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Showing content with the highest reputation on 29/10/21 in all areas

  1. I fear your stay in Edinburgh was ill served if you were not educated into the vernacular. Or it may be that you are simply too young to be aware of the custom?. Poor-oots were a regular occurrence in my youth in the 60s. It helped that I live opposite the church. Anyway, from the Scots Language Centre website, here is the definitive explanation poor oot n. the throwing of coins of for children to catch prior to a wedding. In the tenements of Edinburgh, as the bride was leaving her home for the last time with her father, small children would gather round the limousine or horse and carriage and chant "poor oot! poor oot!". The father, who had possibly been collecting coins for some considerable time, would throw this money into the crowd of waiting children. The earliest example in the Scottish National Dictionary (SND) comes from J H A MacDonald's Life Jottings, where he bemoans the passing of this custom : "I also remember the shower of silver which was thrown to the crowd as the bride and bridegroom drove away, a custom no longer in use. The cry of "pooer oot" is no more heard in the land. A "pooer" of rice or pasteboard confetti does not draw as did the shower of coins." (1840). However, the custom did continue long after this date. The Scots Magazine number 392 of April 1894 quotes the following: "A marriage was about to take place in a private house in Bristo Street, Edinburgh. Crowds of children round the door assailed the guests as they arrived with the well-known cry of "Poor oot!". Indeed, it continued into the twentieth century as shown here from the Scottish Daily Mail of 25th July 1959: "The bride laughed as her architect-trained husband leaned from their bridal car for the "poor-oot" the old Scots custom of throwing coppers and silver for children lining the pavement." Nowadays, the custom seems to have died out but is still remembered as part of popular culture as shown in this example from Scotland on Sunday (2002): "Like any wedding poor-oot or scramble - the ancient custom of brides and grooms distributing coins to waiting urchins - plenty people were willing to accept the largesse, no questions asked." : https://www.scotslanguage.com/articles/view/id/4538
    4 points
  2. @Rick Roberts challenges Nil By Mouth hypocrisy: https://www.gersnet.co.uk/index.php/news-category/current-affairs/1435-negatives-by-mouth
    3 points
  3. i doubt if you would get much at an Edinburgh scramble ?
    3 points
  4. This is a great thread, thanks for all the posts 26th. Message boards can be combative and unpleasant at times, I'm as much to blame for that as anyone. This type of thread is what the internet was made for; warm, intelligent, informative and original. Hat tipped.
    3 points
  5. @Rick Roberts's article republished after the sad loss midweek. @Frankie
    2 points
  6. When I mentioned that we are "staring disaster in the face" if things don't change, this is the disaster I was referring to. Unless things change drastically, we are looking at a very low points total this season and Celtic are trending towards a very high points total. People are still underestimating them, perhaps not realising they made some good signings very late in the window. And yes people like to mock these kind of tables but this time last year they were the ones mocking them and very little changed from October/November to May. Celtic have a much easier fixture list ahead too so it really is going to be challenge to find form.
    2 points
  7. Definitely fair comment. Though, I guess we've come to compare Tav against his own impressive numbers where he's in a league of his own but even when he's delivering goals/assists, we still need him to defend the box, when he's no rampaging up the park. It's a tough role.
    1 point
  8. Some people just refuse to accept Rangers being awarded a penalty, regardless of whether it's the correct decision or not. I'm usually quite honest about dodgy decisions that go in our favour (mainly because I enjoy the rage it prompts in opposition fans) but that was a definite penalty on Wednesday evening. Dick is appropriately named.
