery since administration, this one is going to be beyond special.
    1 point
  29. no one has to agree or disagree they just have to stay silent and not embarrass themselves and the club.
    1 point
  30. Congratulations, you've described the "booers" to a "t" there. And still no constructive arguement as to why it's OK to boo our players who are simply showing their support to our players who have been racially abused. An honest question did you even bother to read Tavs letter? Did you read the part where he says everyone of our BAME players suffered racial abuse last season. Nothing to do with cancel culture or any other buzz words you want to throw about, all to do with supporting players who have received racial abuse. How can anyone justify booing players who are "kneeling against racism"?
    1 point
  31. It's clearly beyond the reach of some but there's actually a serious issue here and it isn't whether footballers make indulge in virtue signals before a game. The worry for me is the ease with which cancel culture is introduced to the debate. It seems completely fair that fans choose to agree with Tavernier's request, just as it should be equally fair to disagree with him. Instead we have calls for dissenters to be removed from their seats and banned from Ibrox for life. And to justify it they are labelled as "racists" - now where have we seen that trick played out before? Frankly, I find it sickening that fellow fans can be so keen to brand as racists people they don't know and have never spoken to. Personally, I don't care what the players do before they start playing but I absolutely resent the attempt by some to create a compliance culture that dictates what fans can think or say and advocates banning people from Ibrox who don't share the opinions of their particular hive. The arrogance of this is staggering. If the players are genuinely sincere in their views then I doubt they will be upset by some fans expressing their opinions but, regardless, it is surely far more important that fans feel free to say and do what they want within the law without the ridiculous threat of being branded a racist. So much is going well at our club, let's not spoil it by acting like petty tyrants.
    1 point
  32. it's sad everyone can't get behind our players in the fashion they want after last year. a good shoeing would have ensued 20-30 years ago for such nonsense.
    1 point
  33. The issue for me isn’t booing (because that’s just not going to happen), the issue is a certain kind of fan who exudes sanctimony and takes it upon himself to go out hunting with a sharpened race card. Surely that’s a far bigger threat to unity than anyone who might feel inclined to boo.
    1 point
  34. And be hypocritical and cheer / celebrate when the players score / win a game / win a cup / win the league. If they can't support them in an anti-racist gesture, I would suggest they shouldn't support them full-stop.
    1 point
  35. What reason would any normal person have to boo our own players for making an anti-racism gesture? As far as I can tell, only someone who supports racism.
    1 point
  36. Why would anyone want to boo our own players for their own views? No one is saying you're a racist if you boo, just a bit of a bellend really. Well said Tav, superb.
    1 point
  37. A shame he felt he needed to write it but it's clear so hopefully those that have an issue take their boos elsewhere tomorrow.
    1 point
  38. Are we saying that Patterson is not in our CL squad? I really dont care what UEFA put up as the squad, their website is prone to errors, has their been any confirmation from the club or SG? Surely he counts as home-grown (the very definition I would have thought?) and therefore should definitely be included.
    1 point
  39. Hopefully he’s on track this time. Just wish he’d had the operation sooner. I still see him as a vital ingredient
    1 point
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