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Everything posted by alexscottislegend

  1. And the manager is Alex Neil who might be a good fit for us (ex-Hamilton).
  2. Think you are being a bit generous there; Fleck didn't turn out too bad, just not for us.
  3. Wouldn't mind Karren Brady though! We once had an O'Hara at Ibrox in the Jock Wallace era I think. He was useless!
  4. How about Miss Cranston's on the Copland Road?
  5. I've been advocating 3 at the back now for a while but Beale doesn't seem to be a fan.
  6. Three at the back would do it for me; I think we now have the personnel with the return of Goldson and maybe we need a left-sided CB. That way we get to keep Tav and his rampaging runs.
  7. Whilst 1 league title, 1 Scottish Cup and a EL final doesn't sound like much, it's something to build upon. Doesn't sound like much? Sounds pretty good to me! But how can we build upon that when we have ripped up practically the entire squad and started almost from scratch? Rather evolution than revolution in this case.
  8. Because they are not good enough in one-on-one situations. Not many Geordie Youngs nowadays!
  9. Jack is still the one player in the squad who cannot be replicated, either in function or ability.
  10. I remember when he broke through I think he was 16 and scored 16 goals in consecutive games.
  11. I don't understand why we have to play these qualification rounds when we were Europa finalists just two years ago.
  12. There have been many many poorer centre forwards than Max Murray.
  13. Frustrating no? Where is Sterling? Saying that I love Tav. What to do?
  14. Yeh but there's no natural competition for Tav; today it was... Lundstram! No sign of Devine.
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