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Everything posted by alexscottislegend

  1. I too am mighty fed up with WS. But as Johnny says were he to go now we may actually be worse off as we'd be in turmoil. The question is: who do we get to step in (a)who would want the job;and (b) who is available? none of the suggestions I've heard fill me with hope. We surely can't poach another Scotland manager, so Burley ,no. Gus Hiddink would be wonderful but he doesn't break contracts. Billy Davies is available but does he have the stature? Gough is really untested. I've heard Mowbray mentioned, but he'll want a stab at the EPL. Unless you're happy with the two Jimmies or Stuart McCall, just accept that it's Walter until he fails to win the league.
  2. Calscot:You make a good point but I think the reason fans are impatient with Murray is because of his loyalty to Walter. They think we cannot get rid of WS without somehow removing SDM first.
  3. In the grand scheme of things the St. Johnstone result didn't matter:the implications of the Kaunas defeat mean this is easily our worst-ever moment. We could also have seriously damaged Scottish football. What this will do to our co-efficient doesn't bear thinking about. And get this - we've got to hope Celtic do well in Europe or the SPL CL automatic spot will disappear and we will face 3 qualifying rounds.
  4. Is Michael Laudrup available at the moment? Must admit, fires my imagination even if he's not really had that much managerial experience.
  5. Just flying a kite really with the Eck suggestion. But it just goes to show that it's difficult to find anybody who could come in at the moment. Martin Jol would be great, but can't see him leaving his current job so soon. Really cannot see a future with WS though. Last night was the last straw.
  6. May be controversial but I'd go for Big Eck. He had to work with the likes of Emerson and Ostenstad - he would definitely get more out of this bunch. To my mind he was unfairly pilloried because he was not a "Rangers man."
  7. Yes, I suppose he should be judged on the league. But it's now clear for all to see that WS has favourites (won't bore you by naming them) and simply will not change - therefore, ipso facto, we must find ASAP another man who will be bold enough to do what's required. I know SDM must take some of the blame with his underfunding, but a good manager could still make more of the situation.
  8. Well done Super Ally. I'm feeling as low and angry as ever I've done , but you've managed to somehow articulate everything that is wrong with our (still) beloved club right now. I wish it could be reproduced as a giant banner to be flown in full view of the Rangers dugout.
  9. Only problem is we know that Walter won't change. I've defended him for long enough, now I realise that the only way forward is to get someone in who (a) won't see McCulloch, Dailly and Adam as first choices when there are others available and (b) who won't play 4-1-4-1 against the likes of ...Kaunas! Beggars belief.
  10. Let me add to that - Majid Bougherra! He admitted the propsect of regular CL football was a big attraction. Now he won't even get the EUFA.
  11. Totally concur with the above post. Just come in after being away and missed the game. Absolutely dumbfounded. Only consolation is I doubted we could get past Aalborg. Without doubt there will now be a groundswell of opinion against Walter. And - goodbye Carlos. Now we know why Loovens was pursued.
  12. Yeah, but if we were to get him on loan?
  13. And Chelsea I think made the excuse that we were ahead in our fitness and preparation! What excuse did we have v. Liverpool?
  14. I can't remember who it was, but someone did point out that SDM would never again hire somebody who wasn't a Walter-type 'yes' man (presumably after the PLG experiment). That's the most depressing thing I've heard this summer. We know long-term he will sell out, but he has always said it will have to be to somebody who has the club's best interests at heart (not a Romanov type). I think we must trust him on that. Do we really want to see a Thai, US, Saudi or whatever consortium come in without knowing anything about them?
  15. What a brilliant idea. Guys like Laudrup and Albertz are already sort of unofficial ambassadors for us. Add the likes of Prso to the list. This is the kind of thing the RST could have taken up instead of imploding like it has.
  16. The scouting set up is another poorly ran aspect, and something I should maybe have mentioned in my first post. I was listening to a Steve McLaren interview this morning, he was asked if he was going to raid England for players. But his reply was no because FC Twente cant compete with the Premier League stars (same as Rangers) so Twente and his network are set up in Holland, Belgium, Germany and Scandanavia to locate players. If only we could wake up and do the same. That's a key point. I look at the likes of Arsenal with their buying up of young players. Few if any of them will get a start in the first team for some years. That's where we could step in. We could offer earlier first team football - and in Europe too- and then sell on for good fees. We could also take some of say Liverpool's youngsters on loan and give them experience; their squad is so huge they just won't be able to play them in the first team. BTW on a different tack, interesting to hea S Fergie saying they had only TWO strikers - Rooney and Tevez! We could sell him a few!
  17. Spot on with Point 4. It would be criminal if we were to go backwards now. Under those circumstances Walter would have to go. It would be a PLG scenario again, with the difference being that PLG had no money to spend whereas Walter has not used his cash (so far) wisely.
  18. That may be too much to hope for this time round. As Pete says to get to the CL pot of gold is paramount; if we get a reasonable draw then fine, but consider if we miss out (and I'm not confident v Aalborg at this moment), then the consequences are: 1. The King and McGregor WILL depart; 2. NO money to strengthen the team at the January window. Then EVEN if we win the SPL there will be no money to strengthen us for 2009/10! At all costs, we must avoid the fixture pile-up which cost us the league. So that means forget about the Scottish Cup and League Cup. Use them to blood youngsters, giving them the experience in meaningful games that Frankie (I think) talked about.
  19. A good recent example of the kind of player we should now be going for is the guy (forgot his name) Arsenal have just signed from Bremen. He'll likely not play in the first team and didn't cost anything. We could have given him first team football and Europe and guess what? He's right sided and a right attacking midfielder.
  20. Be baffled no more. Dailly and Weir will soon yield to Old Father Time, Broadfoot will provide good cover at CB and Webster will be given more time to recover, if he ever does.
  21. Don't doubt he's a decent player - BUT he's available on a pre-contract in January so what the hell are we doing offering money now for anyway? Get Davis instead.
  22. Come to think of it, wouldn't "March of the Toreadors" be a good anthem?
  23. The good news is that we could be rid of Cousin, but the bad is that a defender is not our priority after last night - it's a midfielder, be it Davis or anyone. How can WS not see that?
  24. Sorry young man, but Rooney was given his debut v Arsenal as a substitute and cracked in a beauty! But generally I agree - Fleck would be better to come in when we're playing a bit better, but he'll be a star for us, don't worry.
  25. I'm with you on this. Don't know what the Toon fans think, though.
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