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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/21 in all areas

  1. I believe it means, translating loosely, "You can stick your legal arguments up your arse".... or, in Norwegian, "Neil Doncaster, Rod Petrie, Murdoch MacLennan, your bhoys took a helluva hiding"
    8 points
  2. Good news is that Ryan Kent will travel! Ryan Jack possibly available for Ross County too!
    4 points
  3. 'Spurs have played a blinder, here! Let Man Utd beat you, keeping Ole in his job, so you can sack your own manager and swipe Conte from under them.
    2 points
  4. In reality we should rule out what calamities cannot be laid at the door of Rangers and Rangers supporters. We have a Hotelier born and bred in Thurso complaining about the conduct of the visiting Hibee official Club party. He pointed out that despite frequent reminders of protocol, the Hibees wandered around the Hotel maskless. The Hibs CEO decided not to admit to such rashness, it was a path of least resistance to blame the H-u-ns. His Tweet barely lasted an hour before being deleted. The usual suspects prefer the tweet as opposed to the truth. I suspect he knew that would be the case? So, are we to blame for the Bubonic plague, how about Covid 19 or, there remains the mystery of Eve surrendering the future of the human race for the pricely sum of an apple? A word to the wise to Ben Kensell, ensure Scotland's premier Historian, Tom Devine conjures up some ridiculous evidence to support your utter nonsense before going public. otherwise, you will have to delete your Tweet.
    1 point
  5. From my in-depth knowledge of Swedish: F. U. N. E. X? Yes.....V av X! (apologies to the Two Ronnies)
    1 point
  6. FIRST DIVISION, INNER HOUSE, COURT OF SESSION [2021] CSIH 61 P639/21 Lord President Lord Woolman Lord Pentland OPINION OF THE COURT delivered by LORD CARLOWAY, the LORD PRESIDENT in the Reclaiming Motion by PARK’S OF HAMILTON (HOLDINGS) LIMITED Petitioners and Respondents against THE SCOTTISH FOOTBALL ASSOCIATON LIMITED Respondents and Reclaimers THE RANGERS FOOTBALL CLUB LIMITED Interested Parties for Judicial Review of a failure by the respondents to comply with their Articles of Association, interdict and interdict ad interim Petitioners and Respondents:MacColl QC; Brodies LLP Respondents and Reclaimers:Borland QC; BTO Solicitors LLP Interested Parties:DM Thomson QC; Anderson Strathern LLP 20 October 2021 Introduction [1] The SFA reclaim (appeal) the interlocutor of the Lord Ordinary, dated 23 August 2021. He granted an interim interdict which prohibits the SFAfrom appointing an arbitral tribunal in a dispute between the Scottish Professional Football League and Rangers, without having first issued a Secretary’s Notice to the petitioners. The issue is whether the petitioners have a prima facie case based upon the SFA’s Articles of Association. Blah, blah, blah........ [20] There is at least a prima facie case. It is impossible to find fault in the Lord Ordinary’s approach. The reclaiming motion must be refused. https://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/docs/default-source/cos-general-docs/pdf-docs-for-opinions/2021csih61.pdf?sfvrsn=f0711814_1
    1 point
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