    1 point
  9. BIG DICKER. Reference : Page 29 of this thread, third post entitled - 'Alchemy at Pacific Quay'. I would urge my fellow Gersnetters to read the reference before, during and, after this post. It's a plus ca change type of thing three and half years after the reference post. Wednesday night started in a deserved emotional tribute to Walter Smith. Rangers defence decided on some necessary light relief and embarked upon Keystone Cops defending. We gifted Aberdeen their first goal, then teased them by partly gifting their second. Alfie gave us hope and with nine minutes to go, the Referee awarded a penalty, Tav' converted to secure our third league draw at home this season. Big Time frustration all round. The Big Time frustration was also being played out a mile along the Govan Road at PQ. Big AmDram Quine, Big Dick Gordon was Hosting Sportsound, live commentary came from Easter Road, various reporters were in attendance at a further four Premiership grounds for 'Open All Mikes' exposure. The sixth Premiership ground, Ibrox was covered by Big Dick sitting in a Pacific Quay studio. Remember, there was no live TV coverage of any Scottish game on Wednesday evening. Big Dick is a Dandy Don. He has established his Dandy credentials, he utilised his biography on BBC Radio Scotland nearly 20 years past to right what his fellow Dandies thought was a heinous wrong. Richard Gordon donned the Rangers blazer and necktie to present three or four of the first nine-in-a-row videos. He took the decision, he took the dosh but, did not enjoy the level of opprobrium that accompanied. A minute into his biog' he stated, "I was raised to hate Rangers, absolutely". Regularly since, he has exploited most opportunities to reinforce his hatred. Recently, his best efforts have been begging Compliance Officer intervention reference both Ryan Jack and Alfredo Morelos. Big Dick could not accept John Beaton's decision, in the 45 minute period post match, continually he returned to the penalty award. He could not see why it was awarded. A soupcon of sympathy here, the PQ building is a mile away from the Stadium. On hearing Stephen Glass post match, Big Dick was all out in support, it was a case of 'Cheatin' Beaton'. He attempted to get Pat Bonner's support but one half of the Blarney Bhoys was sated seeing his beloved green'n'grey hooped heroes win at Easter Road. "For the life of me I cannot see why that penalty was awarded and I've watched the incident on a dozen of occasions", was Big Dick's last broadcast piece of BIG DICKERY. I sit on the halfway line in Club'72, I witnessed Tav' lob the ball into the Dons box, David Bates was the wrong side of Sakala and his left hand had a full grasp of the back of Fashion's back of shirt. Bates fell, dragging Sakala to the ground. No one in the Govan Stand with a similar view was not screaming penalty. Simply, I saw it and Richard Gordon did not. The angled TV clip fails to show Bates grabbing Sakala's shirt. All contributors to Sportscene agreed it was a penalty. The consequences of Big Dick's BIG DICKERY is the usual suspects piling on, Chris Sutton says, "it's the worst award I have ever seen". Tam McManus is speechless, I wish he was. The photos of Beaton in his Bellshill local have resurfaced, Big Dick knew what he was doing. We go to Fir Park on Sunday and Gordon's BBC Scotland colleague, Tam Cowan(Well season ticket holder) is on Peter McGuire's PLZ Soccer stating, "Beaton has opened a can of worms". Time we posted a few pictures of Big Dick replete in Rangers blazer and necktie, remind him we know he'll say what is required if you pay the dosh. Reference reminder : Page 29, third post entitled - 'Alchemy at Pacific Quay'.
    1 point
  10. Edinburgh’s a toffs’ town. I think it’s what they say in Morningside as in “Shell Ay poor oot more tea, Dephne?” In the current context it’s pouring out money as a happy couple leaves the Kirk after tying the knot thereby leading to the scramble. The practice features frequently in Oor Wullie and The Broons. Never heard it called a poor oot, not even in the years when I dwelled in Edinburgh’s high glamour south, ken?
    1 point
  11. Always tough going at Fir Park and expect Sunday to be no different, if anything it's going to be even tougher with the tims expected to go top on Saturday. I see this as our biggest test since beating them before the xmas break a couple of season ago and coming home from Dubai to lose to Killie.
    1 point
  12. Analysing the pro's and cons of different formations is pointless if players continue to be disorganised and hesitant in defence, keep underhitting passes and continue to be caught in possession so often. The issue isn't formations, it's players who were once comfortable when given time and space to play but are badly exposed when pressed and crowded, particularly in defence. The other PL teams have rumbled how to neutralise our style of play and too many of our regular starters are showing the fragility of their confidence as a result - you can see this in Barisic, Tavernier and Kamara. Bringing back Kent, Jack and Helander will make more difference than changing any formation on paper. I also think we badly miss the sheer competitiveness of Arfield and would be starting him as a matter of course while we continue to struggle.
    1 point
  13. A scramble was when the wedding cars left the address(usually the bride's) and coins were thrown out of the windows of the cars to have the waiting kids jostle and scramble around the ground for.
    1 point
  14. Both Kent and Jack still out for Sunday, as well as Barisic but all three could feature from the Brondby game. Helander off crutches and back into the gym but still a bit away yet.
    1 point
  15. I take it a scramble is where money gets dished out then? Being thrifty is a Presbyterian trait, @compo. ?
    1 point
  16. or a poor-oot as we called it in Embra.
    1 point
  17. Waiting on a scramble - there's a blast from the past. Ooh the excitement!
    1 point
  18. Speaking to Gersnet post-match, Tavenier offered: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
    1 point
  19. It can be harder to put in a 6/10 performance when the rest of the team are 4/5s than to put in a 8/10 performance when the rest of the team are at that level too. So I think “least bad” votes do have value.
    1 point
  20. I agree. As much as I don't want to "drop" Tavernier, Patterson would offer a real threat with his runs and he would provide some fresh impetus. His runs mix things up and cause a bit of chaos. We really badly lack players who will take guys on just now, it's often the best and easiest way to break teams down. Far too often it's side to side passing and there have been occasions recently where it seems we have broken away on a wing, only to slow down, turn around and pass backwards and before you know it the ball is back to Goldson! It's infuriating.
    1 point
  21. Nope. We are only top due to winning our home fixture against Celtic. We are now in a position where they have a better record against the rest of the league than we do. If you had told me, at the start of the season, that we would squander a big lead over Celtic then I would have been very angry. I wonder if the players are angry.
    1 point
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