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  1. It’s facile to keep spouting about 4-3-3. We could have played any formation last night but if players can’t control the ball, pass accurately or put in a decent cross then the formation is the least of our worries. We lost to Malmö because too many in the team let themselves and the club down. Fullbacks were dreadful, central defenders were a bombscare, etc etc. It’s about players, not formations.
    5 points
  2. I said at 75 minutes last night that we could play for hours and not score again. I have said similar and been proved wrong before though. Switch it wide, cross it, lose the ball, get it back, switch it wide, cross it, lose the ball, get it back...yadda, yadda, yadda...
    3 points
  3. Eh? Was the Braga outcome clear when they were 2-0 just before the 70th minute?
    3 points
  4. You’re being a bit snide as usual but yes if Helander was available it’s a baffling decision and it cost us last night with two moments of very poor defending.
    3 points
  5. We’ve been moving the ball far too slowly and rarely is it vertical. Last night we played far, far too many square balls in defense and midfield. Shifting the play from one side to the other is fine, but once you do so, you have to make vertical passes to get beyond their low block. We didn’t do it. we also moved the ball too slowly for playing against 10 men. Last week they were out on their feet after 70 minutes get last night, for the most part, they were fine….. because we didn’t have them chasing anything. So disappointing - such an opportunity to make the CL proper. As said already, the formation wasn’t the issue. We dominated them for the first 40 minutes and, in fairness, we could have been out of sight by half time. I’m not even sure the personnel was the issue given that first 40 minutes. But after the break we collapsed, mentally. I do think we badly missed Kamara and even Roofe last night - so the fall out from Slavia has hurt us badly. We also aren’t having any luck. At various points last season we carried that wee bit of luck but so far this year we haven’t. There were a number of efforts last night that were last ditch blocks that on another night would have went in. But up 1-0 against 10 men we shouldn’t have to rely on luck.
    3 points
  6. We hit the same road of 4-3-3 with Warburton and how much was "make Plan A better" line laughed at. Once the opposition suss out the players in their positions, they adapt. We didn`t learn that in SG`s first season, when we fell away after the turn of the year. It was the same in the year of the vote, when we managed to go 13 points behind within 8 eight weeks or the like. Last season worked as Morelos and Roofe brought a new dimension with their interplay, plus Hagi, Kent and Co. all performing on a consistently good level. Primarily though, we didn`t shed too many goals, especially in those close affairs when we failed to break down the trench-diggers. And we had either Jack or Kamara to do the hard yards and they cleared much before it became a danger. While our midfield-to-front crew did their usual stuff, to an extent at least, our defence was jittery ever since Livingston and Real. That`s three games on the trott that we have lost, 2 for farcical defending ... by the "usual suspects". Tonight Malmö were as clinical as we were in Europe these last few seasons, making the best of the opportunities that presented themselves. Kudos to them. What I expect for Ross County is Roofe, Sakala and Morelos up front, Wright and Hagi in behind. And maybe a start for Patterson, Helander and Simpson. Chuck that 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 for a while - not least against the lesser lights of the Premiership - and go back to basics. EDIT: We actually play Dunfermline this Friday, an even greater opportunity for freshen things up ... and learn from that. EDIT 2: Whoever thought up the third kit and whoever made us wearing it tonight should be gelded. What a pain ...
    3 points
  7. When they went down to ten men we should have made tactical changes to benefit us. We did nothing at all
    3 points
  8. Man Utd, 1999 CL final. Game was done…. That’s the perfect example right there
    2 points
  9. Hopefully, we will be Marching Through Armenia, in the Europa League. Or, at worst, Kazakhstan, which doesn't scan. (Either)
    2 points
  10. From my memory it was obvious. We were well beaten in all departments until we scored the first against Braga. Please define "obvious". If Salaka's shot goes in we could have rallied and got another. There are no certainties in football when there are 1 or 2 goals in it.
