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Everything posted by Bluedell

  1. If our xG was 6, there'd be moans that we weren't taking our chances. We won 4-0 so let's use statistics to have a go, given we can't do it on the result.....
  2. The other guy who should be in the running for MOTM is Luiyi de Lucas I thought he was outstanding in the Livingston defence.
  3. Good performances from Souttar, Balogun, Cifu and Cantwell and most surprisingly Matondo. It's a toss of a coin between Souttar and Cifu for me, but I'll go for Cifu.
  4. I'm going to go for the much aligned Barasic. Played very well in the first half and although quieter in the second, he managed to set up at least one clear chance and put in some other great crosses.
  5. The pitch should be banned. Good football is impossible on it.
  6. I see the council have also refused the Easdales permission to build a boutique hotel in the derelict site of the Watt Bros store 🙄
  7. I haven't heard anything negative, so given our support, it must be fine.
  8. It was actually be OK if that was the case but the authorities in this country are as unenlightened on sex as they are on cars and alcohol, but given their approach to drugs, I guess they'd be happy for it to be occupied by dealers.
  9. An interesting point. However what are they expecting it to be occupied by? A fast food joint? There's already a few of them. I could understand if there were a number of people wanting to take it on but presumably there isn't. Would they prefer it to lie derelict? It makes me yearn for the days of Michael Kelly when I see what's happening
  10. It's a joke that it's been refused. What are the SNP's city development plans? They seem hellbent on destroying the city with the lack of support for the city centre, the crazy LEZ, lack of public transport, taxis being forced away, resulting in the closure of outstanding restaurants and the place being overrun with junkies. It would be interested in what plans they've got for Copland Road. We know that any development will continue to be in the east end whereas they allow the area around our stadium to be run down or to hem us in with social housing to try and prevent any development of the club's environs.
  11. I think that we are in a hurry to sell him because we need the cash.
  12. Sterling isn't a centre back, despite what was suggested when he signed. He says he's never played there.
  13. That could be because he had the players lined up for the other positions and was confident of getting them whereas he's not with a centre back. H&H were saying that we were wanting a centre back a few weeks back, and presumably they've got some sort of inside info. My own view is that any budget we had has disappeared due to the spend elsewhere and we'll try and pick up one cheaply or on loan near the end of the window.
  14. If it was only Ibrox Noise then I'd agree with your scepticism, but a number of news agencies reported that we'd had a bid rejected. However I can't say for sure and that's why I had the question mark.
  15. I thought both Rangers and Celtic's market capitalisation was over £100m. However the whole thing is fairly meaningless, as Bill says.
  16. Yeah, we really need the likes of Hibs to put away teams like this. It's bad for the coefficient.
  17. That's the problem with trying to buy from a top EPL team. He may well be worth £5-7m to Arsenal. Surely there's got to be better value in Europe somewhere? However I've just had a look at his Wiki and I hadn't realised he is 24, a US internationalist and was Birmingham's POTY last season. £2 million? Seems very light.
  18. I'm hearing that Celtic have rejected the 780 seats offered to them. They said they wanted a euro style allocation or nothing, and Rangers haven't allowed themselves to be bullied and held firm at 780, so it looks like there will no away fans at OF games this season. There will be a PR war on this and hopefully Rangers can publicise the fact that it's celtic's refusal that's caused it.
  19. I thought there was a suggestion that he asked to play for the B team so he could get a full game rather than 5-10 minutes with the first team. However it does seem as if Beale doesn't have much confidence in him. A loan to another SPL team would be good for him.
  20. Article from the Record in June: Rangers are going to the USA in 2025 if they manage to clinch their place in the revamped edition of the lucrative FIFA Club World Cup. The Premiership side are, as it stands, one of the 12 UEFA teams who would play in the money-spinning event in June and July 2025. Rangers would qualify for one of the dozen European spots on offer because of their coefficient ranking over the last three years, although the upcoming season's results will also be used and they will need to build on lengthy runs like 2022's journey to the Europa League final to ensure participation. Only one club per country can qualify which means that clubs with higher coefficient than Rangers would miss out and open the door for the Ibrox club. The tournament is estimated to be worth as much as a minimum of £25 million per team as it prepares for a dramatic revamp from its 7-team form and FIFA have just announced the venues will be in the USA. Last month, reports claimed the new competition 'will have the biggest club prize pot in the history of the game.'
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