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  1. Kent's tracking back with McGregor and generally being around him and preventing him getting on the ball was hugely important for us yesterday. Tactically Callum McGregor is their link between defence and attack and Kent had a job to do today in helping prevent that, he did it well in my opinion. We really should step back for a moment and consider our side yesterday. I think it's now clear we've had Covid problems at the club for a while and it's affecting a number of players and senior staff in different ways. Barasic is not fit, I don't know why, but he's not and that's been clear every time he's played this season. He was rightly replaced by Bassey a few weeks ago. Yet he was called upon to perform yesterday and he did. Their young winger is a decent enough player and they were overlapping a lot on that side, Barasic had a lot to do yesterday. It also seems like Helander is a player who struggles to play two matches a week. There seem to be fitness issues with him, he may have historical injuries that need managed, he might simply not yet be over his summer exertions. Yesterday was his second game in 4 days, with nearly 7,000 miles flying too. Balogun is no right back. He might have played there before but compared to Tav or Paterson he's defensively sound but offers a lot less going forward. So much of our attacking play is dependent on our full backs linking with midfielders and forwards and delivering crosses. An unfit Barasic and a centre half at right back makes a big difference to our style of play. Add in a rookie keeper making his league debut for us rather than a commanding seasoned international and you have to say to go through that match without conceding a goal is remarkable. As has been said Kent and Roofe aren't fully fit. Both did important jobs yesterday. Kamara, Davis, Morelos and Aribo played in the heat of Thursday too. Morelos ability to draw a foul is a thing of beauty, he should have a wing dedicated to him in Kelvingrove Art Gallery where future generations can marvel at his dedication to getting his body between their centre halves and the ball before taking the inevitable dunt from behind. He helped break up the play, slow the game down at times and allow us to regroup. Plus we realised they were suspect from set-pieces as indeed it turned out. We'd no defenders on our bench yesterday. No manager in the dug out, no captain on the park. That was an important win yesterday, that was a show character above all else. Loved it.
    13 points
  2. Valentine's Day was their last away victory domestically. Their worst start points-wise since 1997/98 First Celtic manager since Mowbray to lose their first OF indeed. But for an unfortunate goal away to Dundee Utd we would be 4 points clear of them, despite our own slow start to the season. As it is, we are 3 clear. What makes for really interesting reading for me is their recruitment policy. Apparently they are close to signing both a winger and a striker.... in fairness, the boy Kyogo looks very tidy (despite Balogun ensuring he had a quiet day yesterday you can tell he is a good player) and Abada will be OK against the other SPFL dross.... but in signing another striker and another winger they are completely ignoring their actual failings.... which are in midfield and defence, particularly in defence. I thought Juranovic did OK for them yesterday and maybe he will play RB instead of Ralston (Ralston is getting plaudits for being an SPFL hammer thrower - he did ok yesterday for them too, but isn't much of a footballer), but Starfelt is a horror show, Welsh will get exposed having to be the cool head beside him, and Joe Hart will undoubtedly cost them points this season. They have, apparently, spent 20 million this season on transfers - when added to last season's spend and given how poorly those transfers have turned out, they must be close to being on their last legs in terms of sellable assets to balance the books. You can only have so many strikers and wingers start... even John Hartson got it spot on yesterday when he said "will Angeball mean Celtic have to score 3 or 4 goals to ensure victories"..... those close games when they are 1-0 up with a few minutes left to play and opponents lump it into the box will be telling, they can't handle the aerial fight. At half-time yesterday, sure they had most of the possession - but a) because Rangers were happy with them having possession in their own half and b) a lot of that possession wasn't dangerous at all. They are easier on the eye than Lennon's Celtic last season... but they are 6 points worse off, after 4 games, I believe. Hardly inspiring. Our expectations are heady, we believe we should win the league. With how we won it at a canter last season, they expected to not put up a fight this season... given their brand of play is better they have bought into the delusion early. For us, we just need to keep focused on one game at a time, winning whether we play poorly or not. We proved yesterday, again, that we have superior tacticians.