    2 points
  11. I didn't get in until the 8th minute of the second half. Smartcard didn't work and had to go to the ticket office to get a paper one but the queue was the whole length of the Govan Stand and past the Copland, 3 or 4 deep. There were thousands in the same situation. The whole thing was incredibly badly handled. There were people in the queue who whose tickets had been sold to them and someone else. The Albion carpark was closed at 7.15 and permit holders didn't get in. It was dreadful treatment of the supporters.
    2 points
  12. There will always be justified and unjustified criticisms at Rangers games. That's just our way. However, the ticket situation is something that the club should be looking to fix ASAP. Quite simply, the system isn't good enough (season ticket holders having to log onto a poorly designed site for over 30 minutes in order to purchase their tickets and smart cards not working properly).
    2 points
  13. Wholly unfair. Just because he wasn’t there doesn’t mean he isn’t entitled to an opinion. Bailing on the team when they need you most is frustrating. Those leaving at 75 minutes who stay 10 minutes away are worse than someone living 350 miles away who isn’t there and, quite possibly, couldn’t be there anyway. Guy behind me last night left at 70 because, and I quote, “I’d rather have a beer”. Each to their own but trying to say someone shouldn’t have an opinion because they weren’t there rather than showing annoyance at those who left after 70 minutes is missing the target IMO.
    2 points
  14. I agree with his point, but, "old enough to remember 94/95"? Well, yes; it was only a couple of years ago-- wait. Oh. F*ck...
    2 points
  15. We actually went with a 4-4-2 diamond with Kent in the hole and Morelos and Sakala up front, as the latter came on. Didn't change much. The players were still p*sh. I get your point, though; we should have made changes, to go for it more. To be fair, though, I'm not sure if it was so wrong to still be conservative after half-time; we were level and in a dominant position. But, when we went behind, certainly.
    2 points
  16. Should have played Balogun against Dundee Utd and Helander against Malmo then IMO.
    2 points
  17. You are forgetting the record breaking sponsorship deal with cinch.
    2 points
  18. Just home and that is a sore one to take. Started well, got into a lead, they had a man sent off and we were in the box seat. 2nd half started the same way as 2nd half did last week and we lose 2 terrible goals. Goldson and Balogun all over the place for the goals. The SPFL title was and is our No1 priority given it means automatic entry into the CL group stages and secured us circa £30M. However we are 1 OF defeat away from a crisis and serious questions being asked of the managers and players. I have utter confidence that they can turn it around, but they are running out of time. Roll on Friday ?
    2 points
  19. Explain the shortcomings of 433. Then explain what problems your preferred alternative would solve.
    2 points
  20. I’m actually in a state of stunned shock at that 2nd half display , I thought we were excellent for the vast majority of the first half and absolutely abysmal 2 nd half , I have a feeling this just might be a rough old season . We really need the midfield sorted out pronto .
    2 points
  21. Back in the day, before the CL, we bowed out of Europe often enough early doors too. Or were handed our backsides by the teams of the day in the group stages. The last three seasons in Europe with SG were probably the most satisfying in many a long year, despite 2008 or some ventures under Advocaat.
    2 points
  22. Thought the warning signs were there at the end of the 1st half tbh.
    2 points
  23. 11 goals and 15 assists in 70 games for candeias. certainly decent when added to his work rate.
    2 points
  24. You're fighting a straw man. I don't know what you get out of that. As an act of kindness I will attempt to clarify my very simple point. It's quite obvious that to complain about fans leaving early when not attending at all is almost always worth ignoring. The only time that I would take that seriously would be if it came from a person who tried, and failed, to buy a ticket. I suspect that the poor fellow didn't try to attend last night. Should I take opinions on other matters seriously? Who knows? I'm not making any general claim about that.
