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  1. We will lose players during the next month, there will be knocks, injuries and suspensions that's inevitable. We might play in some shocking conditions, it's winter in Scotland after all so poor pitches and poor conditions are going to be a factor too. What Clement needs is luck, good luck. If we can keep key players fit and in form we've a chance of coming through what is a farcical amount of football in a short space of time. More importantly though is if we don't, if do lose some key players, if we drop some points, endure some disappointing results, that we don't overreact. Our squad isn't as strong as it should be, and it seems our fitness and medical standards aren't what they should be either. It's remarkable what Clement has managed to achieve results and performance wise in a short time, but he's not a magician, there are players in our squad who simply aren't good enough, who we'll need to persevere with for now. It's great to be looking forward to watching us again, to be hopeful instead of pessimistic, but Clement has shown enough in a short time to be afforded some leeway if there are hiccups in the coming weeks.
    6 points
  2. Should be a quick conversation- ‘Hi boss I’m frustrated at my lack of game time’. ‘You’ve been injured for about a year and a half you walloper’
    4 points
  3. I've really enjoyed this over the last couple of weeks and has really helped pass the time and ensure some interesting debate. All things considered, whilst there's some obviously (fairly) recency bias, I think that's a very good team. I'm sure we'd all still argue long and hard for our own personal favourites in there but the beauty of this debate is that none of us are right anyway. FWIW, I'm not so sure I'd change ay of the positions now I see it on paper as the XI is an excellent blend of attacking quality, flair and goals backed up by an able, solid and clever defence. Now, who can we play with this team?
    4 points
  4. Speaking of wide players, I've seen a few mentions of us taking Ryan Kent back on loan. That would really, really disappoint me and I hope it's just 'journalists' doing the 2 + 2 = 5.
    4 points
  5. This has been an excellent diversion from the boredom of yet another international break. A real trip down memory lane and clearly some of us have more to remember than others 🤣 Thanks @Rousseau
    3 points
  6. This next block of games between Pittodrie on Sunday and Kilmarnock on 2nd January there are 12 games in 37 days in 3 different competitions. The League Cup final v Dolly will surely see us welcome back the old trophy we have won more than anyone else, while the 2 Europa fixtures will hopefully see us confirm post-Xmas Euro football to look forward to, but it is of course the 9 league fixtures where our season will be defined when the dust settles. Aberdeen A St Mirren H Hearts A Dundee H St Johnstone H Motherwell A Ross County H Bheasts A Kilmarnock H The 5 home games should be straight forward victories, so it is the 4 away games that will probably let us see if we have a shot at this title or not. A successful period will have us top or certainly close to it, anything less and it’s probably done. Thoughts?
    2 points
  7. The wizardry in that midfield is stunning.
    2 points
  8. "12 games in 37 days will define the season" is a true sentiment imo, but It will not change my mind on Clement being a great appointment. MB left a poor quality, disjointed, unfit mess in his wake and it will take some sorting out. Anything from this season will be a bonus for me.
    2 points
  9. It has been put to me often -very often, indeed- that the supernatural beliefs of many Scottish fooball match officials greatly influence their decision making on field, and, now, off it, too, with the advent of VAR ( which, I am told, is as clear an example of superstition triumphing over technology as one might wish to see). If this proposition is correct, it is, surely, less than prudent to dismiss 'supernatural' aspects of refereeing as nonsense, and consign them to the oblivion of the Lounge, where cogent discussion is wont to disappear, untraceably, among the outpourings of the borderline criminally insane.
    2 points
  10. Of course, I dislike these posts mostly because of the Juju...
    2 points
  11. This. I dislike these posts. Every game is crucial; every game is must-win; every game defines our season. It was always thus.
    2 points
  12. Morelos (1) and Tavernier (3) were the only "current" players to receive votes.
    2 points
  13. Not for me and that’s ignoring the fact he phoned it in the last year of his deal. His ‘performance’ v them in the league cup was a disgrace
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. I mentioned the other week that Clement just feels different to previous and I like what he is doing, I mentioned there seems to be a bit more professionalism about him and around the place. I think he is much stronger than Gio plus he doesnt have Beale's ego. The international break could prove huge as he will have finally had some time to work with the players who werent away so whether it be fitness or tactically, we may start seeing some more improvements. Sunday is a banana skin though, Id easily take a smash and grab 3 points AKA Arfield.