    4 points
  3. Prove to me that Rangers beat Celtic without telling me that Rangers beat Celtic.
    4 points
  4. Said the same when seen replay last night....i would have been disappointed if our goalkeeper failed to keep Helanders header out....big Joe true to form.
    3 points
  5. Joe Hart is for me the interesting signing they made. Going back to yesterday’s goal, Helander’s header was far from unsaveable. It was however to his left hand side which, during his loan spell at Torino a few seasons ago, the Italians highlighted it was his weak side & he lost many goals at that side. Just wonder if he’ll get exploited up here the way he was in Italy
    3 points
  6. I'm sure that this latest defeat leaves Celtic without a domestic victory away from Parkhead since February and further believe is the worst start they've had to a season since the heady days of Tony Mowbry and Ange becomes the 1st Celtic manager since Mowbry to lose their 1st OF game. Sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong! Having once again spent heavily in the transfer market, they still can't defend set-pieces and are capable of slap-stick defending. Whilst their apologists will have you believe they were hampered more by the absence of Taylor then we were by a Covid ravaged squad. They had little to blame Clancy for yesterday but it's worth remembering that since 2007 we have been awarded 1 penalty against them at Ibrox, they've been awarded 6 (IIRC) in the same period (Masonic Refs eh......). Kris Boyd and to his credit David Tanner have gone against the Ange-ball narrative and exposed the myth and dispelled the hype whipped up by the Twats (Tim's with a typewriter). I think the lessons we need to learn from the last week is not to believe the hype surrounding us (or them) and a good few Rangers fans owe the players and staff an apology.
    3 points
  7. Humza, what did you say about the Jimmy Bell song video? Remember, he's bastard, an orange bastard, his name is Jimmy Bell and, we hope he dies". If you would care to stop singing and comment, I might take notice of anything else you want to say.
    3 points
  8. I thought Davis was our worst player in the first half. Too many loose passes and got caught positionally a few times. A definite improvement in the second half for him.
    3 points
  9. I'd be happy to see Barisic leave for that money. Patterson should not really be sold. Unless it's life-changing for him and us.
    3 points
  10. 2 points
  11. The Troy Deeney rumours now being rubbished. He’s off to Birmingham City
    2 points
  12. Good. Patterson is worth WAY more than that. Young, great engine, international, played in Europe - he is better than chocolate hips and they got 25m for him..... we should be retaining Patterson if possible as his value will only increase over time - the issue is getting him game time. If we resolve that then his value will rise exponentially.
    2 points
  13. For those hurling racist abuse at indigenous Scots, questioning why they are in positions of authority - Scotland is their home. Disgusted to once again see divisive race-obsessed ideology rear its ugly head. Solidarity with indigenous Scots. I am sure Police Scot will hold those responsible to account.
    2 points
  14. Leeds United, apparently, is pursuing Dan James, ManU, winger and Wales International. Permanent deal. If this is accurate, and a deal is sealed, may we assume that Leeds' interest in Ryan Kent is over?
    2 points
  15. Davis for me. Show me a blade of grass he didnt cover!!
    2 points
  16. Absolutely not, no matter the score or the time remaining. Give that shower of scum nothing!!! Any other opponent I would say yes in any circumstances other than those exact ones you mention, where you have to put decency aside and try to get something out the game. As always in these situations, if the ref thought it was a bad injury, he has the power to stop the game so if he doesn't we are not duty bound to return the ball.
    2 points
  17. The lyrics are, "Why don't you go home?". That's a query, not a demand. Given his recent Twitter history, Humza should probably be more focused on displaying solidarity with Scotland's Hindu community.
    2 points
  18. It's allowed against Luthgi tho mate ?
    2 points
  19. In a very resilient performance, all round, which made a change from recent weeks, somebody stood out, which also made a change from recent weeks. I mean, of course, Leon Balogun, who gets bonus points for his remarks after the game.
