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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/24 in all areas

  1. Quite a lot of players have received long suspensions due to gambling on games I wonder if any referees have been tempted to tell a friend when he’s going to award a penalty or send a player off .
    3 points
  2. Pavo Nurmi one of the great Finnish distance runners
    2 points
  3. This is an article/video from Vitality, the private healthcare provider, that they've done on Rangers. How Rangers FC use player data to succeed (vitality.co.uk)
    2 points
  4. Was in Southport a couple of summers ago and parked right next to this
    1 point
  5. A point saved at St James is acceptable.
    1 point
  6. We got a draw last night at Newcastle every point counts.
    1 point
  7. I note Humza is now planning to introduce legislation to ensure all Scotland international football matches are free to air. Given recent circumstances, the right to view football Scot free should be allocated to Michael Matheson. Actually, it should be designated, 'the Matheson Bill'.
    1 point
  8. I think picking Beaton is a get it up you call by the SFA. His not sending off Stokes for his wrestling of Tav to the ground against Hibs is probably one of the worst football refereeing decisions I have ever seen.
    1 point
  9. They are pulling out all of the stops here and saving Clancy and Robertson for Parkhead. To have a goal allowed with that lot it would need to be flawless in the build up and execution.
    1 point
  10. Cant believe they have given the gig to Cheatin' Beaton after the recent calling out by Rodgers for his correct calls in their recent game. With the SFA giving Rodgers a 2 game ban that would have covered this match and then bottling it at the appeal this puts Beaton in direct firing line of Rodgers straight away. As if Beaton wasnt scared enough to give a call for us and/or against the bheasts, this doubles down on this. The VAT appointments scare me mightily as well with those two out and out cheats in charge of drawing the lines and choosing which pictures to review and which to ignore. We need to be 3 goals better than them on Sunday to sneak a win. Lets hope we are.
    1 point
  11. The Great St Patrick's Day Mystery? It is over a fortnight since the designated day where we get to acknowledge/celebrate the life of a teenage Scot lifted by Irish pirates fifteen hundred years ago. Apparently, he banished snakes from the Emerald Isle and raised 33 folks from the dead. Believed to be the son of a Roman tax collector that travelled the length and breath of Britain, he could probably qualify for three different passports. St Patrick's life is as big a mystery as what occurred in PQ on the 17th March'24. RAB and Tam presented Off the Ball as normal on Saturday the 16th March'24, even told us the next day's guest was Author, Christopher Brookmyer. You may remember the Sunday, Dundee were due to host Rangers in an SPFL Premiership match. The Dark blues Chair, John Nelms had been forking the pitch since five that morning but to no avail, Dens Park was deemed unplayable for the fourth time this season. Off the Ball was scheduled for a three O'Clock start but, was brought forward and aired between two and four O'Clock presented by Ray Bradshaw and Stephen Reside. Where were RAB and Tam? In new, modern Scotland; transparency is most important and the listeners are always told in advance of changes. The ensuing episodes will have numerous references to holidays, illness and, other work commitments. Thirty years of constant hosting has conditioned them on the ongoing importance of securing and promoting their more lucrative side earnings. There has been no explanation as to why both of them performed an Agatha Christie like disappearance. I doubt they were holed up in a Harrogate Spa hotel? Tam has school fees for his daughter thus, if he preferred to take a wedge for hosting/doing the MC for some middle class St Paddy's function, I am sure the listeners will understand. RAB's uber Scots nationalism has a rival, his obsession with Ireland means he does not allow Twinnings Tea in the house. The good friends of the show ie Gerry Braiden, Kevin McKenna, Angela Haggerty, Susie McCabe, ......... etc and, the other ie License Fee payers will understand if RAB wants to cement his place in the new establishment ie a good position at the overflowing trough. Plastic Paddydom demands obedience. Could the mystery have a more simple answer? The following weekend, RAB was flying solo because we were told Tam had man-flu. RAB shared the show with Susie McCabe, Paul English and, Stephen O'Donnell. It is a Sellik State of Mind. This weekend, RAB is off on his Easter break and Tam has sahred presenting with Ray Bradshaw. Lots of man-flu references have been over egging. Could it be that both having been found in breach of standards, the St Patrick's vanishing act is a euphemism for the necessary diversity training? Remember, when the Irish ladies team won at Hampden last year and were caught on film giving it the full IRA karaoke in the national stadium's dressing room? RAB enacted a euphemism, wondering why all the fuss including a full apology from the FAI when he said, "all they did was sing Paddy McGinty's goat". As for the great St Patrick's day mystery, why both were posted missing? Silence is compliance, we should be told.
    1 point
  12. Background New measures to tackle the harm caused by hatred and prejudice come into force today (1 April 2024). The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act will provide greater protection for victims and communities. It introduces new offences for threatening or abusive behaviour which is intended to stir up hatred based on prejudice towards characteristics including age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity and variations in sex characteristics. These extra provisions will add to the long-standing stirring up racial hatred offences, which have been in place UK-wide since 1986. The new laws were developed following Lord Bracadale’s Independent Review of Hate Crime Legislation which concluded that new specific offences relating to stirring up hatred were needed. The legislation, which was passed by a majority of MSPs in the Scottish Parliament in 2021, was also subject to extensive consultation and engagement throughout, including with communities affected by hate crime. For your consideration 1. There is no requirement to show 'intent' in a person’s posts for an offence to have been committed. 2. If a post can be shown to be readable in Scotland it becomes actionable in Scotland. 3. Gersnet could be required, on issuance of a warrant, to provide the authorities with a user’s registration details and history of IP usage. 4. Be aware that various commonly used comments are now likely to be actionable. 5. With this in mind ask yourself if you would be prepared to make such comments in front of a police officer in public. Further reading https://www.gov.scot/news/new-hate-crime-laws-come-into-force/ https://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2021/14/contents https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-68703684
    1 point
  13. The great Fred Trueman. In Test Matches, one great advantage was having Brian Statham at the other end.
    1 point
  14. An interesting wee snippet I came across the average attendances back in 85/86 season
    1 point
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