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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/24 in all areas

  1. Among the many changes that Phillipe Clement has quietly affected at Rangers one has gone almost unmentioned. We finished the match last night with three 20 year olds and a 21 year old upfront, plus Yilmaz who is only 22. I'm not sure I recall Rangers ever having a younger side than the one that finished last night. Getting the best out of young players is not something every manager can do. We started this season with a side built around experience and height, somehow we now have a young, slim, quick side. Far from the finished article, but with a clear purpose and all knowing what they are meant to be doing. Huge credit to the big Belgian. Last night we saw a Rangers side show character. I think we all know we wouldn't have won that match 4 months ago. Not every player had their best game, but every player fought, showed intensity and worked very, very hard. We're not top, but this side is growing every week and they'll get another chance to take that top spot.
    10 points
  2. I think that’s debatable. 1 We both play Hearts, Celtic away. 2 We both play Hibs, Celtic away. 3 We both play Motherwell, Celtic away. 4 We both play St J, us away. 5 We both play Kilmarnock, us away. 6 We both play Dundee, us away. 7 We play RC at home, they play Livi away. I would prefer our set of fixtures.
    6 points
  3. Watching Rangers now is becoming a pleasure again some it looks like the new manager has told them some home truths but the one that impresses me most is McCausland don't forget he's only a lad but he's not scared to take opponents on take some punishment from defenders yep I like him and he's going to get better.
    4 points
  4. I know the Gaffer likes to give every game his full attention, but those three points last night were huge imo. This Rangers team are playing well and more importantly playing for each other. When we use subs they are of a similar quality to those coming off, and they are making a similar contribution. We are the people and we now have a Gaffer worthy of our great club.
    4 points
  5. Brenda' reaction to the Aberdeen appointment of Neil Warnock was a surprise. I suspect he is feeling a tad pressurised by warning the Yorkshireman about the both the state of the pitches and Refereeing in Scottish football? I watched, listened and, read most of Warnock's reaction to Ibrox and it was overwhelmingly complimentary. Further, he praised Referee, Don Robertson, particularly for NOT changing his on field decision to red card Sterling after being asked to check the VAR screen. The 75 year old Englishman did have one criticism and it was the Ibrox ballboys, specifically quick recycling the ball when the game was all square but, going AWOL after Rangers nudged ahead. Now, before Brenda grabs at this life line; may I point out this practise was an important aspect of 'Angeball'. Mercurial speeds and choreography saw Sellik Park ball bhoys draw admiration from the All England Tennis Club, Wimbledon such was their efficiency. Sellik were warned off by UEFA for the practice. Oh the irony of Angeball biting Brenda on the arse just like that night he endured with the Chick with a Stick.
    4 points
  6. Just giving themselves time to edit the footage to show our two goals were offside and that Abderdeen should have had 9 penalties
    4 points
  7. "You look a bit like Gerard Kelly from City Lights."
    3 points
  8. The yahoos will annihilate Hibs. We just need to focus on our own games.
    3 points
  9. Great performance, great result, great atmosphere. The crowd really got the team going and vice versa. Great performances from Cantwell and Lundstrum. Good contributions from Matondo and McCausland (but will he ever take a man on on the outside?) and good cameos from Silva and Diamonde. With Ross County and St Johnstone in the next week while the bheasts go to Hibs then host Killie, could we even be clear in the lead by Sunday week? Bet365 have us as 4/5 favourites for the title now (before yesterday we were joint favourites at 5/6. Whisper it, but this is looking good if we can maintain this momentum. Obviously the negative was, yet again, Goldson. How many times is he going to be allowed to cost us goals in big games and still remain first choice. £38Kpw wages and 6 years of mistakes costing us dozens of points, cups, the Europa, and he still continues to be the worst defender at the club but first pick by every manager he has played under. I just dont get it? But even Goldson (and Don Robertson's performance) cant spoil the buzz today after that game, bring on the next one. 14 cup finals left to go.
    3 points
  10. I agree but as a general rule our centre backs should be better than the forwards the likes of Aberdeen can recruit. When that is not the case we need to review.
