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andy steel

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Everything posted by andy steel

  1. And maybe pick up some useful information on how to organise a fan based campiagn, which might have more success than the RST! Be positive, Maineflyer. (If I can organise babysitting) I bet you I learn something from it.
  2. I don't agree with that at all. I've never been in any bother, and been raised to respect police/authority figures all my days. I can say, though, that the treatment I've seen and received when in my alter-ego as a trouble making football hooligan (actually just a fan) has turned me entirely against these types of people - they want all the powers and react along fascistic lines should anyone DARE to react with anything other than craven grovelling. You can't expect people to simply take a beating on the grounds that they might cause trouble for Rangers. If they are starting a fight I accept your premise but not if someone else wades into you for no good reason.
  3. I know I'm new here as well, KevinThomson, but I don't think this is that kind of a forum.
  4. As the newspaper industry contracts, the infighting amongst the rats for the remaining few jobs intensifies. 'Look at me! Look at me! I don't like Rangers!! Please, may I have a job??'
  5. Are there any grounds on which a fan could bring an action against UEFA? I can't think what it would be, other than some corporate mismanagement thing, or against whoever passed the ground fit and safe. It wouldn't have a chance of succeeding, but it might make them think twice about doleing out punishment.
  6. I must admit, that line about wading in to recover a fan who had been lifted does fill me with pride. Other than that, the usual BBC bullshit. I agree that we'll probably be banned, either now or soon. There's not a lot you can do about it; if the alternative is putting your body up as target practice for sad little policemen with inferiority complexes, even a wuss like me would be forced to lift a hand in reply. The sheer 'black and white' nature of the situation makes it a lot easier to deal with, for me anyway. Sometimes you have to take a stand, and if the result is not great, well that's part of life too.
  7. It is a difficult one, in that if a copper wades in and smacks you about the bonce with a baton, are you meant to just take it, while repeating over and over to yourself "I must think of the Club! I must think of the Club!' Was there not something similar when Scotland played Macedonia some 18 months ago? At least the 'outside the ground' aspect of it.
  8. I only saw the highlights, who was disgraceful? Nacho might have said no to the provos, but he said no to keeping the ball as well...I wish to goodness our players would realise they don't have the chops to go for Brazil-passes. And as an aside, how can STV make a 90 minute programme, featuring he cream of European football scoring some 40 odd goals, look crap? They truly have an inverse Midas touch. Big Terry, with his permanent expression of alarm, looking for all the world as though somone has just told him his house is on fire, and the other guy, effortlessly getting it wrong on every occassion. Class.
  9. Well done Frankie! Btw, I have absolutely no idea what the above is about.
  10. That's true, but I find myself wondering how much of that was at the behest of SDM, given the speed with which Bain has come out fighting the minute the former is off the scene? It's not as if I know anything 'behind the scenes' but it's quite an encouraging start in the virtual post-SDM era. We can always hope, anyway.
  11. It probably doesn't look at it's best in early Novermber, but if you can dig out a respectable chop-house which serves a Moldovan wine, Bucharest isn't that crappy! Some nice trout and a bottle, then off to the game. I don't know what more you could ask for!
  12. Ach, he can't win then. If he came out with that sort of statement every time the tims said or did something typically undignified, he be as bad as them, and have no time to do anything else besides, given 'them'. These things only have impact if they are done rarely. On top of that, it's a rare CEO who actually praises the fans, rather than patronising them in order to extract wonga from them. Liewell over the road is the classic example of someone who is always in the papers, banging on about how wonderful TGFITW are, only to then shaft them once again. I'd far rather have a Bain type than a Lawwell type.
  13. Allright then, it's not Miller for Strachan, it's Lafferty back to Burnley.
  14. I think the papers have got the right area of the pitch, but the wrong player and the wrong Scottish manager.
  15. The selection for u21 and lower is completely random, or so it appears. Maybe it's to do with politics between club managers, but it looks more like the coaches have only a hazy idea of who is available and what their standard is.
  16. Cometh the hour, cometh the man....you just never can tell what people are like unless you know them. I'm going to bear this time in mind next time Bain annoys me and I reach for my keyboard, bile spilling from every orifice.
  17. All previous history says Walter will never give Wilson a start in midweek. I hope I'm wrong, but I can't see it.
  18. I'm a bit surprised that the bald one's dignified boot in the baws for the War Criminal has gone unacclaimed - let me be the first to say well done, shiny.
  19. But this is at the very heart of the issue, UCB, which (I think) is that on whatever subject, in whatever language, and in whatever context, the statements of the RST and their representatives is viewed with a very cold eye by an awful lot of people. To use a comparison the RST would choke on, trying to persuade people Unions are a good thing is still difficult, as the memory of the 70s lives on. So too does the memory of previous statements and actions by the RST: it's going to take a long time to change people's minds. I speak as a non member with no axe to grind.
  20. The RST will just have to put up with that; they have made their own bed and can hardly complain when people refuse to take them at face value. That's life. Frankly I doubt the accuracy of the OP's statement. I don't know where he's getting his info from, but it sounds most unlikely. Do you believe that Lloyds went into this position - that is, trying to sell Rangers off or the alternative with all the strings attached - completely unaware that Rangers are a fairly well supported team with a fanbase unlikely to react positively to such goings on? If you do, it doesn't say much for our 'brand awareness', so we can forget any stuff about us being a worldwide name that should be treated better! I can't see that, though. They knew what the pros and cons would be from the word go, and they have decided that their current course is the best one. Now, I've signed the petition, I've arranged banking transfers - of a tiny amount, but we must do what we can - but I doubt if it's having the effect outlined in the OP. Such a post is obviously waiting to be shot down in flames the moment Lloyds come out with a statement saying they can take no more, and have agreed to reconsider their demands. I ain't holding my breath. 1001 signatures on the petition. 200,000 in Manchester. A campaign could have the desired effect; but it will take a lot more than what's happened already. In fact, and I may live to regret posting this, I think the OP is trying to encourage activism rather than reflecting reality.
  21. I'm not so sure, Kyle can easily better their shitey CBs. It depends on their midfield trying to pass to him from the wing rather than lumping it long from their own half. We shall see.
  22. Agreed, I voted undecided and I can't see how anyone can vote otherwise when we know - actually know, rather than gossip or PR - just about nothing. Btw, it may be a bit embarrassing if the new owner gets done for tax - but it's better than watching him get dragged off to The Hague to stand trial for war crimes!
  23. They might be, but it won't be from his useless long ball and kick 'em specialists. One of the reasons Scottish football is crap is Jim Jeffries.
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