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Everything posted by Cotter

  1. Rather have Berra or Barr:mad:
  2. Pete I don't see any evidence of the injury being wished on Big Lee. Harley, like many Rangers fans, including yourself I suspect, is merely happy that McCulloch definitely won't be playng on Sunday. This is just the sort of game where Walter would love to utilise his "stature" and "aerial prowess". He's pish. End of story. I'm glad he's injured for the sake of the team and because I know he's one of Walter's baffling favorites. I don't wish the guy any ill; I just want Rangers to win football matches. I think we stand a better cance of doing that without McCulloch. Get well soon Lee:notworthy:
  3. prepare to be annoyed.
  4. Christ the influence of the Masons really is on the wane. Shame.
  5. Hmm, well at least they've set a precedent with Mizuno. Feeling a little uneasy about this all the same.
  6. Let's hope it's not a sellick minded panel.
  7. I don't think I've ever read Lee being defended on here. We are an intelligent bunch after all.
  8. Cotter

    a fresh start ?

    Heh Heh. Aye I'll give Mo a call when he arrives and get him round to pummel the bird while I sit in my favourite armchair in a smoking jacket barking instructions. Fwap fwap fwap.
  9. Ha! The first quotes attributed to him were him saying "i just want to show Valencia my quality." At the time I thought at least he's being honest!
  10. Well if that's the case then I'm taking the huff. I want a full back. Meh.
  11. Just watched the game there. Thomson was MOM IMO. Boyd was a glaring weak link as ever and I don't really like the look of Velicka now I've seen him a few times. Maybe we should sign a couple of strikers;)
  12. A big excercise indeed. Yes I would love to know whether Murray has really just used us as a cash cow all these years and yes the finished document would be a powerful weapon to brandish at the man himself should it cast him in a poor light. However, given that he has once again stated his intention to leave when the right buyer comes along (one look along the M8 suggests waiting is wise) what would be the point? Apart from being able to boo him as he pulls away from Ibrox it seems like it might be a big waste of effort. If anyone is about to reply to this post by saying we could use it as the stick to beat SDM out the door with, could you please also state your preffered option as to who you would like to ride in on a white charger and deliver us into the light. The "Murray Out But I Don't Know What I Actually Want To Happen" posts are getting awfy boring. I'm not saying we don't need change, by god we do. What I am saying is that change is coming anyway, we just need to be patient and hopeful that the right buyer/s do come along.
  13. I'd love a read of that myself Frankie if you wouldn't mind?
  14. Is big DJ not still on Clyde? I think he's rather funny actually chaps.
  15. Cotter

    a fresh start ?

    Things are indeed looking up. What a pleasure it is to finally be able to say that and really believe it. Everyone that bothers with forums doubtless invests emotionally in the team, I know I do so helplessly, so a bright outlook on the season means a bright outlook on life. Relatively speaking of course. It's also good to know that with so many quality options in the middle of the park, old Walt will surely struggle to put out a poor team, try as he might.. Mendes looks terriffic, I don't think Ive been so excited about a signing since Arteta. We know what Davis will bring. A great engine and good technique. He may not be the RW we have been craving, but just because a team is 4 4 2 doesn't mean it needs two wingers. A good RM type player is fine. Edu by all accounts is a great piece of business. "Easily the best young player in the states" and "a defensive midfielder with a sprinter's pedigree" are a couple of quotes that spring to mind. We need some athleticism about us and a big strong black guy should fit the bill nicely. Just watch the olympics for five minutes if you don't believe me. A new CB to partner the impressive Bougherra and we'll almost be there. I think the full back situation will need to wait for now though. If we get someone decent in then the severe pain of losing The King will begin to fade away. Come November a certain Mr Ferguson may well have to actually fight to get his place back. I'll drink to that.:cheers:
  16. By the end of this transfer window, we'll have spent close on �£25m on players since Wattie came back. It's like bloody Christmas at the moment, albeit a little late, and some people need to realise that. I suspect we may have increased the debt with this latest splurge however. Surely we MUST get rid of at least 3 from Cousin (crying shame), Hemdani, Gow, McCulloch(we can but dream), Darcheville, Dailly, Burke and even Boyd.
  17. That'll be every game mate.
  18. You seem to be agreeing with me mate. I reckon Bresciano knocked us back precisely because he prefers staying in Italy or moving to the Premiership. Mendes and Bresciano are very similar so maybe Pedro was the "preffered option". We'll never know. I'm happy either way. The Midfield's Looking No Bad Now Loyal.
  19. I don't think we would go straight in for Davis instead just because Palermo won't pick up the phone after us placing a �£4m bid. Come on man, wakey wakey.:devil:
  20. Too right. It was the best song at the brox by a mile. I miss the days when the place used to rock to it. The illegal part is the ****** blood bit and unfortunately some morons aint gonna go along with a change.
  21. Bresciano has knocked us back I suspect.Don't fancy Davis for RM though. Still, things are indeed looking up. Centre Half now the priority.
  22. Skysports has us agreeing a fee of �£2.5m today.
  23. Welcome to Rangers Pedro. Great signing. Now for one more MF and a centre half. Oh and a RB too:fish:
  24. This could tun into a Boumsong situation. Gutting at the time, but a blessing in disguise. Whisper it....things are looking up.
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