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Everything posted by alexscottislegend

  1. Think you're spot on there about Burley's comments. (I meant Ascender's point.)In fact Burley should go down on bended knee to him and get him on board. Paired with Miller I'd love to see this Scotland partnership. I'll leave my thoughts about Novo to another thread.
  2. Agree 100% but why for god's sake can't the management at Ibrox just come clean about his fitness? Why is it hushed up like some cabinet secret? I know they cant or won't comment on every injury situation but S. Smith was one of our very brightest prospects and if he has come back to fitness why oh why is he not being considered for the first team? That can only be because he has not come back as the player he promised to be. We should be told!
  3. To me there's a huge difference between a bit of generalised banter (however puerile it may be) and a song wishing an actual named person would die in his bed - I used to be thick-skinned on this sort of thing. But now an Irish politician has waded in v. the famine song, it's time they were told in no uncertain terms that the Novo situation is much much worse. And as for James McCarthy - well he's a traitor pure and simple.
  4. Webster and Steve Smith are potential solutions to two of our long-standing problems. Are you really sure they're 'crocks'? Have you heard any report of Webster at Bristol City? And I thought the latest was that Smith has now resumed full training. Would be a tragedy if these two never recover, but trying to get honest news about them is like trying to pick gold dust off the floor.
  5. He was on the bench and could still have been brought on even after Iwelumo's shocker. I understand he is not quitting Scotland just doesn't want to be involved as long as GB is in charge. If it comes down to GB or Boyd to go, then I would definitely want Burley to go rather than lose Boyd from the Scotland scene. In terms of goals no one even comes close. Did Burley not see his brilliant goal v Thistle? Kris can accept being second fiddle to Miller or Faddy, but to an untried 30-year-old?
  6. MF -think that a punctuation mark has caused misunderstanding! Should have put commas before and after "despite Mf's reservations" - meaning reservations about SDM full stop! I just meant to say that I don't wish the club to be sold to just anybody, and I think SDM is sincere enough in this. Despite our wish for fresh and new investment, would you really want RFC to be put into the hands of,say, Vladimir Romanov? This is where our debate should now start; we have at last received rumours of possible foreign interest and we know that Murray WILL sell - it's clear that his heart is not really in it any more. BTW, didn't he originally try to buy Ayr United?
  7. According to the Sunday Express foreign investors are showing an interest in Rangers and Watford. Sorry, I'm not IT literate enough to be able to post a link, but some of you technofiles could do it for me! Wonder if the bears on here would accept ANY bid. I actually trust SDM despite Maineflyer's reservations to sell to a bidder who is fully in the club's interests. That does not mean I want him to hang around forever.
  8. Couldn't agree more. I wouldnt blame Nacho for quitting - it just shows why we love him so much. There must be some offence here- threatening behaviour?
  9. Take your point Craig, but no one is immune from the credit crunch -even Abramovitch and I cannot believe that the whole pack of cards may not finally come timbling down.
  10. That's it in a nutshell. All bears have to grit their teeth and PRAY C****c do well in the CL. If you want them to fail, then you want Rangers to fail too because if we find ourselves locked out of the CL we'll be small time for years.
  11. Frightening. but what I don't understand is that if our our modest debt is so dangerous, then what about the likes of Chelsea with their �£45 million is it? Also - Europe is vital to our success. Now the Scottish clubs' automatic champions League entry is at risk, thanks to those green and white mobsters failing to win away.
  12. Love it - and at least this time it scans, unlike YNWA;)
  13. Seems like a veil of silence has been drawn over this one. I just hope that the club are giving him every chance to get fit, or else his career is really over. I can only assume that's nothing's been said because there is that slim chance.
  14. I would like to see Aaron, Edu, Fleck getting a game but who else would you have in the team ? Maybe Jordan McMillan for this game. Chance for Burke (ok know he's had chances but has been injured)
  15. Yeh, but are you really bothered about the CIS cup? I know we struggled last time out, but I'd much rather see the promising youth we keep hearing about get a runout than win a competition that has nowadays very little kudos. If Arsenal Wenger can do it, then so can we.
  16. WS has already announced that he won't make sweeping changes for this one. Why the hell not? What better chance to showcase Fleck, Aaron, Edu while at the same time time giving a chance for rehabilitation to Burke and Adam for instance? Sod the result - the league is the only competition this season that matters, and while I have a soft spot for the Jags, we should be able to beat them with whatever team we put out.
  17. Wonder if we could have another Hutton on our hands. Delighted because all those on his back will now have to eat their words. I'll never forget just after we signed him he nutmegged Barry F. in a game at Love Street!
  18. Noticed that Carlos was on the bench for Villa yesterday. Is this going to be his role, I wonder? Can't believe that Davies and Laursen would be considered better players. If this is to be his lot, I wonder if he will regret his decision to leave as that can hardly improve his chances of getting a game for Spain. Also, I wonder if the situation is the same come June, if we could sneak him back - just imagine a pairing of Cuellar and Bougherra, and don't forget Majid may not have been signed as a direct replacement, but as a supposed complementary CB. Just a thought.
  19. That's a really good point and I'd have to agree that players have different styles which can be misunderstood. However, with regard to Cousin, I think it was his actions (headbutting etc) and his off-field comments about wanting to go to the Prem which alienated most of us.
  20. Once you get the site, then what do you do? Do you have to sign up? sorry my IT skills are stone age.
  21. Pre-Mendes we could see how much Barry was missed. I actually agree with BOTH sides of the argument here - those who are pro-Barry and those who want to see him punted. Competition for his place - and remember we could play Davis and Mendes in the centre - is just what's needed to settle the argument once and for all.
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