    2 points
  20. No he wasn’t. He was, as GS says, integral to us winning today.
    2 points
  21. Almost bed time was at a great result with a fantastic performance by our fill in right back,had a couple of beers in the Louden and met a couple of my boy's friends for the first time in a long time. Seems like life back to normal and this old guy is going to bed happy,sleep well fellow bears and here's to the game against Lyon.
    2 points
  22. James Dornan has written to Rangers, asking for a summit on hate crimes committed by supporters of the club, as well as raising a motion on the matter at Holyrood. One wonders where his outrage was when yahoos were hanging effigies at the Piggery, when they waved pro-IRA banners at the Piggery or when they targeted Israeli footballers at Hampden? Why doesn't Humza Yousaf Tweet about yahoos and sheep singing, "Go home ya huns" or Irvine Welsh's questionable comments regarding our Colombian striker? Selective outrage is big with Scottish nationalists.
    1 point
  23. Would we really risk 3 points against celtic to put a loan deal potentially in jeapordy? You may be right, but I can't see it.
    1 point
  24. Is there an option for the fans ? as most definitely the 12th man! Balogun for me!
    1 point
  25. As much as it pains me, I don't think anyone claim that Patterson is better than Tierney at this stage. Albeit injury prone, I think Tierney is a superbly gifted athlete. Hopefully Patterson can progress further.
    1 point
  26. If we win the league this year, gaining automatic entry into the CL, Patterson could very well see his value rise enormously as he plays on the biggest stage of all - again, the issue is getting him that game time.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Think Spurs could be the surprise package if they keep Son and Kane free from injury which is a big if. Liverpool struggled to breakdown a fantastic rearguard from Chelsea after the dodgy sending off (take note Arsenal on how to defend with 10 men). From the first three games I still see it as City and Chelsea battling for top spot with the Mickey Mousers, Utd and Spurs battling for 3rd and 4th.
    1 point
  29. I saw he wasn't with the Watford squad yesterday. Top player, top bloke.
    1 point
  30. There was a match against Partick Thistle at Firhill many moons ago where something similar happened. We gave them the ball back but Ian Ferguson then chased them down forcing them into playing it quickly instead of allowing them to retain possession. He was booed by the Thistle support and criticised by some in the media, but everyone at the game knew Thistle were time wasting and indulging in gamesmanship. I'm with Tannochside on this, no giving the ball back in those circumstances.
    1 point
  31. Balogun by a fair distance, though he was culpable at Eduoard's chance in the first half by not getting back quickly enough to cover.
    1 point
  32. Yes, and I'm sure Tav did this in the League Cup Final when we were chasing a late equaliser (last time they beat us IIRC).
    1 point
  33. In the first half he was no different from our other players regarding stray passes but he excelled in the second.
    1 point
  34. After the game, I'd have given it to Helander, who I thought was immense, but having watched the highlights, he did get caught a couple of times by the Japanese guy late on, so I'll go for Balogun, who gave me the fear when heard he was playing at RB but he proved me, and many others, wrong with a great defensive performance.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Bassey will be first choice if Borna goes, deserves his chance. Hibs would try to gouge us.
    1 point
  37. As an aside, HSV, Werder Bremen and Schalke are all currently in the second division. Three huge clubs (Bremen are twats though).
    1 point
  38. It's really disappointing what has happened to that club. I think there are several contributory factors but they never seem to bring in the right manager and the playing staff have been consistently spineless (doubt if many teams have lost handsome leads as often as they have these past few years). They are a bit of a lost cause at the moment.
    1 point
  39. did you not comprehend his point? Seemed simple enough. Maybe you didn't see the game.
    1 point
  40. Instagram post from the manager. https://www.instagram.com/p/CTKULAwC3hR/
    1 point
  41. I'm never a fan of players playing through an injury but this was the time to do it. Two vital results. I hope this explains some of his problems this season as we can look forward to improved form when he recovers.
    1 point
  42. He’s more than a striker now. Thought his link up play today was exceptional. That cross field left footed pass to Barisic was sublime.
    1 point
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