    1 point
  25. Appalling spelling. It was Yasser Isarat
    1 point
  26. The chap on the right hand side has always been prone to appalling lapses, punctuated by periods of brilliance. His problem is that when he's poor he's actually rank rotten and last night was approaching that again. He's an enigma right enough. The chap on the left is clearly below par but less so and the vice captain is strangely hesitant and fumbling in central defence. Like all loss of form it seems to be sickness of the mind and it slightly worries me that the coaching team hasn't ironed it out before now. Nothing lasts forever and the way things are it seems inevitable that Patterson, at least, will be given his chance.
    1 point
  27. No it isn’t. So any game you don’t attend you also shouldn’t have your opinion taken seriously. Not everyone can attend every game. It’s effectively saying you’re a better supporter simply because you were at the game. To be honest, unexpected much better of you mate
    1 point
  28. Now now...don't be silly. Bigot AM
    1 point
  29. By not changing anything we played into their hands. We made it easy for them. They even kept both their strikers on
    1 point
  30. Their second goal knocked the stuffing out of the team and the support. Euro nights at Ibrox bring out a lot of people who don't attend otherwise. These are usually either a bit too drunk/animated or don't seem to know any songs at all. Unfortunately, last night there were more of the latter (certainly where I was sitting).
    1 point
  31. Not only that, but some of the groans are fucking mental, for mental reasons. From people who don’t understand the game. People are well within their rights, but listening to people groan at players for things they can’t do anything about gets on my tits.
    1 point
  32. Didn't exactly go well last night. I missed the first six minutes and thousands were still queueing when I got in. Smart cards weren't working and the stewards couldn't help and were advising people to go to the 'Police gates'. On top of that, I've been informed that Bar72 is a bit of a shambles. Seems punters in there are paying twice the price for a worse set-up. The club really need to make sure supporters are treated better.
    1 point
  33. If us occasionally having an orange strip annoys someone, I'd recommend they come to terms with it because it isn't going away. I'd certainly have preferred orange to lilac.
    1 point
  34. Always crossing the ball even though our frontline are not gifted aerial attackers. Lack of runners from midfield through the centre. Always playing in front of the opposition and never in behind. Poor communication in defence. What's happened?
    1 point
  35. Can't see many sales of the lilac strip shifting after last night. Not a fan incidentally. Looks cheap IMO. Why can't we just get a classy all white strip. Maybe with a blue star? Is it too much to ask in this year of all years...? Grouchy bar steward, Glasgow.
    1 point
  36. i never see hellander get out paced. quite the opposite in fact.
    1 point
  37. Not after last night's debacle, surely. Only completist collectors and masochists will wish to possess the rag. Most likely destinations will include bargain bins, charity shops, and recycling centres, and all in double quick time. You could remain looking like a tool, of course.....
    1 point
  38. We had two priorities at the start of the season. Win the league and progress as far as possible in Europe. The priorities have not changed. You're right about the importance of Kamara. Sadly he will still be suspended in our Europa League qualifiers. The chain of events that led to his suspension might prove to be very costly indeed.
    1 point
  39. The calibre of opposition we’d face in the CLQ’s was always going to be tougher than the ELQ’s we’d faced. I think that needs to be remembered.
    1 point
  40. Malmö and Ludogorets and we’d have made the CL group stage. It’s a massive failure and a painful one.
    1 point
  41. The problem with disappointments like this is there’s no escape from it. You’re trapped by your allegiance. All you can do is suffer and hope there’s some relief around the corner. I’m just hoping Gerrard sees the problem because if he doesn’t then things are only going to get worse.
    1 point
  42. Genuinely at a loss to explain how we've managed to switch off four times across that tie to ship goals we never normally look like losing. At half-time in both games we're odds-on favourites but, for reasons only the manager can explain, we did not turn up early in those halves. As said before the match, there's no excuses not to go through here. Malmo are clearly no mugs but we've only ourselves to blame for making such a poor start to this season. We are blunt, unreactive and lacking any sort of spark whatsoever. Where are our big players?
    1 point
  43. Ill say it again. 4 3 3 has to go. Im sick of it.
    1 point
  44. Candeias was a great worker, but couldn't cross to save his life. Didn't score much either.
    1 point
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