    3 points
  11. So true. For decades we, managers and most fans alike, treated 20-22-year olds as youngsters, which most likely saw much talent being shuttled out of Rangers, remaining unexposed and held back by their new clubs, mainly low(er) key Scottish or English sides. Lowry showed up as a great prospect, yet we used him only sporadically, and his stint at Hearts obviously went sour. You wonder whether Clement and his staff can revitalize Lowry's talent like they have done with McCausland, who has been smashing for a player of his age (and under the scrutiny of 50odd thousand hypercritical fans). As Davis hanged up his boots with Rangers and Northern Ireland, we see another star rise, thankfully at our club. Such talent needs to be found, reared, and given the chance. More often than not, we only did the first part.
    3 points
  12. Aye, still not on iPlayer either. I bet that wouldn't have been the case if we'd dropped points.
    3 points
  13. Another brilliant performance from Lundstram tonight.
    3 points
  14. I’ve hit a few like that myself.. On the golf course 😂
    3 points
  15. 2 points
  16. I would like to see 2 more of Beale's signings go, Dowell and Dessers (ducks behind the couch). I don't think we should be running a cottage hospital for serially injured players any longer. I like Dowelll and think he could do a job for us but I am done with it. There are aspects to Dessers play that I like but he doesn't impact the game enough and misses too many really good chances.
    2 points
  17. Agree, love watching him play even more so now he has learned to be a team player.
    2 points
  18. Aye, but the other 11 are Ayr players. For 90 minutes, by all means.
    2 points
  19. 2 absolute standouts Cantwell and Lundstrum. I've gone for the match-winner. If Clement can get these type of performances regularly out of Cantwell it will go a long way towards the title.
    2 points
  20. Playing twelve men on Saturday with Willie Column in charge
    2 points
  21. Good win. Despite shit ref....AGAIN. Heart, effort, good win.
    2 points
  22. no hours of debate on sly sports looking at this..
    2 points
  23. Before the last Aberdeen game I thought the league was lost. The 1-3 confirmed I was right. But I was wrong. A few wiser heads on here told me so. It’s not lost. It’s not won either but there are prospects. 2-0 to the Hibs tonight and Rangers are top.
    2 points
  24. McCausland too - worked his absolute @rs3 off when we went down to ten men (wrongly ... again!)
    2 points
  25. Said the same to a friend last night. Not wanting to jinx anything but this is starting to feel like a real Rangers team with a real Rangers manager. Not had that feeling since SG took us to 55 or the EL run under Gio. Early days but we have the LC in the bag, are in a title race and progressed in Europe.
    2 points
  26. I love this rangers team. Different players every week and every week new ones step up and play brilliant and get us the results. Cantwell just now is absolutely on fire. couple of weeks ago i was loving Dessers and Lunny. Matondo is making me forget Sima fast etc.
    2 points
  27. great game somewhat ruined by ridiculous celtc fan in the middle. Superb result.
    2 points
  28. I see now why Clement brought Cortes and Silva to the team but there's no doubt in my mind the best performance of the evening came from Kris Boyd on Sky Sports. Todd Cantwell was a close second mind you.
    2 points
  29. 2 penalties, second in injury time for the win.... Nick Walsh referee.... Brian using juju...
    1 point
  30. Dessers, Danilo + 1 marquee striker is something I'd be happy with going into next season. Especially with the revamped European competitions. Tbh, would Miovski being that marquee signing be a terrible plan? Good age, terrific goal scoring record in Scotland (and Europe) and seemingly no serious injury woes. If he hits 30 goals all comps for Aberdeen then I'd be more than happy for us to fire in a bid if it's possible. Sadly it's probably beyond the point of possibility and affordability, which is often the case with Rangers and talent in Scotland.
    1 point
  31. What a joy to have so many contenders. It is not so long ago we were saying no-one deserved MoM.
    1 point
  32. I can't take this optimism! Won't someone please think of the Juju!
    1 point
  33. We need to make his life hell. The club also need to register its objection to his appointment.
    1 point
  34. Can't see that happening. Dessers isn't that sort of striker.
    1 point
  35. John Lundstram. The most consistant player since the gaffer arrived. McCausland, Matondo, Cantwell & Lawrence were very good too.
    1 point
  36. Don’t forget too that when the Stade de Gadd got rebuilt nearly 30 years ago the cheapest materials were used including Bulgarian steel was it? Maybe some of these materials reaching the end of their working life. Could be a new or rebuilt Stade de Gadd May be required
    1 point
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