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Yieldshields loyal

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Everything posted by Yieldshields loyal

  1. Just going on recent history, and please correct me if i am wrong, but how the hell can SDM say that its not even partly his fault for the piss poor situation we are in at the moment. Lets go back to last summer, when surely to god we were in a far sounder financial position than we believe we are in now, the Uefa run had come and gone, as had Hutton for a fair bit of money, however we can now build on the squad and finally take the league back from the unclean. So what does SDM do? Lets WS spend extravagent money on players where we already have these positions filled, and miss out on areas where we could do with strengthening. At what point did he or Bain for that matter stop WS in his tracks and say, "hang on a minute Watty, Kyle Lafferty? And your going to play him wide left when we already have Beasley, McCulloch, Fleck and Naismith?" - In fact, lets take on Aaron as well, just to give them competition for places. "Velicka, we already have Cousin, Darchville, Boyd, Miller?" "But i'm going to sell some of these guys" "Dont you think it would be better to do that first?" "No" "Okay then old buddy old pal!" I didn't see him using a lot of business mindedness during the summer, which i would say finds us in this god awful mess currently.
  2. If anyone would be twisted enough to knock them back its him - his only draw is that he got on well with McLeish and that doesnt bode well
  3. Does anyone know if he's still with his Glaswegian leather-faced bit on the side ala Rino Gattuso? This sadly would be a draw you would think?
  4. Okay, okay, its the kneejerk again, but i'll phrase it another way then, if we hadn't wasted (i believe it to be a waste) on those players in the summer, do you think we would need to sell Boyd, Ferguson et al??
  5. Wholeheartedly agree with this statement, however we are being forced to sell the family silver due in no small part to the idiotic signing policy of WS - this must not be forgotten. A man i once had huge respect for as a pillar of our club has ruined it. Does anyone think he will ever be made to answer why he wasted this money? In other Boyd news, my pal works with Kris's brother. He was told last week by WS and AMcC that he would be sold in January. Boyd, as you would imagine DOES NOT want to leave as he has 2 small children. - Hutton story all over again
  6. How many bloody heartaches do we have to go through before we can hold our heads up again?? Boumsong (dont laugh), Hutton, Cueller, Ferguson, BOYD!!...... I realise that the following players will have been paid in instalments, but Velicka (1m), Edu (2.5M), Lafferty (3.5M), Miller (2M - overpriced IMO) ........�£7M anyway......for what??? 1 striker - never played, 1 midfielder - never played, 1 Striker/winger, who fuckin knows, who isnt fit to play for rangers If the case is the Bank are calling in money and we have to sell players because of this, i would suggest mis-management on a larger scale than even Advocaat...at least his team was attractive to watch. So effectively we have railroaded ourselves into this situation due to WS's stupidity and arrogance - Cheers Watty, Rangers legend, thrugh and through The Dhims will be pishing themselves at how easy they can walk the league again
  7. Hmm, possibly, but i dont think Ferguson was at the races, 2nd Half, Brown and Robson pushed him about, we were 2nd to every midfield ball, Mendes seemed to make more tackles. Missing Kevin Thomson IMO, Hemdani may not have done the role justice mind you
  8. Same here! He could have done a shoring up job in the middle on Sat!!
  9. Apologies, still fed up after Saturday
  10. All right, lazy, cant be arsed twat then - he has (or had) talent, but cant be bothered now and for a long long time
  11. I'll agree with this big time, you knew that we were going to play all day and not score
  12. Never heard as big a pile of sh*te, i'd bet money that no1 has made Aaron or Fleck out to be "supermen" but are obviously players with genuine talent - talent in excess of those who are already playing in their positions. Did you see the Cup final last year?? Fleck at 16 yrs of age was a breath of fresh air, his guille should be nurtured - we have a problem in this country with holding back young talent - the "burn out" argument is bollocks also, any manager worth his salt would realise not to play someone so young every week. And to say that Aaron needs time to settle into a new country - how quickly would you settle if you weren't enjoying working in a new country? Especially the type of creative player which he appears to be And, as has already been mentioned, Adam and Lafferty have been nothing short of amateur in their displays this season - i play football, and would try a damn sight harder than what those two twats do on a football park if i was playing for Rangers
  13. Fantastic club, rank rotten footballer.... http://www.teletext.co.uk/football/scotfootnews/b3f9213578c5ba1623122bb4b168268a/Adam+happy+to+stay.aspx
  14. Its not about " a couple of teenagers," its about the quality of player and what he can do to create chances
  15. Anyone have alarm bells of the last Centre Half signing from Gothenborg ringing? - fair play tho, the guy might be decent enough. The Velicka news is shocking - was talkin about the waste of money on the radio at the weekend and along with him, they counted that Smith had wasted 7M in the summer on players who so far have failed to make the grade, Edu, Lafferty and Velicka anyway - bloody scandalous.
  16. Call me cynical, but is this not how these scum are getting into positions of authority/influence?
  17. I went for a kip on the couch when i came in last night and woke up 2 mins before this story came on the news. Absolutly mental, even if the songs roots are based on slagging priests. Surely this cant get any more silly? That Matheson twat should be sacked from his constituency.
  18. Away n bile yer heid Gav! This is obviously a work related effort of an answer! We are the Majority and yet are being persecuted here!!! Must be the future Mrs Monkey that is filling yer heid wi rubbish!
  19. You could probably dispute this in a court of Law, as to my knowing there are no hard and fast laws on what description a "race" is. The most common idea on "Race" however would be that originated by Blumenbach: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Friedrich_Blumenbach
  20. I'd go with that - should have been 5 or 6-1 the last game if we hadn't sat back near the end, we were hammering them!:box:
  21. True, but his total lack of interest has wasted him for me, you can be a rubbish player and at least try to work for or win back a ball, as has been mentioned, he has had numerous chances to change his ways but not taken them.
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