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Everything posted by Bluedell

  1. I've been carrying my tickets about with me everywhere. Went to bed the other night and realised I had left them downstairs and had to go and take them up to the bedroom.
  2. I have a lot of sympathy. I'm a bit older than you, and am lucky enough that I can buy a ticket without it being an issue financially. I would be in the same boat as you had it happened to me at the same age. Let's just hope you get another chance in a few years time.
  3. I bought a couple on ebay for �£500, then bought another couple for a mate for the same. Just got a message today to say that I am getting one on the ballot. The amount that you are paying may seem a lot, but it's a once in a lifetime experience. You will earn �£695 again.....
  4. Heard the TBO sining it today and couldn't remember the words to tell my mates. Will need to work on that. "he's the rock of our....
  5. It's as close as a bean counter comes to a sense of humour....
  6. It was Thomson who was injured. Not sure what caused it, but he will apparently be OK for Wed.
  7. 2 great goals and great work rate. has to be Nacho, although most of the team played well today. R.B., agree with you on BF.
  8. The travel club seemed to get �£35 and �£55. The ballot people a few days ago seemed to be largely �£55. Reports on FF of people getting �£75 deducted from their account overnight last night and me having �£95 off. I can't imagine spare tickets suddenly becoming available from the club because of lack of uptake, but I guess you never know. All very strange.
  9. I've got a couple of mates who I've been going to the games with for years who don't have tickets, so they will probably end up with the other ones. They were over in Florence for the semi but aren't in the travel club so don't have tickets. Have to charge them the same amount that I paid for them though. Can't figure out how the club suddenly came up with �£95 tickets though.
  10. Got home from the game today at around 5.15pm to a message on my answering machine. Some electronic guy from Rangers saying that I had been allocated a �£95 ticket for the final. Got to go tomorrow to collect it.
  11. Most of it, I reckon. I think when I first heard it, I wasn't too sure about a few lines.
  12. Remember that you have to pay extra for that though.....
  13. http://www.gersnetonline.net/vb/showthread.php?t=6848
  14. I didn't get one in the ballot either, and really expected one for some reason. Not that it makes you feel any better but there were loads that haven't got tickets in the ballot.
  15. What's your usual excuse? :devil:
  16. Very nice touch. Frankie, I'm in the next section to you...325.
  17. A bit misleading to say it's a free draw when you have to put money in.
  18. Had a look at it myself but was far too complicated and seemed to involve spending money, so gave it a miss.
  19. Good deal on the tickets. Well done. I'm surprised that the seller didn't insist that you throw in your hooped hoody. :devil:
  20. Anyone needing a lift on the Tuesday from Glasgow? I may have space, although will not know for sure until tomorrow. Frankie, text me to let me know where and when if there is any meet-up down there and I'll try and pop along.
  21. As I understand it, Craig's version is nearer the position. Celtic outbid us, both from a transfer fee and weekly wage situation in the summer.
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