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Everything posted by mainstandbear

  1. yep! before he fought crime or whatever the fuck he did....Flipper was a hardcore punk
  2. I would have preferred Souness but the open minded tolerant scottish public would find it hard to have 3 ex Rangers managers in a row... best small country in the world eh? Still Burley's a good man and hopefully will have the job for a few years bringing on the good crop of players we seem to have at the mo'
  3. Yeah well done Tottingham! 8 long years is far too long to wait for a derby win...unless its the dheclans then its not long enough
  4. Guilty m'lud! just seem to get out of the habit of posting...lazy-itis as amy macdonald would put it...but yeah...must do better...mainstandbear will return (again)!!
  5. US comedy shows have 26 week runs...ours have 6 week runs Punk bands....i recently re-discovered my love of Flipper...surely the greatest band ever
  6. a terrible tragedy RIP Phil O'Donnell
  7. Glad to be back.... ...and god bless alan hutton
  8. my mate was at the Ibrox tour today with his boy and, when he asked the tour guide about signings, was told that there were 3 players coming....one of which the fans wont like...inferring it was miller. just passing on what i was told.
  9. ya dancer! GIRFUY! i only watched the first half but heard the mhanks giving it big licks with their 'political' songs and WS called a 'sad orange bastard'...will we hear anything about this on the back pages tomorrow? somehow i doubt it:mad:
  10. Rabble rousing of the worst kind by reid...pandering to the mentality of 'they are all against us' and 'see, it's because i'm a tim'.... also when he stated that 'there are other boards who wish they had the passion and commitment of the celtic support'...oh yeah? who john? which board said their supporters were not as good as celtics? no journalist seems willing to challenge him on his assertions....and we will get the usual 'dignified silence' from the Rangers board...
  11. kenny miller? Nay nay and thrice nay! Remember his wee badge thumping gesture when he scored for them against us... this bear does not want him back at ibrox unless its lining up for the opposition...
  12. This is what its all about...its where Rangers should be every season with big games against top opposition in the CL...and with a team we can be excited about... We are the people!
  13. i think mark mcghee would make a good scotland manager...
  14. Good on you, Didier! We are the people! i suppose the semticfc gloryseekers are beelin but it's a fact when Ibrox is full and we get up a head of steam...there's no place like it! ...and those french fuckers will find that out on wednesday... Mon the Gers!
  15. fuckin ridiculous! shows the whole sham up for what it is... scotland's open sore more like...bitter wankers like that can say what they like with impugnity and we've all just to put up with it.
  16. It's like groundhog day watching those chunts...win at home lose away hopefully the boys in blue will be spurred on by them going thru and deliver the right result next week
  17. lmao...superb! i'm singing that one
  18. I'd have fletcher at Rangers no bother...but not for �£3m...i do think he's a good player as he's shown in a scotland jersey ( bar the last 2 games ) and has premiership experience which i think is invaluable in the spl
  19. britney plumbs new depths shocker! nice one keith jackson! tide is turning against the great unwashed and they're gonna have to learn that the sectarian issue cuts both ways...'political songs' my arse!!!!
  20. I hope he does well...i would imagine one of his first signing targets would be darren fletcher who needs 1st team football.
  21. Crikey! i think i've got that one tucked away in a drawer somewhere
  22. they are truly muppets of the highest order... Exactly, Jimmy...its been raining...lol
  23. got to laugh at the tims.... on STV news they were reporting on celtic's new chairman john reid...he was labelled a war criminal at their agm....and one fan said that the statue of bro walfrid was seen to be weeping in the last few days lol...you couldnt make these idiots up...priceless!!!!
  24. agreed. I'd like the guy to be given a chance but maybe we have to trust Walter here...he did say everyone would get a chance....Gow, Naismith, Whittaker are guys we seem to have signed for the squad and maybe for beyond this season.
  25. Good stuff...and where are the tims? nowhere hopefully
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