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Everything posted by Bluedell

  1. The only Canadian i remember was Colin Miller.
  2. Burke had a spell of 5 or 6 games in a row when he was our only bit of creativity, but then seemed to totally lose it, particularly the Dundee Utd final when he seemed unable to even do the most basic things. An enigma who, as Frankie says, will not make it.
  3. See what happens when you sack your usual proof reader.
  4. And some folk are trying to justify them getting a subway station.
  5. They have already dealt with this by changing the colours to "carmine and cream."
  6. The simplest answer is usually the correct one.
  7. Celtic's away strip is getting released before their home one?
  8. It appears to me that it's a case of trying to benefit Celtic, and the fact that it benefits other people or things is a side-product. Perhaps I'm over-cynical where GCC are concerned, but why do they need it? Is the bus and train network not satisfactory? If there is money available then why not spend money on improving them for the whole city and not just for some councillor's favourite football team? Is a link to the north side of the city not more preferable as one to the east for example? Why not use the proposed Glasgow Airport rail link as a reason for giving Ibrox a train station? I know that there were meant to be talks about this, but I get the feeling that they have not progressed.
  9. Millions of pounds being spent to benefit them? Why Parkhead and not other areas of Glasgow? Celtic Park has 4 train stations within a mile of it. Ibrox has 1. It follows on from GCC selling them land for �£1. They are doing everything they can to benefit Celtic, and not doing the same for Rangers. I have a feeling that Murray is about to find out how much more they are favoured. PS Welcome to the site, 26th of foot.
  10. I had heard a while ago that she wasn't well and that was a large influence on why Brown had lost form. I got told it by a journalist and I believe that the press did not publicise it, which is good to see that they respect some level of privacy. A real shame that someone should die so young.
  11. We haven't made a �£30m profit though.
  12. In which case, it's very strange.
  13. Salary caps may punish Rangers, and prevent us from signing who we want.
  14. From what you have said, there is nothing to prevent a county from employing or playing whoever they want, so it doesn't fall foul of employment law.
  15. Murray surprised me by giving Walter a transfer budget of around �£11m last year after a fairly dismal season, particularly financially. It will therefore be interesting to see what he does this year. Will he take the same level of risk and spend big? Will he try and steady our financial position by keeping some of the funds generated last year to reduce the debt? Will the �£700m redevelopment plans have any impact on our spending? Somany questions, so few answers (at the moment). I haven't a clue where Murray is coming from on the spending front, but some of last year's spending was to try and snap up promising Scottish players (Whittaker, Naismith) and perhaps as there isn't the same level of players available this summer, that might keep the purse strings a bit tighter than many would hope.
  16. "Celtic called for the match to be postponed because some of their players were close to the Motherwell captain, who collapsed during the Dundee United game on Saturday and died soon after." No mention of overshadowing O'Donnell's death, and if they did feel like you suggested, why not come out and say it? It's as "valid" an argument as the one they ended up using. I'm not suggesting that I expect everyone to "bow to my certain knowledge", but I still think your suggestion that Peter Lawwell et al sat down and genuinely decided that they would ask for the game to be called off because it would overshadow his death, but hide the real reason and instead use the excuse of their players being close to him as somewhat unbelievable.
  17. Last time I try and make a humourous post on this site...
  18. I don't think that this is a possibility because:
  19. Sorry boss. Didn't mean to offend your sensibilities. To me, it's such an outrageous suggestion that it didn't need any explanation. I thought my previous comments of being "100% certain" would be enough, but in case they aren't, please see the post below.
  20. :D Wish I was on whatever you've been taking
  21. Dundee Utd players were on the pitch when O'Donnell collapsed. Dundee Utd requested twice that their next game be postponed but this was rejected. Yet Celtic only had a tenuous link to the player and they managed to get their game cancelled. Hmmm.
  22. I think that Celtic did not show respect by using O'Donnell's death for their own means. I am 100% certain that if it had happened at a time when Celtic had no injuries or suspensions then they would not have asked for trhe game to be cancelled.
  23. McCurry's house attacked in 2003: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/scot_prem/2817715.stm Threatened with violence in 2007/8: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football-news/scottish-football/spl-football/2008/04/26/former-old-firm-referee-mike-mccurry-admits-i-nearly-quit-86908-20395355/ i believe Ian Brines has been messing around as well. No sign of him on the front page. I wonder why?
  24. The problem was that it wasn't just the Aberdeen game. There were about 6 games in a row that Celtic benefited from "dodgy" refereeing decisions. Some of the games during the season were outrageous, including Falkirk away and the second Rangers game. Note the difference in the press treatment of the referees. All these games and hardly a whimper, but yet Michael McCurry ends up getting his personal life platered over the papers and there are 8 page specials on his decisions. His house gets attacked on more than one occasion, and he has been hit by coins from celtic fans twice I believe. Intimidation works.
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