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Everything posted by Bluedell

  1. The money from Hutton funded the transfers at the start of last season. The money from the CL went towards paying the players' wages The money from the UEFA cup went towsards the funding of Walter's budget this year (spent on Miller Velicka, Lafferty). I believe that the NET income was less than everyone has been led to believe.
  2. Bluedell

    Raith News

    Any word on Cuellar?
  3. Gow had the option of furthering his careering by moving to another club on the same money as he was on at Rangers. If he wants fully paid up for his contract then feck him. Let him rot in the reserves or at home. What benefit do we have buying paying him off?
  4. No, a t-shirt of the pope is not acceptable during an old firm game. Circumstantial evidence can be used as provide proof.
  5. It's becoming more and more difficult to disagree with that.
  6. I disagree with all of that, mate. Yes, circumstantial evidence can be enough. He wasn't doing it in his garden. he was doing it at on old firm game. It's generally fairly obvious whether someone is doing something through genuine religious belief and when someone is trying to provoke or antagonise by bringing religion in.
  7. I'm not an expert in law, but would think that his intention was clear. He does not normally wear a pope t-shirt and he chose an old firm game to do it. Enough circumstantial evidence to suggest what his intentions were. Yes, I'm sure there is at least one nutter in our support who would react to a t-shirt. Not being an RC, I'll leave them to argue the level of offence that he caused to them, but the argument that I'm making is not that it is offensive, but that it is intentionally provocative and therefore he should receive at least another caution. He also brought religion into the game in a provocative manner and should be dealt with by the footballing authorities. The fact that his act of provocation was condoned by all at Celtic says a lot about them as well. Rangers, for example, publicly announced that Gazza would be disciplined for his flute playing.
  8. I'd have a bigger problem with Diamond being at the club than Miller.
  9. The guy received a caution before for trying to incite the crowd. That was what he was doing again. How many times is he allowed to do it before someone ends up reacting. Both the football authorities and the police have washed their hands of it, and it's ridiculous. Different standards are yet again applied.
  10. Your very own piece of Ibrox history. I am selling Rangers desk sets that are made out of the wooden seats that were installed in the Main Stand at Ibrox in 1929 and were removed in 1990. They were originally sold in the early 90s following the modernisation of the main stand (the original leaflet is below). The "Executive" model comes complete with twin pens and golf on aluminium plaque with the Rangers crest and has an upright formed from the back of an individual seat with the original ivory coloured number disc with solid brass pins. �£89.00 The "Gold" model has all the features of the the executive plus a polished brass plate on the reverse of the upright with your own individual name and company position (or whatever you would like) engraved alongside the Rangers crest. �£114.00 Postage & packing are on top. I can email a paypal invoice to you or else it could be arranged to meet up at Ibrox on a matchday. I have sold a number on FF and everyone has been delighted with them If anyone wishes to order one or would like further information, please PM me.
  11. I would generally agree. I would say though that I expect last year's wages to be well over �£30m. I would also expect our profit to be under �£20m and when you then take the Hutton profit as being used to fund last season's purchases, and the uncertainty of us qualifying for this year's CL, you can see why the transfer budget is not higher.
  12. thanks mate. I assume it was silence and not the applause nonsense?
  13. It's just a quote from some no-mark professor, used by Spiers' paper, although any web-site that has a connection with NbM will be no friend to Rangers. We're still waiting for the conference that Roddy McNulty was meant to be organising. Looking at the site further, their true colours are shown....another NbM.
  14. Was that a minute's silence? Who for?
  15. Laudrup is a year older than Weir, who is a year older than Albertz, I believe.
  16. On the other hand, if Falkirk need Rangers fans to fill up their ground, why should Rangers provide this service for free? However it's going to end up that the cost will get passed onto the supporters, as the other clubs will just increase their ticket prices to accouint for this, so it's lose-lose for the fans.
  17. It would be interesting to know what SDM said about Gersave at the meeting he had with the RST in late June (if it was indeed mentioned). Is he happy to continue to receive funds from it?
  18. Probably not high up in the plans given he was playing here and not playing tonight.
  19. Save your sickie for a match that matters.
  20. Not like the BBC to get something wrong about Rangers.
  21. There seems to have been hardly any close season. Nothing appealing about watching our team at the moment and no inspiring signings, so I won't be rushing along to watch. My first game will be the CL qualifier next week.
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