    2 points
  16. Some folks seem to like to dream and set targets. I dislike it and much prefer to take it as it comes, one game at a time. Judgements are meant to be made while looking backwards, not forwards.
    2 points
  17. Getting a tad ahead of ourselves claim down boys
    2 points
  18. Wouldn't be surprise if this is his agents trying to work a better deal...
    2 points
  19. I'm not fussed on him either way, I highly doubt there is concrete interest from these teams. He'll be 21 in the summer which is not young in footballing terms.
    2 points
  20. Goram Stevens Gough Butcher Caldow Cooper Durrant Gazza Laudrup Parlane McCoist Subs - Woods, RDB, Hateley, DJ, Ian Ferguson, Barry Ferguson
    1 point
  21. Amato an interesting choice. He was a very good player right enough. Instrumental in wining at least two games from losing positions.
    1 point
  22. We should probably redirect discussions on the existence of JuJu and other supernatural nonsense to the Lounge thread.
    1 point
  23. Damn but that's a very good team. However, I just couldn't bring myself to leave out Forrest and Henderson, two of the very best I ever saw and probably unequalled since. I already posted my team elsewhere ..... it's a little more "post-Symon" than yours. The player I most regret leaving out is probably Ralph Brand. Laudrup - Forrest - Henderson Baxter - I. Ferguson - A. MacDonald Caldow - McKinnon - Gough - Greig Goram Subs: Billy Ritchie, Carlos Cuellar, Sandy Jardine, Derek Johnstone, Ralph Brand, Ally McCoist, Tommy McLean
    1 point
  24. Ive made two changes from my votes, I went with Weir at the back instead of Cuellar (Also remembered I liked Craig Moore at centre half but only really had 1 top season). Brought Barry Ferguson into midfield rather than Stuart McCall (With hindsight it could easily have been Ian Ferguson). Goram Hutton Gough Weir Robertson Laudrup Gascoigne B Ferguson Albertz Hateley McCoist Bench: McGregor, Cuellar, I Ferguson, De Boer, Mols (Pre-injury). Manager: I'd loved to have seen this team under Advocaat but it has to be Walter who's my greatest.
    1 point
  25. Massive no thanks on Kent. Downed tools last year
    1 point
  26. We salute your confidencability, Tsb. Really only two difficult fixtures in that list. Recent Rangers, however, have made all fixtures difficult but maybe Clement is changing the loser mentality.
    1 point
  27. @Rousseau you automatically came in to my head when I saw the opening post For me the League Cup final is the must win. Getting through in Europe would be good but I would rather win the group or finished 3rd. 2nd would mean extra games in an already packed schedule and against CL drop outs League wise - I would love to be proved wrong - but I think we are too far back already
    1 point
  28. Next time - if there is one - we'll do the modern era, so we can move away from a team of mostly NIAR players.
    1 point
  29. Clement has started well and I get the need to look forward. Tannochsidebear's extrapolation is correct, the prediction is warm and comfortable. Let's hope it pans out? However, all that really matters at this moment is that we travel to Pittodrie on Sunday and do the Dandies in a most satisfying manner.
    1 point
  30. I'd love him to stay but if I were McCausland I'd get on the first plane to Bergamo or Rome on the first of January. Doig, Ferguson and Hickey have all flourished in Italy and Rangers have proven that they can't produce first team regulars. Some won't like to hear it but it's the truth, until we start giving young lads **SUBSTANTIAL** minutes we can't complain when they leave to pursue a better career.
    1 point
  31. McCoist for sure. Hately, Boyd, Miller, Prso, Jelavic, Stein, Mols and Alfie were all quality players. Prso was my hero so going for him.
    1 point
  32. You have to get Dado Prso on your list 👍 And Gordon Durie who I would have as an unsung hero. Did lots of hard work and always good for goals.
    1 point
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